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Egyptian army starts flooding the boarder with Gaza

Hell NO

Nov 26, 2014
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The Egyptian military has begun flooding tunnels used by Palestinian militants and smugglers under the border with Gaza, reports say.

It is the latest move by Egypt to destroy the tunnels, part of an offensive against insurgents.

Excavators have been digging there for weeks to turn the area into what authorities say will be fish farms.

Egypt has destroyed thousands of homes and evicted families from the border, where it is creating a buffer zone.

Hundreds of tunnels were operating until Egypt began to eliminate them in recent years, but some remain functional and others have been rebuilt.
The tunnels, which emerge in the Sinai Peninsula, have played a vital role in the economy of Gaza, which has been under a blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt in 2007 as a measure against the territory's Islamist Hamas rulers.

Hamas has accused Egypt of collaborating with Israel to try to further isolate Gaza.

Scores of Egyptian soldiers and civilians have been killed in an insurgency which has intensified, especially in the Sinai, since the overthrow of Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in 2013.
Egypt 'starts flooding Gaza tunnels' - BBC News
Is this military achievement or something to be proud of...? It's embarrassing for your country because the regime in Egypt gives mixed signals. They state that this move is intended to make Gaza independent and build seaport/airport in it yet they won't host talks which were supposed to take place in September of 2014 regarding seaport. I think you are confused as a person and haven't made up your mind. Gazas economy is hindered by ban of imports by Israel. Some imports were able to be smuggled through Egypt but nowhere near enough to relieve Gaza of the economic crisis. So it will not have any more impact than there already is.

Therefore the reasons are unclear, security is cited as primary reason. Well from now if your own militants target you , the source of weapons is coming from Israel or from your nation or to the west or southof you. So you can no longer blame us, and I gurantee militant attacks will persist,because source of problem is not being targeted.

We can't classify this as the regime in Egypt wanting to disengage itself from Gaza. Since the regime is not implementing ceasefire, it should implement it to make Gaza independent of Egypt and also Israel. But Israel wants leverage on Gaza and refuses to allow it to function as a Palestinian territory. The regime in Egypt therefore is not disengaging itself but rather is in state of war with Palestinians since it also doesn't want them to be independent. Hence the regime in Egypt shares Israel's agenda which is embarrassing for Egyptian people. Because it also shows that the regime is more dedicated to assisting Israel rather than employing its people and solving debt/corruption cases. Which means Egypt is heading into another crisis because the people repeat the same mistakes. We Palestinians aren't going down at any cost, don't confuse for people who overthrow their elected government within a year to appease Israeli and western terrorists. We will never overthrow our last bastion of freedom. So don't worry yourself too much.

Help is arriving soon once the Mujahideen consildate theirselves in the region and more patience won't hurt , we've been patient for decades, another 5 years is cakewalk. The cruel regimes of the Arab world, Iran and Israel will all dissolve and the people will assume their fate. Even Jews/Muslims/Christians will jointly agree to this at one point.

Egypt is the only loser here, our borders have been flooded/besieged for years , this is nothing new.

This clown has the audacity to say this too ... :D :

Egypt's Sissi condemns 'violations' on Temple Mount | The Times of Israel
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The Egyptian military has begun flooding tunnels used by Palestinian militants and smugglers under the border with Gaza, reports say.

It is the latest move by Egypt to destroy the tunnels, part of an offensive against insurgents.

Excavators have been digging there for weeks to turn the area into what authorities say will be fish farms.

Egypt has destroyed thousands of homes and evicted families from the border, where it is creating a buffer zone.

Hundreds of tunnels were operating until Egypt began to eliminate them in recent years, but some remain functional and others have been rebuilt.
The tunnels, which emerge in the Sinai Peninsula, have played a vital role in the economy of Gaza, which has been under a blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt in 2007 as a measure against the territory's Islamist Hamas rulers.

Hamas has accused Egypt of collaborating with Israel to try to further isolate Gaza.

