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Egyptian Armed Forces


Speculation indicates the possibility of Egypt's intervention in the manufacture of the South Korean fighter KF-21 during the coming years with the establishment of a manufacturing line for it in Egypt with a special version to meet the requirements of the Egyptian Air Force under the name KF-21EG

The fighter is from the 4++ generation and there are future versions of the fifth generation
Korea also offered to manufacture FA-50 advanced training and light combat aircraft in Egypt, with 100 aircraft.
SU-35 SE delivery is 2023

When in the video does he say that, bro? I didn't hear him mention that at all unless I missed it. He said a lot of what's been happening and why it's in the position it's in ATM, but I never heard him say the delivery will be in 2023. Point it out pls because that would be great news.

Speculation indicates the possibility of Egypt's intervention in the manufacture of the South Korean fighter KF-21 during the coming years with the establishment of a manufacturing line for it in Egypt with a special version to meet the requirements of the Egyptian Air Force under the name KF-21EG

The fighter is from the 4++ generation and there are future versions of the fifth generation
Korea also offered to manufacture FA-50 advanced training and light combat aircraft in Egypt, with 100 aircraft.

That all sounds great and everything, but a couple of points. 1) KF-21EG is a lousy designation. The KF should be completely dropped and it should be just EG-21 and that's it.

2) So a manufacturing line for that aircraft but in no way should it EVER be this first tranche with the half-tucked belly missiles. That's almost like a step backwards. It should DEFINITELY be the next tranche which is expected to have an actual weapons bay to complete the stealth aspect. Otherwise it's just another 4+++++++++ and the EAF is already very satisfied in that department. No need to sell a potential 5th gen short by taking this on. That would be the stupidest thing ever.

3) On top of that, do people realize the cost of having 2 production lines of that caliber? We're talking at least $7 - $10 billion and that's if all goes perfectly smooth and no cost overruns or delays or unexpected jams etc. Add that to the cost of the 30 Rafales and whatever else they're thinking of acquiring like the Typhoons and all the naval acquisitions such as the 6 MEKOs and 4 additional Bergamini FREMMs and all the other naval assets they've committed to we're looking at a potential $20 - $30+ billon. That is a lot of loot I worry a bit that it might be beyond Egypt's ability and maybe they should slow down a little. Either go with the stealthy bird or the trainer, but both, I think is nuts TBH.

BTW, if they want to start a complete, secure and super advanced and completely home-grown domestic AESA radar for all the fighters with GaN technology as well as A2A missiles in the 150km range with 100km NEZ and a variety of lethal cruise missiles as well as next generation armor, President Sisi if he's following this forum can just log in with his username and just let me know. All I need is 10 super qualified engineers, a certain negotiated budget, a custom & secure facility that includes secure testing sights and myself, at my age (19 going on to 20) can and will pull all that off in record time and put Egypt on the front of the map. All he has to do is say the word and there would never be any security issues or worries or any of that kinda crap and the leap forward will be unreal and set in record time. We can do it, he just had to say the word and we'll make it happen! :-)
When in the video does he say that, bro? I didn't hear him mention that at all unless I missed it. He said a lot of what's been happening and why it's in the position it's in ATM, but I never heard him say the delivery will be in 2023. Point it out pls because that would be great news.


