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Egypt's parliament approves sending troops abroad to defend national security

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Egypt's parliament approves sending troops abroad to defend national security

Gamal Essam El-Din

20 Jul 2020

Parliament unanimously approved sending Armed Forces troops on combat missions outside the borders to the Western strategic direction to defend Egypt’s national security amid the expansion of the Turkey-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), which has moved fighters to capture the key coastal city of Sirte.

In an official statement following the meeting, parliament said it "unanimously approved to send elements of the Egyptian Armed Forces in combat missions outside the borders of the Egyptian state to defend the Egyptian national security in the western strategic direction against the acts of criminal militias and foreign terrorist elements until the forces' mission ends."

The MPs praised and supported the efforts exerted by the military to maintain the national Arab and regional fundamentals, the statement noted, adding "neither has the [Egyptian] people let the army down, nor the army ever let the people down.

"The Egyptian nation, throughout history, has advocated for peace, but it does not accept trespasses nor does it renounce its rights. Egypt is extremely able to defend itself, its interests, its brothers and neighbours from any peril or threat," the statment added.


"The Armed Forces and its leadership have the constitutional and legal licence to determine when and where to respond to these dangers and threats," the statement stressed.

The parliament reviewed the outcomes of Sunday's meeting of the country's National Defence Council (NDC) headed by president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

The NDC said in a statement following the meeting that Egypt seeks to stabilise the current field situation and not to cross declared lines — referring to the Libyan cities of Sirte and Al-Jafra — with the aim of bringing about peace between all Libyan parties.

The closed-door session was attended by Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Alaa Fouad and Major General Mamdouh Shaheen, assistant minister of defence.

At the beginning of the meeting, Parliament Speaker Ali Abdel-Aal said he would hold a closed-door plenary meeting to discuss an important subject and that MPs and the prime minister are the only ones allowed to attend the meeting. “Even parliament’s staff are not allowed to attend this meeting,” said Abdel-Aal, who ordered photographers, guards and staff to leave the meeting hall, and MPs to close their mobile phones. Abdel-Aal also asked MPs to be keen not to divulge the content of the meeting’s discussion.

The mandate comes a few days after El-Sisi met with Libyan tribal leaders in Cairo, where they called on the Egyptian Armed Forces “to intervene to protect the national security of Libya and Egypt.”


At the meeting, El-Sisi reiterated that Egypt “will not stand idle in the face of the crossing of the [Sirte-Jufra] frontline.

The central city of Sirte and the Jufra military airbase are currently controlled by the eastern-based forces of the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by military commander Khalifa Haftar, which have retreated eastward after a series of gains by the government in Tripoli last month.

President El-Sisi has said he would take military action in Libya after securing the approval of the Egyptian parliament.

Under Egypt’s constitution, the president, who is the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, shall not declare war or deploy troops outside the country without seeking the opinion of the National Defence Council and the approval of a two-thirds majority of MPs.


The eastern parliament called on Egypt last week to directly intervene in the country’s conflict to counter what it termed a Turkish “occupation.”

Egypt, the UAE and Russia are backing Haftar in eastern Libya, while Turkey and Qatar support the Tripoli-based GNA.

The GNA, with the support of Turkey, recently extended control across most of the territories held by the LNA in northwest Libya, repelling a 14-month offensive by Haftar’s forces to capture Tripoli, and forcing them to pull back east towards Sirte. It vowed to advance to capture Sirte and the inland Al-Jufra airbase.

Turkey began earlier this year to bring thousands of mercenaries from Syria into Libya to bolster the GNA government.


The latest tensions come one month after El-Sisi had warned that Cairo has a legitimate right to intervene in the neighbouring country, and stressed that the frontline of Sirte and Al-Jufra is “a red line” for Egyptian national security.

He said any Egyptian intervention in the neighbouring country would aim to preserve the national security of Egypt, Libya and the region, securing Egypt’s western border and restoring stability in Libya.


Egypt army is very strong, powerful, and brave, no wonder Jerusalem is under the foreign occupation. They only manged to conquer Cairo. what's next Sinai from brotherhood i guess ??
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Turkey and Egypt must united with Iran and then crush Zionist state.
When will this kids grow up?
Do not waste resources on useless wars.

Who is continuing the civil wars in Syria and Libya.?.

"Assad must stop these useless wars and let NATO take over the Middle East." - says Turkey

Same with Iran, "Iran is a dictatorship that oppresses their people, let Turkey and US bomb Iran until they stop resisting US military bases in Iran, for 'freedom'." - says NATO

Sisi used to be a dictator, now he is part of an Arab revolution against Turkey's involvement in Washington created civil wars.

