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Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

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Egyptian military flying choppers over the square with flags of Egypt tied at the back.
Reports that more than 20 millions people were in the streets yesterday protesting against Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. If anything the army is doing what is suppose to do. The Muslim Brotherhood have been a disaster and they use people's need for money and food to make them vote for them. Its time theylearn how to act like humans or just die and let the people try to build their country.

It's being reported as the largest demonstration in Egypt's history , even larger than the 2011 demonstration that ousted Mubarak.

Just get lost, go open a new thread and ramble there.
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Reports that more than 20 millions people were in the streets yesterday protesting against Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. If anything the army is doing what is suppose to do. The Muslim Brotherhood have been a disaster and they use people's need for money and food to make them vote for them. Its time theylearn how to act like humans or just die and let the people try to build their country.

There were some reports that there were also pro-Morsi supporters clashing with the anti-Morsi people, and 17 have died?
How many would you say is against in comparison to those who are in favour of government (ratio)?

Anyway I hope everyone stays safe.
Keep us updated. :)
It's being reported as the largest demonstration in Egypt's history , even larger than the 2011 demonstration that ousted Mubarak.

Just get lost, go open a new thread and ramble there.

Yes it was more, way more...... I wasn't just one city... i will post some of the pictures later tonight on this thread. The crowd was huge. Nobody expected that!!

There were some reports that there were also pro-Morsi supporters clashing with the anti-Morsi people, and 17 have died?
How many would you say is against in comparison to those who are in favour of government (ratio)?

Anyway I hope everyone stays safe.
Keep us updated. :)
Couple of thousands compared to millions!! The clashes were far from the protests and gatherings.
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Looks like a party on TV, finally found a channel with live coverage, Muslim brotherhood press conference in 10 minutes.
You are a 6 year old kid who dreams about Arab superiority while in the real life you guys suicide bomb each other. Everyone knows that Arab countries are barbar. Look at Libya and how they killed their leader HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Look Egypt in Tahrir square sexually assaulting women HHHHHHHHH, Arab motherf.uckers. You guys are so DISUNITED. Keep bombing yourself.

Oh btw, i forgot Iraq, where US invaded and raped Arab Iraqi women HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

This is horrible thing to say dude. Dont fall to this level.
Lets stay on-topic!
That guy is a true enemy of Iran. He should be treated as garbage by us. Infact, this guy should be skinned alive, his bones pulled out of his body and thrown infront dogs. He is lucky he is sitting on his brown *** typing in a safe place behind his screen.
What have YOU done to confront this Taazi motherf.ucker ?

calm down.
insults are not only useless but it gives not only a bad picture of you but our country.

let's back to the topic. this is an important moment for Egyptians. let's respect it and read about it here
This is important regional matter, and we dont need irrelevant garbage like this cluttering the thread.
Too bad a certain someone just had to initiate this sh*t with bringing in Iran. It always ends badly, and its not relevant. I hope a mod cleans this up.

In any case, dont answer each other. Or take it to PM if you cant contain yourselves.

Now stay on topic.
calm down.
insults are not only useless but it gives not only a bad picture of you but our country.

let's back to the topic. this is an important moment for Egyptians. let's respect it and read about it here
Out of respect for the Egyptians i will cease-fire my attacks against that Taazi subhuman.

Both Falon and Al-Hasani GET LOST NOW.

So posts updates....keep us informed
Egypt army gives Mursi 48 hours to share power

Egypt's armed forces handed Islamist President Mohamed Mursi a virtual ultimatum to share power on Monday, giving feuding politicians 48 hours to compromise or have the army impose its own roadmap for the country.

A dramatic military statement broadcast on state television declared the nation was in danger after millions of Egyptians took to the streets on Sunday to demand that Mursi quit and the headquarters of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood were ransacked.

Since the fall of Hosni Mubarak more than two years ago as the Arab Spring revolutions took hold, the Arab world's most populous nation has remained in turmoil, arousing concern amongst allies in the West and in Israel, with which Egypt has had a peace treaty since 1979.

Mursi's backers were furious at the military statement: "The age of military coups is over," said Yasser Hamza of the Brotherhood parliamentary wing.

But it provoked delight among liberal leaders and crowds in Cairo's Tahrir Square, who cheered when a flight of military helicopters swooped overhead trailing national flags. Silhouetted against the sunset, it was a powerful illustration of the military's desire to be seen in tune with the people.

"If the demands of the people are not realized within the defined period, it will be incumbent upon (the armed forces) ... to announce a road map for the future," chief-of-staff General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said in the statement that was followed by patriotic music.