Oh ok that part. That was more of him stating the terms of the original contract which was signed in 2018 for 24 aircraft to be delivered by Russian in 2023. That's really the only thing we have to hang our heads on. Although I must say that it's pretty obvious bro the friggin things have been ready for quite some time, and many of the earlier models were already being tested in 2020 and those should've been already delivered like the MiGs. For the first batch to start arriving in 2023 is 5 years? Doesn't seem right but that's my usual pessimism coming out again. I hope there's some solid truth to that original contract timeline.
Oh ok that part. That was more of him stating the terms of the original contract which was signed in 2018 for 24 aircraft to be delivered by Russian in 2023. That's really the only thing we have to hang our heads on. Although I must say that it's pretty obvious bro the friggin things have been ready for quite some time, and many of the earlier models were already being tested in 2020 and those should've been already delivered like the MiGs. For the first batch to start arriving in 2023 is 5 years? Doesn't seem right but that's my usual pessimism coming out again. I hope there's some solid truth to that original contract timeline.
It only means there are no real delays in delivery..just speculations here and there..
As for the 5 years question..there can be many reasons:
The main ones that come to mind are: since it is the first time EAF is getting an air supremacy fighter..the pilots and technicians need a very sound training to become "fluent" in handling the SU-35E Super Flanker and all its aspects.. for example, Just that thrust-vectoring needs quite some time to master.. add to that 2 radars .. a forward one and a rear-facing one (if we don't count those 2 more AESA radars in the wings edges..which makes it 4 radars) this is something else to master for one pilot (since we know it is a single seat fighter)..
The navigation system BINS-SP-2 strap-down inertial navigation system (the same as on the SU-57) can identify the aircraft’s location independently from satellite positioning and without communicating with ground-based systems,. this is also something new for the EAF pilots to be trained on thoroughly..we can easily add the training on the powerful EW Khibiny L175M system..
Other than that..there is the fact that the SU-57 Belka AESA radar will be used to design other AESA radars versions.. which is confirmed for the SU-35..

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It only means there are no real delays in delivery..just speculations here and there..
As for the 5 years question..there can be many reasons:
The main ones that come to mind are: since it is the first time EAF is getting an air supremacy fighter..the pilots and technicians need a very sound training to become "fluent" in handling the SU-35E Super Flanker and all its aspects.. for example, Just that thrust-vectoring needs quite some time to master.. add to that 2 radars .. a forward one and a rear-facing one (if we don't count those 2 more AESA radars in the wings edges..which makes it 4 radars) this is something else to master for one pilot (since we know it is a single seat fighter)..
The navigation system BINS-SP-2 strap-down inertial navigation system (the same as on the SU-57) can identify the aircraft’s location independently from satellite positioning and without communicating with ground-based systems,. this is also something new for the EAF pilots to be trained on thoroughly..we can easily add the training on the powerful EW Khibiny L175M system..
Other than that..there is the fact that the SU-57 Belka AESA radar will be used to design other AESA radars versions.. which is confirmed for the SU-35..

The problem is that sometimes the Russians exaggerate too much about the weapons and so that's why during wartime, the allied and friends to Russia get surprised by the effectiveness of those armaments.
lca vs fa50.jpg

Regarding the SU-35, there are many factors in the deal
Egypt did not cancel the deal and did not buy a replacement, but only requested the AESA radar, which is the N-036 radar, to be installed on the plane, and the Russians agreed to the amendment. 20 last planes When a ban on delivery of planes occurred when the planes were released, Samar requested some modifications to the planes when they were delivered

We come to the most important point, the large number of inks related to the fact that Egypt requests the transfer of AESA radar technology and buys from many countries. The radars come to one point. There are real or good plans to transfer the technology. The Turks transferred the technology from the Europeans and with medicine in the production of the entire series of their radar, while in Egypt there is a severe chaos that buys the radars from In the east, Russia and China, and in the west, France, Italy, and England, and they ask Korea and Japan, all of which are ground-based radars, to cooperate with South Korea in ground-based radars, not fighters’ radar.

