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Egypt's new constitution legalises sex with dead wives

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this is extremely disgusting, scary and disrepective..as well as desecration of corpse and highly forbidden in Islam. My Egyptian friends say it is a hoax most likely perpetuated by Military to discredit the Ikhwan.

Zamzami Abdul Bari said that marriage remains valid even after death adding that a woman also too had the same right to engage in sex with her dead husband.

How the hell is that even possible..how will the dead man ding dong work..do they make viagra for dead men?? This Moroccan cleric happens to be more of a clown and blasphemer than a real scholar.
No not really.

HEre is a muslim source, which is 2 days old.

Egypt The womens are currently fighting for this.

It confirms what i quoted from the article you posted:

Egypt’s National Council for Women (NCW) has appealed to the Islamist-dominated parliament not to approve two controversial laws on the minimum age of marriage and allowing a husband to have sex with his dead wife within six hours of her death according to a report in an Egyptian newspaper.

So it hasn't been approved yet and it won't either.
this is extremely disgusting and disrepective..as well as desecration of corpse and highly forbidden in Islam. My Egyptian friends say it is a hoax most likely perpetuated by Military to discredit the Ikhwan.

Egypt's media is running a mock.
this is extremely disgusting and disrepective..as well as desecration of corpse and highly forbidden in Islam. My Egyptian friends say it is a hoax most likely perpetuated by Military to discredit the Ikhwan.

I see, not surprised at all that Western media would be quick to pick up this false news and use it to tarnish the image of Muslim countries, and neither am i surprised by the fact indian is the first one to post this funny and ridiculous story. :disagree:
I see, not surprised at all that Western media would be quick to pick up this false news and use it to tarnish the image of Muslim countries, and neither am i surprised by the fact indian is the first one to post this funny and ridiculous story. :disagree:

The western source was copied by a muslim source!


As I know it, it is going to get passed, we should help the Egypt womens by supporting them, to not make it a law.
Why does this kind of thread come from Indian's only?
Here is the Arabic source..


Egyptian Salafi clerics issue spate of controversial fatwas

Looks like Egypt is the troll land of fatwas which could put Pakistani Mullahs to shame...

In Egypt, religious edicts were in most cases mixed with politics. Sheikh Amr Sotouhi, head of the Islamic Preaching Committee at al-Azhar, issued in November a fatwa prohibiting fathers from marrying their daughters to members of the formerly ruling National Democratic Party owing to their “corruption.”

A similar fatwa was issued by the late Sheikh Emad Effat, shot this month during recent clashes between Egyptian protestors and the army. Effat’s fatwa prohibited Muslims from voting for members of the same disbanded party and cited the same reason: corruption.

Mohamed Abdel Hadi, deputy chairman of the Salafi al-Nour Party in the governorate of Dakahliya went as far as saying that the results of the parliamentary elections, in which the party scored an unexpected victory, were mentioned in the holy Quran.

The most outrageous fatwa in Egypt was one that came out last June and in which Egyptian preacher Mohamed al-Zoghbi said eating the meat of the jinn is permissible in Islam and left everyone wondering how anyone can get hold of them in the first place, let alone eat their meat.
The western source was copied by a muslim source!


As I know it, it is going to get passed, we should help the Egypt womens by supporting them, to not make it a law.

And how exactly do you "know it"??? Or to put it correctly, how are you so sure such a ridiculous law will pass??

we should help the Egypt womens by supporting them, to not make it a law.
Who is this "we"??
look at his flag and stop going off topic

Better yet, look at his user name and forum posts, most of which are always in favor of india, not to mention he is a confirmed indian, it's pretty obvious.
Here is the Arabic source..


Egyptian Salafi clerics issue spate of controversial fatwas

Looks like Egypt is the troll land of fatwas which could put Pakistani Mullahs to shame...

Was Egypt the same country from where that 'woman allowed to breastfeed coworkers' Fatwa came from?

Even that was rejected by most Islamic scholars from the Islamic World as well as the Egyptian people, so what makes these indians (who are jumping up and down in joy) think that this ridiculous law will pass if the ones before it didn't?
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