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Egyptian Armed Forces

EGY, nice pictures dude!

Off-topic: There is a question which has been bothering me for some time, please understand that there is no intention to derail this wonderful thread.

Q. Could you or Mosmania tell me why the Egyptian Armed Forces general hasn't retired yet? Or is it like our supreme court justices, who never retire, and only die to vacate the position!
tantawi has retired there is a new defense minster i think he wanted to retire long ago but with the events in egypt he couldnt
.................About Subs ...

Anyway we are sure about 2 Sava + 6 Romeo class from China + the Russians Romeos ... besides ** KILO-636 submarine .

"upcoming export contracts for ten of the KILO-636 submarines . As a customer mentioned Vietnam and Egypt The total value of these contracts could exceed $ 3 billion"

"Egypt holds negotiations with Russia about possible procurement of 4 Project 636 Kilo diesel subs for about $1.2 bln"

Russia to strengthen its power at market of non-nuclear subs


"Вообще, география экспорта подводных лодок, построенных по проектам ЦКБ МТ "Рубин, обширна. В настоящее время разработанные здесь субмарины входят в состав Военно-Морских Сил 14 стран: Албания, Алжир, Болгария, Египет, Индия, Индонезия, Иран, Китай, КНДР, Куба, Ливия, Польша, Румыния. Сири

In general, the geography of export submarines built for the project CDB ME "Rubin wide. At the present time here submarine developed part of the Naval Forces of 14 countries: Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, China, North Korea , Cuba, Libya, Poland, Romania. Syria "


Egypt purchases new submarines from Germany

Cairo strengthening naval fleet with new submarines from Germany says Naval Commander Ahmed el-Gendy. New additions also include ships from US, Holland and Turkey .

Egypt purchases new submarines from Germany - Israel News, Ynetnews

Egypt needs to put BVR technology in all of its fighter planes or it can face very severe loss in case of any war
Egypt needs to put BVR technology in all of its fighter planes or it can face very severe loss in case of any war
i agree if we have more advanced jets to cover our ground forces no army in the world can defeat us
i wish we buy su 35 and in the future j 20
i agree if we have more advanced jets to cover our ground forces no army in the world can defeat us
i wish we buy su 35 and in the future j 20
In today's war Advanced Planes can do nothing without BVR technology Sir BVR is must for every advanced Plane can't understand what the hell Egyptian Air Force is up to ?

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