We came to the point of the T-50/FA-50 plane. The plane is a training plane, not a fighter, and does not have the specifications of a fighter, but also the Koreans have many defects. They are always the big financial profit, the goal of the footballers, so any Korean product is very high in price. The plane was sold to Poland at a price of 60 million dollars and its potential does not live up to this. The price is not complete as a light fighter, whether it is equipment, specifications or ammunition, we are talking on the ground

Air launched glide pod with multiple kamikaze loitering drones as payload
under development for LCA

exactly the contrary
The LCA aircraft has true fighter specifications and the capabilities of the best in its class after the JAS-39E
The highest thrust against the weight of the best equipment, the best electronics, the best armament, the highest altitude, the highest climbing ability, the best in electronic warfare equipment. It is characterized by multiple munitions, the METEOR missile, the ASTRA MK2 missile, and the multi-purpose anti-radar missile RudraM2/3. It can be used as an anti-ship against surface ships and ground targets as well, and the BrahMos-NG missile for fighters. MiG-29, Rafale and LCA

We come to the most important points. India simply can provide the Uttam AESA radar for the Egyptian MiG-29 and Mirage 2000 fighters by transferring the Indian technology. It is easier to transfer technology from the Koreans. They are competing with the Chinese. India to provide Egypt with the basic technologies for the military industries is not the highest, but the easiest to implement, the least expensive, the most feasible, technically and economically. Unlike the South Koreans, they are very greedy, with exaggerated prices, and this printed the Koreans. We even saw 10 years to agree on the transfer of the K-9A cannon technology. The funny thing is that South Korea got a system Fire management from the Egyptian development of the T-122 cannon loaded on the M109 chassis, and Egypt sold it to Korea in the eighties easily, and on the basis of which South Korea built the K-9 cannon fire management systems, and the cannon was sold to Egypt at a very high price by transferring 67% technology and old versions and not the latest such as Britain and other countries that You will get a half server to and better equipment for firefighting vehicles and ammunition transfers
Why is America pushing South Korea to sell and assemble the T-50 plane?
First, the high price
Restricting the transfer of technology to the minimum level of assembly only, without benefiting Egypt only, except for the low cost of labor in assembly in Egypt
Full American control of the GE-404 engine, it provides the weakest engine in its class for the T-50 with a capacity of 17,700 pounds, while the Indian version of the engine has a thrust of 20,020 pounds
India is providing the RD-33/93 engine, and has already tested it on the LCA plane, and France is also producing a copy of the M88 engine with a thrust capacity of up to 24,000 pounds for the LCA plane. The Indian dollar will benefit later in supplying munitions to Egypt, and even if Egypt requests the manufacture of munitions, India will agree simply because it knows that the volume of deals with Egypt will be huge, and the transfer of technology to produce an air-to-air missile from India to Egypt will not be difficult, while the Korean plane depends on the banned AIM-9X & AIM-120 missiles On Egypt, if America can, through the T-50 plane, control the level of armaments for Egypt and control the level of technology transferred to Egypt, as well as raise the cost to Egypt

The LCA has completed the HAL Combat Air Teaming System (CATS) program.

India offers a wide range of products, as it offers the production of LCH, DHRUV MK4
This allows Egypt to produce better copies with conscious specifications, as well as with European cooperation, at low costs, and with extensive production and marketing in African countries.

Any revival of aircraft factories that have been deliberately stopped over the past years for the interests of some
There is simply no comparison between the LCA and the T-50 .
Some look at history when Indian defense projects were faltering, but now things have changed
Egypt has previous experiences in technology transfer and cooperation with India, which encourages intensive cooperation with India

Economic cooperation with India is balanced with Egypt and preferred because it provides exports and imports in a comprehensive manner that is closer to equality and not like other countries
Regarding the SU-35, there are many factors in the deal
Egypt did not cancel the deal and did not buy a replacement, but only requested the AESA radar, which is the N-036 radar, to be installed on the plane, and the Russians agreed to the amendment. 20 last planes When a ban on delivery of planes occurred when the planes were released, Samar requested some modifications to the planes when they were delivered

We come to the most important point, the large number of inks related to the fact that Egypt requests the transfer of AESA radar technology and buys from many countries. The radars come to one point. There are real or good plans to transfer the technology. The Turks transferred the technology from the Europeans and with medicine in the production of the entire series of their radar, while in Egypt there is a severe chaos that buys the radars from In the east, Russia and China, and in the west, France, Italy, and England, and they ask Korea and Japan, all of which are ground-based radars, to cooperate with South Korea in ground-based radars, not fighters’ radar.