Scores of Egyptian soldiers and civilians have been killed in an insurgency which has intensified, especially in the Sinai, since the overthrow of Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in 2013.
Egypt 'starts flooding Gaza tunnels' - BBC News

Lost all my respect for Egypt. They've abandoned their brothers in Gaza.
Is this military achievement or something to be proud of...?
Yes totally cutting the only unchecked supply line of the terrorists which means their end is near.
It's embarrassing for your country because the regime in Egypt gives mixed signals. They state that this move is intended to make Gaza independent and build seaport/airport in it yet they won't host talks which were supposed to take place in September of 2014 regarding seaport.
You think the seaport and airport are the solutions to all your problems you are the one who is confused because shortly after that those ports are built hamas will idiotically fire one of those rockets which absolutely do no damage and do not let the media trick you when they start giving the image of those rockets as if they are destroying the lifes of the Israelis because they do that to give an excuse to the israeli military to kill thousands of gazans and destroy hundreds of homes after that you will end up with a destroyed port and another blockadd.
Hamas is the problem.
I think you are confused as a person and haven't made up your mind. Gazas economy is hindered by ban of imports by Israel. Some imports were able to be smuggled through Egypt but nowhere near enough to relieve Gaza of the economic crisis. So it will not have any more impact than there already is.
Good So you are admiting that the tunnels do absolutely nothing to help gaza .
Therefore the reasons are unclear, security is cited as primary reason. Well from now if your own militants target you , the source of weapons is coming from Israel or from your nation or to the west or southof you. So you can no longer blame us, and I gurantee militant attacks will persist,because source of problem is not being targeted.
take my word for it the tunnels are the only source of supplies and not just that they hide in them they are the source of all problems that is why the militants only exist in the area near gaza not in the rest of Sinai or egypt only the area near gaza.
We can't classify this as the regime in Egypt wanting to disengage itself from Gaza. Since the regime is not implementing ceasefire, it should implement it to make Gaza independent of Egypt and also Israel. But Israel wants leverage on Gaza and refuses to allow it to function as a Palestinian territory. The regime in Egypt therefore is not disengaging itself but rather is in state of war with Palestinians since it also doesn't want them to be independent. Hence the regime in Egypt shares Israel's agenda which is embarrassing for Egyptian people. Because it also shows that the regime is more dedicated to assisting Israel rather than employing its people and solving debt/corruption cases. Which means Egypt is heading into another crisis because the people repeat the same mistakes. We Palestinians aren't going down at any cost
You are talking about gaza as if it is some kind of an independent country wakeup there is no such a thing as the state of Gaza no matter how bad hamas wants it There is only one state which is the state of palestine
don't confuse for people who overthrow their elected government within a year to appease Israeli and western terrorists. We will never overthrow our last bastion of freedom. So don't worry yourself too much
no no no your the kind of people who win elections then kill the other faction who lost take over and not do any more elections + what kind of election was it was it an election to start your own little state .
Help is arriving soon once the Mujahideen consildate theirselves in the region and more patience won't hurt , we've been patient for decades, another 5 years is cakewalk. The cruel regimes of the Arab world, Iran and Israel will all dissolve and the people will assume their fate. Even Jews/Muslims/Christians will jointly agree to this at one point.
Well let's wait and see what the mujahideen are gonna do with their rpj s against nuclear weapons.
Lost all my respect for Egypt. They've abandoned their brothers in Gaza.
Would you lose your respect for pakistan if they destroy tunnels used to supply talibanes who killed hundreds of police and army.
Egypt is sending supplies to gaza through the legal means
The army organised the crossing of over 3600 truck to gaza over the last few days
There is folk saying in Algeria that goes like this..."All the neigborhood kids can beat me, but I can beat my sister".

It does apply to this sad situation, where a country who consider itself the craddle of the Arab culture resort to this kind of action to starve a population. This is the action of a vassal government with an army of thugs.

According to news reports, large pipes extending from the Mediterranean Sea flooded the Sinai-Gaza border area with sea water, enabling Egyptian officials to destroy the tunnels without having to know their exact locations.

Officials announced last month that the area would be flooded and would eventually be converted into 18 fish farms along the 14-kilometer border with Gaza, making the digging of new underground tunnels impossible.

An Egyptian tank is seen from the border of southern Gaza Strip with Egypt September 18, 2015. According to Palestinian witnesses, Egyptian forces pumped water from the Mediterranean Sea through pipes to destroy smuggling tunnels dug beneath the Gaza-Egypt border.

Since the 2007, the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip has been subject to a blockade imposed by Egypt and Israel

In the morality scale Egypt and Israel are both battling for the gold medal..
Why does Assad have the right to siege and seal off rebel held towns and villages to protect his territory borders while Egyptians cant do the same ? double standards I find in shia and MB sympathizers is beyond limits
Why does Assad have the right to siege and seal off rebel held towns and villages to protect his territory borders while Egyptians cant do the same ? double standards I find in shia and MB sympathizers is beyond limits
Add to it that unlike towns sieged by Assad NOT a SINGLE person starves in Gaza.