The people had expressed their will with unprecedented clarity in the mass demonstrations and wasting more time would only increase the danger of division and strife, he said.

The army said it would oversee the implementation of the roadmap it sought "with the participation of all factions and national parties, including young people", but it would not get directly involved in politics or government.

Anti-Mursi demonstrators outside the presidential palace cheered the army statement, and the main opposition National Salvation Front, which has demanded a national unity government for months, applauded the military's move. The army is held in high regard, especially after it helped topple Mubarak.

On Cairo's Tahrir Square, thousands were celebrating the army's move: "We want a new armed forces council to govern until new elections," said accountant Mohamed Ibrahim, 50. "The army alone supports the legitimate revolutionary will of the people."

"The invitation to meet the demands of the people within the next few hours is a historic opportunity which should not be lost," said Amr Moussa, a liberal politician and former foreign minister who stood in last year's presidential election.

There was no immediate reaction from the president's office.

It was the second time in just over a week that the armed forces had issued a formal warning to the politicians, piling pressure on Mursi to concede power-sharing with the liberal, secular and left-wing opposition.

Analysts said the military intervention could serve Mursi if he wished to compromise, but it risked giving his opponents an incentive to harden their demands, sensing support from the street and the generals, at the risk of triggering a coup.

"The ultimatum has the ring of a potential coup," said Yasser al-Shimy of the International Crisis Group think-tank.

"What makes it not a coup is it gives time for the politicians to sort out their differences."

The second biggest Islamist group in parliament, the Nour Party, said it feared the return of army rule "in a big way".

The armed forces have played an important role in Egyptian politics since army officers staged the overthrow of the monarchy in 1952.


After the destruction of its offices, the Brotherhood which operated underground until the overthrow of Mubarak in 2011, said it was considering how best to defend itself.

Sunday's mass rallies were bigger than anything seen since the Arab Spring uprising. Smaller crowds returned to Tahrir Square and other gathering points on Monday afternoon.

Five non-Brotherhood government ministers tendered their resignations from the cabinet, apparently in sympathy with the protesters, underlining a sense of isolation for the party that won a series of elections last year.

"Both sides are still in their trenches," a senior European diplomat said just before the military statement.

Eight people died in a night of fighting around the Brotherhood building, where guards fired on youths hurling rocks and fire bombs. A Brotherhood official said two of its members were hurt. Another eight people were killed and 731 injured in clashes around the country on Sunday, the health ministry said.

The Brotherhood's official spokesman told Reuters that the attack had crossed a red line of violence and among possible responses might be to revive "self-defense committees" former during the 2011 uprising.

"The people will not sit silent," Gehad El-Haddad said.

Mursi's movement complained at the lack of police protection, which can only heighten its sense of being under siege from both the liberal opposition and state officialdom inherited from the old regime.


Liberal protest organizers, who declared Mursi ousted by people power on Sunday, said they hoped people would stay in the streets until Mursi left.

Mursi, who has not appeared in person, earlier renewed offers via allies of dialogue and pledged to work with a new parliament if disputes over election rules can be ironed out. But he has so far offered no substantial concessions.

The opposition does not trust the Islamist movement, which critics accuse of using a series of electoral victories to monopolize power. They want a total reset of the rules of a democracy imperfectly worked out over the past two years.

The massive protests showed that the Brotherhood has not only alienated liberals and secularists by seeking to entrench Islamic rule, notably in a new constitution, but has also angered millions of Egyptians with economic mismanagement.

Tourism and investment have dried up, inflation is rampant and fuel supplies are running short, with power cuts lengthening in the summer heat and motorists spending hours fuelling cars.

The cost of insuring government debt against default surged to record highs. Forward contracts indicated a significant fall for the pound against the dollar.

Some uniformed policemen marched among protesters in Cairo and Alexandria, chanting "the police and the people are one", and several senior officers addressed the Tahrir Square crowd.

Adding to the failure to protect the Brotherhood headquarters, that cast doubt on whether Mursi could rely on the security forces to clear the streets if he gave the order.

The United States and the European Union have urged Mursi to share power with the opposition, saying only a national consensus can help Egypt overcome a severe economic crisis and build democratic institutions.

U.S. President Barack Obama renewed a call for Mursi and his adversaries to cooperate, just as Sisi's statement was made.

The Pentagon, which funds the Egyptian army heavily, said it could not speculate on what was about to happen in Egypt.

Egypt army gives Mursi 48 hours to share power | Reuters
Anyone knows what Morsi's next steps will be ?
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