We came to the point of the T-50/FA-50 plane. The plane is a training plane, not a fighter, and does not have the specifications of a fighter, but also the Koreans have many defects. They are always the big financial profit, the goal of the footballers, so any Korean product is very high in price. The plane was sold to Poland at a price of 60 million dollars and its potential does not live up to this. The price is not complete as a light fighter, whether it is equipment, specifications or ammunition, we are talking on the ground

exactly the contrary
The LCA aircraft has true fighter specifications and the capabilities of the best in its class after the JAS-39E
The highest thrust against the weight of the best equipment, the best electronics, the best armament, the highest altitude, the highest climbing ability, the best in electronic warfare equipment. It is characterized by multiple munitions, the METEOR missile, the ASTRA MK2 missile, and the multi-purpose anti-radar missile RudraM2/3. It can be used as an anti-ship against surface ships and ground targets as well, and the BrahMos-NG missile for fighters. MiG-29, Rafale and LCA

We come to the most important points. India simply can provide the Uttam AESA radar for the Egyptian MiG-29 and Mirage 2000 fighters by transferring the Indian technology. It is easier to transfer technology from the Koreans. They are competing with the Chinese. India to provide Egypt with the basic technologies for the military industries is not the highest, but the easiest to implement, the least expensive, the most feasible, technically and economically. Unlike the South Koreans, they are very greedy, with exaggerated prices, and this printed the Koreans. We even saw 10 years to agree on the transfer of the K-9A cannon technology. The funny thing is that South Korea got a system Fire management from the Egyptian development of the T-122 cannon loaded on the M109 chassis, and Egypt sold it to Korea in the eighties easily, and on the basis of which South Korea built the K-9 cannon fire management systems, and the cannon was sold to Egypt at a very high price by transferring 67% technology and old versions and not the latest such as Britain and other countries that You will get a half server to and better equipment for firefighting vehicles and ammunition transfers
Why is America pushing South Korea to sell and assemble the T-50 plane?
First, the high price
Restricting the transfer of technology to the minimum level of assembly only, without benefiting Egypt only, except for the low cost of labor in assembly in Egypt
Full American control of the GE-404 engine, it provides the weakest engine in its class for the T-50 with a capacity of 17,700 pounds, while the Indian version of the engine has a thrust of 20,020 pounds
India is providing the RD-33/93 engine, and has already tested it on the LCA plane, and France is also producing a copy of the M88 engine with a thrust capacity of up to 24,000 pounds for the LCA plane. The Indian dollar will benefit later in supplying munitions to Egypt, and even if Egypt requests the manufacture of munitions, India will agree simply because it knows that the volume of deals with Egypt will be huge, and the transfer of technology to produce an air-to-air missile from India to Egypt will not be difficult, while the Korean plane depends on the banned AIM-9X & AIM-120 missiles On Egypt, if America can, through the T-50 plane, control the level of armaments for Egypt and control the level of technology transferred to Egypt, as well as raise the cost to Egypt

The LCA has completed the HAL Combat Air Teaming System (CATS) program.

India offers a wide range of products, as it offers the production of LCH, DHRUV MK4
This allows Egypt to produce better copies with conscious specifications, as well as with European cooperation, at low costs, and with extensive production and marketing in African countries.