@Hell NO

I'm not going to waste my time with your pointless rhetoric. Your posts are usually better than that. But I will address the specific accusations. So yesterday we agree no longer can we blame Gaza for Sinai's unrest since the border is flooded and Egypt's Navy controls the sea.

Well look how reality slapped you in the face today:

Gunmen Kill Senior Police Officer in Egypt's Restive Sinai - ABC News

The sooner you acknowledge that this is your internal problem, the better. By the way, tonight there will be more attacks, every night there are. They aren't dwindling down, and hence your attempt to draw correlation to Gaza is baseless.

Why does Assad have the right to siege and seal off rebel held towns and villages to protect his territory borders while Egyptians cant do the same ? double standards I find in shia and MB sympathizers is beyond limits

Dude, stop making a fool out of yourself. There is no resemblance between MB and Assad, quite the opposite. There is resemblance between Assad/Sisi/UAE. Ever since UAE arrested 90 liberal activists under brush of 'foiling MB takeover plot', you've been paranoid about MB. UAE is stable because government is handing out loads of money to its citizens and exempting them from taxes, providing many services. You face a threat from ISIS sympathizers in your land, not from MB.

Now to the point, you are trying to lump pro-Assad supporters with MB sympathizers, this is simply embarrassing, you were probably drunk writing this. No MB sympathizers are pro-Assad or agree to his siege of Ghouta. On contrary, if it wasn't for Qatar and Turkey, the Syrian revolution would be repeat of 1982. Qatar an Turkey are only people to arm rebels, they organized the 'army of conquest' alliance between all rebel factions plus Nusra front. Had Turkey closed the border, Assad would easily run over the whole population without problem. Not only that, even the UAE-Jordan alliance in south of Syria is forced to support MB factions as they are only alternative to ISIS.

Simply put, in Arabic we have sayings, one of them is 'Inta maa Ilak Qeemah', you and your country have no qeemah in Syria, made absolutely no difference on the ground. On contrary, your country has supported Houthi's over MB in Yemen before and today they are neutral in Syria because presence of MB makes them lose their sleep. The second saying, which is important: 'Laa Taazawid 3ala Asyaadak', there is so much truth to this. Don't mess with your masters, your ing should go to Qatar and kiss the Qatari's King feet and thanking Turkey otherwise without the MB Iran would be more powerful and have took over UAE islands plus sent Houthis into KSA by now. And every single person acknowledges this, so stop embarrassing yourself and portraying false narratives, the people on this forum aren't your average low iq person, don't throw your 'tricks' out of your sleeve. They are for children.
Add to it that unlike towns sieged by Assad NOT a SINGLE person starves in Gaza.

Ofcourse situation in Gaza is much better than Syria no comparison , even haniya invited palestinians in syria to move into Gaza .

You do not see palestinians escaping through the sea like what is happening in Syria right now .
Egyptians are real scum bags, never thought haramis would stoop so low
Ofcourse situation in Gaza is much better than Syria no comparison , even haniya invited palestinians in syria to move into Gaza .

You do not see palestinians escaping through the sea like what is happening in Syria right now .

I don't know why you think I'm a child who will get offended by your low quality posts, I won't. And yes Syrians prefer Gaza over Egypt:

Syrian refugees flee to Palestinian Gaza: 'World's largest open air prison' unlikely sanctuary for Syria's dispossessed

"Palestine historically has its place in each Arab and Syrian heart, especially Gaza. We hold love and solidarity for her. Syrians [flock] everywhere [now], I have experienced death a thousand times in Aleppo. We have lost everything, and here in Gaza too, even fireworks would scare me now," he said.

Speaking of his life in Egypt, he said Syrians were poorly treated and he felt Palestinians in Gaza would understand what it means to be a refugee, given many Gazans were forced from their homes in 1948 and 1967 and are refugees themselves.

"Life in Egypt became impossible [and as] refugee is a word that also refers to Palestinians, I believed they were the only people that will understand our suffering and stand side by side with Syrians," he said.


Meanwhile I'm waiting for you to respond to my post, I think you have me on ignore though ...lol....
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During the crusades when sincere muslims were fighting to free Jerusalem there were arabs who turned on their brothers and sisters and sided with the crusaders for money and greed

During the time of the prophet even, there were hypocrites who refused to fight, when the time for muslims were at the hardest

The Egyptians today aswell as some of the other treacherous arab regimes remind me of those people
I don't know why you think I'm a child who will get offended by your low quality posts, I won't. And yes Syrians prefer Gaza over Egypt:

Syrian refugees flee to Palestinian Gaza: 'World's largest open air prison' unlikely sanctuary for Syria's dispossessed

"Palestine historically has its place in each Arab and Syrian heart, especially Gaza. We hold love and solidarity for her. Syrians [flock] everywhere [now], I have experienced death a thousand times in Aleppo. We have lost everything, and here in Gaza too, even fireworks would scare me now," he said.