Everybody used to hate Sisi, except for Washington, London, Hell Aviv. Now El Sisi is a national hero to stop Turkish aggression in Libya. And he can be a hero to the Syrians, by supporting Assad. Piss off Erdo.
Turkey in trying to remove Assad. Is part of the zionist project to create civil wars. Erdo is the problem.

Same with Turkey in Libya. They have an elected legislature. Call for new national elections and have them rule in Libya. Turkey is seeking another puppet regime.
This will be a huge test for Turkey to see if they’re actually going to attack them directly (via drones or whatever) as they claim.

This will be the first country to attack another conventional army in the MENA (no, SAA aka dysfunctional rag tag milita babysitted by Russia and Iran does not count) since 2003.
The Egyptian dealings with the Libyan crisis has been very wise... With Erdogan's madness and adventures, Egypt managed with diplomacy sometimes and by threatening at other times to stop the war in Libya, even temporarily. Until now, Egypt has not made any mistakes on the diplomatic and military level and is studying its steps well and with clear messages. Thoughtful and clear messages.. So hopefully the other side will learn and realize the truth of this adventure and that its end is not happy at all. As for the military clash, the Al-Wefaq attack will not only be repelled but rather Tripoli and Misrata might be hit until they realize that it is not a game..

sisi the fagot.arabs of today are a laughing stock
We all know that Arabs are causing you and your likes a lot of heartaches..
Those who can not show the courage to tell their real thoughts towards Turkey, still hiding behind absurd aphorisms that starting with 'Erdogan'. Turkey's policy towards Libya has nothing to do with Erdogan. On the contrary, the architects of this policy are the former and current Navy staff members, many of whom were imprisoned with FETO's caliper cases while France was prepared to Libya operation.

When Erdogan will los the election at tomorrow; Those who think it will create change in Turkey's policy towards Libya, is really in a pure idiocity.

Before France took the initiative and started the operation, Turkey had agreed to the same EEZ with Gaddafi. In addition, Turkish companies had contracts in excess of $ 15 billion at that time. Libya was the first country where most Turkish companies and Turkish workers live.

When France started to occupy, we were so unprepared that, we carried out the biggest evacuation operation of the last decades while French planes bombed Libya. During the war, thousands of Turkish workers were evacuated.

Because the French Total company wants Libyan oil, We will not forget neither these losses nor the putschist atrocities which lasted years. No matter which country want to be tongs, will not change Turkey's stance and attitude. Sorry.
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Egypt's parliament approves sending troops abroad to defend national security

Gamal Essam El-Din

20 Jul 2020

Parliament unanimously approved sending Armed Forces troops on combat missions outside the borders to the Western strategic direction to defend Egypt’s national security amid the expansion of the Turkey-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), which has moved fighters to capture the key coastal city of Sirte.

In an official statement following the meeting, parliament said it "unanimously approved to send elements of the Egyptian Armed Forces in combat missions outside the borders of the Egyptian state to defend the Egyptian national security in the western strategic direction against the acts of criminal militias and foreign terrorist elements until the forces' mission ends."

The MPs praised and supported the efforts exerted by the military to maintain the national Arab and regional fundamentals, the statement noted, adding "neither has the [Egyptian] people let the army down, nor the army ever let the people down.

"The Egyptian nation, throughout history, has advocated for peace, but it does not accept trespasses nor does it renounce its rights. Egypt is extremely able to defend itself, its interests, its brothers and neighbours from any peril or threat," the statment added.


"The Armed Forces and its leadership have the constitutional and legal licence to determine when and where to respond to these dangers and threats," the statement stressed.

The parliament reviewed the outcomes of Sunday's meeting of the country's National Defence Council (NDC) headed by president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

The NDC said in a statement following the meeting that Egypt seeks to stabilise the current field situation and not to cross declared lines — referring to the Libyan cities of Sirte and Al-Jafra — with the aim of bringing about peace between all Libyan parties.

The closed-door session was attended by Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Alaa Fouad and Major General Mamdouh Shaheen, assistant minister of defence.

At the beginning of the meeting, Parliament Speaker Ali Abdel-Aal said he would hold a closed-door plenary meeting to discuss an important subject and that MPs and the prime minister are the only ones allowed to attend the meeting. “Even parliament’s staff are not allowed to attend this meeting,” said Abdel-Aal, who ordered photographers, guards and staff to leave the meeting hall, and MPs to close their mobile phones. Abdel-Aal also asked MPs to be keen not to divulge the content of the meeting’s discussion.