Any revival of aircraft factories that have been deliberately stopped over the past years for the interests of some
There is simply no comparison between the LCA and the T-50 .
Some look at history when Indian defense projects were faltering, but now things have changed
Egypt has previous experiences in technology transfer and cooperation with India, which encourages intensive cooperation with India

Economic cooperation with India is balanced with Egypt and preferred because it provides exports and imports in a comprehensive manner that is closer to equality and not like other countries
View attachment 873834
Regarding the SU-35, there are many factors in the deal
Egypt did not cancel the deal and did not buy a replacement, but only requested the AESA radar, which is the N-036 radar, to be installed on the plane, and the Russians agreed to the amendment. 20 last planes When a ban on delivery of planes occurred when the planes were released, Samar requested some modifications to the planes when they were delivered

We come to the most important point, the large number of inks related to the fact that Egypt requests the transfer of AESA radar technology and buys from many countries. The radars come to one point. There are real or good plans to transfer the technology. The Turks transferred the technology from the Europeans and with medicine in the production of the entire series of their radar, while in Egypt there is a severe chaos that buys the radars from In the east, Russia and China, and in the west, France, Italy, and England, and they ask Korea and Japan, all of which are ground-based radars, to cooperate with South Korea in ground-based radars, not fighters’ radar.
View attachment 873835
We came to the point of the T-50/FA-50 plane. The plane is a training plane, not a fighter, and does not have the specifications of a fighter, but also the Koreans have many defects. They are always the big financial profit, the goal of the footballers, so any Korean product is very high in price. The plane was sold to Poland at a price of 60 million dollars and its potential does not live up to this. The price is not complete as a light fighter, whether it is equipment, specifications or ammunition, we are talking on the ground
View attachment 873836
Air launched glide pod with multiple kamikaze loitering drones as payload
under development for LCA

exactly the contrary
The LCA aircraft has true fighter specifications and the capabilities of the best in its class after the JAS-39E
The highest thrust against the weight of the best equipment, the best electronics, the best armament, the highest altitude, the highest climbing ability, the best in electronic warfare equipment. It is characterized by multiple munitions, the METEOR missile, the ASTRA MK2 missile, and the multi-purpose anti-radar missile RudraM2/3. It can be used as an anti-ship against surface ships and ground targets as well, and the BrahMos-NG missile for fighters. MiG-29, Rafale and LCA

We come to the most important points. India simply can provide the Uttam AESA radar for the Egyptian MiG-29 and Mirage 2000 fighters by transferring the Indian technology. It is easier to transfer technology from the Koreans. They are competing with the Chinese. India to provide Egypt with the basic technologies for the military industries is not the highest, but the easiest to implement, the least expensive, the most feasible, technically and economically. Unlike the South Koreans, they are very greedy, with exaggerated prices, and this printed the Koreans. We even saw 10 years to agree on the transfer of the K-9A cannon technology. The funny thing is that South Korea got a system Fire management from the Egyptian development of the T-122 cannon loaded on the M109 chassis, and Egypt sold it to Korea in the eighties easily, and on the basis of which South Korea built the K-9 cannon fire management systems, and the cannon was sold to Egypt at a very high price by transferring 67% technology and old versions and not the latest such as Britain and other countries that You will get a half server to and better equipment for firefighting vehicles and ammunition transfers
Why is America pushing South Korea to sell and assemble the T-50 plane?
First, the high price
Restricting the transfer of technology to the minimum level of assembly only, without benefiting Egypt only, except for the low cost of labor in assembly in Egypt
Full American control of the GE-404 engine, it provides the weakest engine in its class for the T-50 with a capacity of 17,700 pounds, while the Indian version of the engine has a thrust of 20,020 pounds
India is providing the RD-33/93 engine, and has already tested it on the LCA plane, and France is also producing a copy of the M88 engine with a thrust capacity of up to 24,000 pounds for the LCA plane. The Indian dollar will benefit later in supplying munitions to Egypt, and even if Egypt requests the manufacture of munitions, India will agree simply because it knows that the volume of deals with Egypt will be huge, and the transfer of technology to produce an air-to-air missile from India to Egypt will not be difficult, while the Korean plane depends on the banned AIM-9X & AIM-120 missiles On Egypt, if America can, through the T-50 plane, control the level of armaments for Egypt and control the level of technology transferred to Egypt, as well as raise the cost to Egypt
View attachment 873837
The LCA has completed the HAL Combat Air Teaming System (CATS) program.