Speaking of his life in Egypt, he said Syrians were poorly treated and he felt Palestinians in Gaza would understand what it means to be a refugee, given many Gazans were forced from their homes in 1948 and 1967 and are refugees themselves.

"Life in Egypt became impossible [and as] refugee is a word that also refers to Palestinians, I believed they were the only people that will understand our suffering and stand side by side with Syrians," he said.


Meanwhile I'm waiting for you to respond to my post, I think you have me on ignore though ...lol....

Answer what , your post is filled with aljazeera and mb propaganda , your two coin of the same shit .Both Shia and MB are the source of terrorism in this region and around the world . I would rather see you both slaughter each other so the world can be a better place .

When it comes to syria this is a good thing as long as both MB and shia thugs are slaughtering each other I am all for it .
Yemen is totally different story over there the threat comes from shia terrorist , after we get rid of them the MB will have their turn next .
During the crusades when sincere muslims were fighting to free Jerusalem there were arabs who turned on their brothers and sisters and sided with the crusaders for money and greed

During the time of the prophet even, there were hypocrites who refused to fight, when the time for muslims were at the hardest

The Egyptians today aswell as some of the other treacherous arab regimes remind me of those people

But keep in mind, back then that system worked well. Which is why the Europeans also made calls to war, 'Jihad' was essentially a call to war as well. This is when Muslims needed urgent recruits, hence we never declare Jihad unless recruits are needed. It really is like a draft, but people think we mean holy war by it. Now we don't, 'holy war' makes no sense. There is nothing 'holy' about war. There are the fighters on the ground who invoke religion because it spiritually assists them in times of great fear.

Today, we can't go all in at once. Things will happen more slowly, and many more tools available to our hands. So we let bigger nations such as Turkey and Qatar guide smaller non state actors to achieve objectives slowly. Keep in mind many people are still living secular lifestyle and absolutely won't be ready for confrontation. Secular values are good, I have many secular values in myself. Lifestlye wise, everybody is different, some people need much comfort and materialism in their lives, some can handle going from top up to bottom down. And we have to take that into account. The situation is slowly repairing itself and requires patience from us. We don't need to take jabs at Christians, Christians as a community aren't involved. Some countries with imperial interests in the region are involved, and you don't beat them by taking jabs at Christians. Most of these countries involved have irreligious populations and hence makes no sense to label them as christians.

I am in favor of confrontation with Israel, but not at this time. Eventually it will reach that point and Israel will be forced to agreeing to cease fire with us and make two states,if not then they will be run over. I am however not in favor with confrontation with Europe or anywhere else, once we secure the Middle East from tyrannical regimes, we turn it into productive place. We also create pact with Europe, trade a lot and do joint projects to improve our societes. Then hopefully world sees some peace in the region.

Answer what , your post is filled with aljazeera and mb propaganda , your two coin of the same shit .Both Shia and MB are the source of terrorism in this region and around the world . I would rather see you both slaughter each other so the world can be a better place .

When it comes to syria this is a good thing as long as both MB and shia thugs are slaughtering each other I am all for it .
Yemen is totally different story over there the threat comes from shia terrorist , after we get rid of them the MB will have their turn next .

:rofl: :D
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I'm not going to waste my time with your pointless rhetoric. Your posts are usually better than that. But I will address the specific accusations. So yesterday we agree no longer can we blame Gaza for Sinai's unrest since the border is flooded and Egypt's Navy controls the sea.

Well look how reality slapped you in the face today:

Gunmen Kill Senior Police Officer in Egypt's Restive Sinai - ABC News

The sooner you acknowledge that this is your internal problem, the better. By the way, tonight there will be more attacks, every night there are. They aren't dwindling down, and hence your attempt to draw correlation to Gaza is baseless.
I have never blamed gaza for the militants they exist for lots of reasons unfortunately one of those reasons are the tunnels.
how did I know the terrorists use the tunnels. Two reasons
1- as I said before they only operate near gaza.
2- something I have noticed their camouflage is identical to the ones used in Gaza and completely deferent from the ones used by isis in Lybia

is egypt


Flooding the soil wouldn't cause the terrorists to magically disappear It is gonna take time
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