The mandate comes a few days after El-Sisi met with Libyan tribal leaders in Cairo, where they called on the Egyptian Armed Forces “to intervene to protect the national security of Libya and Egypt.”


At the meeting, El-Sisi reiterated that Egypt “will not stand idle in the face of the crossing of the [Sirte-Jufra] frontline.

The central city of Sirte and the Jufra military airbase are currently controlled by the eastern-based forces of the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by military commander Khalifa Haftar, which have retreated eastward after a series of gains by the government in Tripoli last month.

President El-Sisi has said he would take military action in Libya after securing the approval of the Egyptian parliament.

Under Egypt’s constitution, the president, who is the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, shall not declare war or deploy troops outside the country without seeking the opinion of the National Defence Council and the approval of a two-thirds majority of MPs.


The eastern parliament called on Egypt last week to directly intervene in the country’s conflict to counter what it termed a Turkish “occupation.”

Egypt, the UAE and Russia are backing Haftar in eastern Libya, while Turkey and Qatar support the Tripoli-based GNA.

The GNA, with the support of Turkey, recently extended control across most of the territories held by the LNA in northwest Libya, repelling a 14-month offensive by Haftar’s forces to capture Tripoli, and forcing them to pull back east towards Sirte. It vowed to advance to capture Sirte and the inland Al-Jufra airbase.

Turkey began earlier this year to bring thousands of mercenaries from Syria into Libya to bolster the GNA government.


The latest tensions come one month after El-Sisi had warned that Cairo has a legitimate right to intervene in the neighbouring country, and stressed that the frontline of Sirte and Al-Jufra is “a red line” for Egyptian national security.

He said any Egyptian intervention in the neighbouring country would aim to preserve the national security of Egypt, Libya and the region, securing Egypt’s western border and restoring stability in Libya.


What a comedy! They must be on captagon ...Egypt couldn't get 10 miles behind the canal of Suez and wants to go on a 1000 km plus to clean Lybia from Terrorist she herself helped with arms against Kaddaffy....I am going to get my tea pot ready..this is going to be a lot of fun to re hear sawt el arab..describing minute by minute the the Egyptian army warring and blasting Turks ...Ergodan must be laughing his tukhas off..

Egypt army is very strong, powerful, and brave, no wonder Jerusalem is the foreign occupation. They only manged to conquer Cairo. what's next Sinai from brotherhood i guess ??
They sold it lock stock and Palestinian to Israel..Arabs convinced Arafat to let them manage Palestinian independance...
Egyptians who think their army can go 1000 km away from their border to sirte and cufra makes me laugh. If you think thats so easy do it. I am sure turkish army prepared good surprises for you. If I know something about my country is that Turkey will stop using your airforce against gna and it is enough ,no need to sent turkish troops to stop egyptian army. Only we will do war of attrition with gna against your army.
Best senario for us is Egypt will have such big loses that change Egypt regime. This egypt operation will give us to change sisi and egyptian people wont be surfer from dictatorship and be free. I hope MIT preapared something big for sisi inside egypt .
Everthing is going well for Turkey's plan and there wont be a war between Turkey and Egypt until they try to go trough trablus. As I said we dont need war we need to change sisi regime but if sisi wants to be go too far Turkish army directly hits and all out war starts.
its funny to think that EGyptians think they will make Turkey afraid with their empty words. kids also know that they are not able to do it. Turkish ships or f16 will protekt the air and drones will shoot anything on that 1000km road. it will be disaster. i hope Egypt keep its word and do what it promised.. one more thing, i wish sisi said inshallah, when they say it, they neer do it))
its funny to think that EGyptians think they will make Turkey afraid with their empty words. kids also know that they are not able to do it. Turkish ships or f16 will protekt the air and drones will shoot anything on that 1000km road. it will be disaster. i hope Egypt keep its word and do what it promised.. one more thing, i wish sisi said inshallah, when they say it, they neer do it))

Few of your air tankers will be easily shot down by Egypt around its border in a matter of hours and you will end up with no air force at all, since your F-16s cannt do anything in Lybia without air refueling :lol: On other hand all Lybian and Egyptian airspace is fully controlled by Egyptian air force, S-300 and Buks. Sinking your ships is not any problem for Egypt also.
Learn something about military matters.
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