India offers a wide range of products, as it offers the production of LCH, DHRUV MK4
This allows Egypt to produce better copies with conscious specifications, as well as with European cooperation, at low costs, and with extensive production and marketing in African countries.

Any revival of aircraft factories that have been deliberately stopped over the past years for the interests of some
There is simply no comparison between the LCA and the T-50 .
Some look at history when Indian defense projects were faltering, but now things have changed
Egypt has previous experiences in technology transfer and cooperation with India, which encourages intensive cooperation with India

Economic cooperation with India is balanced with Egypt and preferred because it provides exports and imports in a comprehensive manner that is closer to equality and not like other countries
Regarding the SU-35, there are many factors in the deal
Egypt did not cancel the deal and did not buy a replacement, but only requested the AESA radar, which is the N-036 radar, to be installed on the plane, and the Russians agreed to the amendment. 20 last planes When a ban on delivery of planes occurred when the planes were released, Samar requested some modifications to the planes when they were delivered

We come to the most important point, the large number of inks related to the fact that Egypt requests the transfer of AESA radar technology and buys from many countries. The radars come to one point. There are real or good plans to transfer the technology. The Turks transferred the technology from the Europeans and with medicine in the production of the entire series of their radar, while in Egypt there is a severe chaos that buys the radars from In the east, Russia and China, and in the west, France, Italy, and England, and they ask Korea and Japan, all of which are ground-based radars, to cooperate with South Korea in ground-based radars, not fighters’ radar.

We came to the point of the T-50/FA-50 plane. The plane is a training plane, not a fighter, and does not have the specifications of a fighter, but also the Koreans have many defects. They are always the big financial profit, the goal of the footballers, so any Korean product is very high in price. The plane was sold to Poland at a price of 60 million dollars and its potential does not live up to this. The price is not complete as a light fighter, whether it is equipment, specifications or ammunition, we are talking on the ground

exactly the contrary
The LCA aircraft has true fighter specifications and the capabilities of the best in its class after the JAS-39E
The highest thrust against the weight of the best equipment, the best electronics, the best armament, the highest altitude, the highest climbing ability, the best in electronic warfare equipment. It is characterized by multiple munitions, the METEOR missile, the ASTRA MK2 missile, and the multi-purpose anti-radar missile RudraM2/3. It can be used as an anti-ship against surface ships and ground targets as well, and the BrahMos-NG missile for fighters. MiG-29, Rafale and LCA

We come to the most important points. India simply can provide the Uttam AESA radar for the Egyptian MiG-29 and Mirage 2000 fighters by transferring the Indian technology. It is easier to transfer technology from the Koreans. They are competing with the Chinese. India to provide Egypt with the basic technologies for the military industries is not the highest, but the easiest to implement, the least expensive, the most feasible, technically and economically. Unlike the South Koreans, they are very greedy, with exaggerated prices, and this printed the Koreans. We even saw 10 years to agree on the transfer of the K-9A cannon technology. The funny thing is that South Korea got a system Fire management from the Egyptian development of the T-122 cannon loaded on the M109 chassis, and Egypt sold it to Korea in the eighties easily, and on the basis of which South Korea built the K-9 cannon fire management systems, and the cannon was sold to Egypt at a very high price by transferring 67% technology and old versions and not the latest such as Britain and other countries that You will get a half server to and better equipment for firefighting vehicles and ammunition transfers
Why is America pushing South Korea to sell and assemble the T-50 plane?
First, the high price
Restricting the transfer of technology to the minimum level of assembly only, without benefiting Egypt only, except for the low cost of labor in assembly in Egypt
Full American control of the GE-404 engine, it provides the weakest engine in its class for the T-50 with a capacity of 17,700 pounds, while the Indian version of the engine has a thrust of 20,020 pounds
India is providing the RD-33/93 engine, and has already tested it on the LCA plane, and France is also producing a copy of the M88 engine with a thrust capacity of up to 24,000 pounds for the LCA plane. The Indian dollar will benefit later in supplying munitions to Egypt, and even if Egypt requests the manufacture of munitions, India will agree simply because it knows that the volume of deals with Egypt will be huge, and the transfer of technology to produce an air-to-air missile from India to Egypt will not be difficult, while the Korean plane depends on the banned AIM-9X & AIM-120 missiles On Egypt, if America can, through the T-50 plane, control the level of armaments for Egypt and control the level of technology transferred to Egypt, as well as raise the cost to Egypt

The LCA has completed the HAL Combat Air Teaming System (CATS) program.

India offers a wide range of products, as it offers the production of LCH, DHRUV MK4
This allows Egypt to produce better copies with conscious specifications, as well as with European cooperation, at low costs, and with extensive production and marketing in African countries.

Any revival of aircraft factories that have been deliberately stopped over the past years for the interests of some
There is simply no comparison between the LCA and the T-50 .
Some look at history when Indian defense projects were faltering, but now things have changed
Egypt has previous experiences in technology transfer and cooperation with India, which encourages intensive cooperation with India
View attachment 873839
Economic cooperation with India is balanced with Egypt and preferred because it provides exports and imports in a comprehensive manner that is closer to equality and not like other countries
I would be grateful if sami tells us what does he work, his nationality and his sources.
View attachment 873834
Regarding the SU-35, there are many factors in the deal
Egypt did not cancel the deal and did not buy a replacement, but only requested the AESA radar, which is the N-036 radar, to be installed on the plane, and the Russians agreed to the amendment. 20 last planes When a ban on delivery of planes occurred when the planes were released, Samar requested some modifications to the planes when they were delivered

We come to the most important point, the large number of inks related to the fact that Egypt requests the transfer of AESA radar technology and buys from many countries. The radars come to one point. There are real or good plans to transfer the technology. The Turks transferred the technology from the Europeans and with medicine in the production of the entire series of their radar, while in Egypt there is a severe chaos that buys the radars from In the east, Russia and China, and in the west, France, Italy, and England, and they ask Korea and Japan, all of which are ground-based radars, to cooperate with South Korea in ground-based radars, not fighters’ radar.
View attachment 873835
We came to the point of the T-50/FA-50 plane. The plane is a training plane, not a fighter, and does not have the specifications of a fighter, but also the Koreans have many defects. They are always the big financial profit, the goal of the footballers, so any Korean product is very high in price. The plane was sold to Poland at a price of 60 million dollars and its potential does not live up to this. The price is not complete as a light fighter, whether it is equipment, specifications or ammunition, we are talking on the ground
View attachment 873836
Air launched glide pod with multiple kamikaze loitering drones as payload
under development for LCA

exactly the contrary
The LCA aircraft has true fighter specifications and the capabilities of the best in its class after the JAS-39E
The highest thrust against the weight of the best equipment, the best electronics, the best armament, the highest altitude, the highest climbing ability, the best in electronic warfare equipment. It is characterized by multiple munitions, the METEOR missile, the ASTRA MK2 missile, and the multi-purpose anti-radar missile RudraM2/3. It can be used as an anti-ship against surface ships and ground targets as well, and the BrahMos-NG missile for fighters. MiG-29, Rafale and LCA

We come to the most important points. India simply can provide the Uttam AESA radar for the Egyptian MiG-29 and Mirage 2000 fighters by transferring the Indian technology. It is easier to transfer technology from the Koreans. They are competing with the Chinese. India to provide Egypt with the basic technologies for the military industries is not the highest, but the easiest to implement, the least expensive, the most feasible, technically and economically. Unlike the South Koreans, they are very greedy, with exaggerated prices, and this printed the Koreans. We even saw 10 years to agree on the transfer of the K-9A cannon technology. The funny thing is that South Korea got a system Fire management from the Egyptian development of the T-122 cannon loaded on the M109 chassis, and Egypt sold it to Korea in the eighties easily, and on the basis of which South Korea built the K-9 cannon fire management systems, and the cannon was sold to Egypt at a very high price by transferring 67% technology and old versions and not the latest such as Britain and other countries that You will get a half server to and better equipment for firefighting vehicles and ammunition transfers
Why is America pushing South Korea to sell and assemble the T-50 plane?
First, the high price
Restricting the transfer of technology to the minimum level of assembly only, without benefiting Egypt only, except for the low cost of labor in assembly in Egypt
Full American control of the GE-404 engine, it provides the weakest engine in its class for the T-50 with a capacity of 17,700 pounds, while the Indian version of the engine has a thrust of 20,020 pounds
India is providing the RD-33/93 engine, and has already tested it on the LCA plane, and France is also producing a copy of the M88 engine with a thrust capacity of up to 24,000 pounds for the LCA plane. The Indian dollar will benefit later in supplying munitions to Egypt, and even if Egypt requests the manufacture of munitions, India will agree simply because it knows that the volume of deals with Egypt will be huge, and the transfer of technology to produce an air-to-air missile from India to Egypt will not be difficult, while the Korean plane depends on the banned AIM-9X & AIM-120 missiles On Egypt, if America can, through the T-50 plane, control the level of armaments for Egypt and control the level of technology transferred to Egypt, as well as raise the cost to Egypt
View attachment 873837
The LCA has completed the HAL Combat Air Teaming System (CATS) program.

India offers a wide range of products, as it offers the production of LCH, DHRUV MK4
This allows Egypt to produce better copies with conscious specifications, as well as with European cooperation, at low costs, and with extensive production and marketing in African countries.

Any revival of aircraft factories that have been deliberately stopped over the past years for the interests of some
There is simply no comparison between the LCA and the T-50 .
Some look at history when Indian defense projects were faltering, but now things have changed
Egypt has previous experiences in technology transfer and cooperation with India, which encourages intensive cooperation with India

Economic cooperation with India is balanced with Egypt and preferred because it provides exports and imports in a comprehensive manner that is closer to equality and not like other countries
Regarding the SU-35, there are many factors in the deal
Egypt did not cancel the deal and did not buy a replacement, but only requested the AESA radar, which is the N-036 radar, to be installed on the plane, and the Russians agreed to the amendment. 20 last planes When a ban on delivery of planes occurred when the planes were released, Samar requested some modifications to the planes when they were delivered

We come to the most important point, the large number of inks related to the fact that Egypt requests the transfer of AESA radar technology and buys from many countries. The radars come to one point. There are real or good plans to transfer the technology. The Turks transferred the technology from the Europeans and with medicine in the production of the entire series of their radar, while in Egypt there is a severe chaos that buys the radars from In the east, Russia and China, and in the west, France, Italy, and England, and they ask Korea and Japan, all of which are ground-based radars, to cooperate with South Korea in ground-based radars, not fighters’ radar.

We came to the point of the T-50/FA-50 plane. The plane is a training plane, not a fighter, and does not have the specifications of a fighter, but also the Koreans have many defects. They are always the big financial profit, the goal of the footballers, so any Korean product is very high in price. The plane was sold to Poland at a price of 60 million dollars and its potential does not live up to this. The price is not complete as a light fighter, whether it is equipment, specifications or ammunition, we are talking on the ground

exactly the contrary
The LCA aircraft has true fighter specifications and the capabilities of the best in its class after the JAS-39E
The highest thrust against the weight of the best equipment, the best electronics, the best armament, the highest altitude, the highest climbing ability, the best in electronic warfare equipment. It is characterized by multiple munitions, the METEOR missile, the ASTRA MK2 missile, and the multi-purpose anti-radar missile RudraM2/3. It can be used as an anti-ship against surface ships and ground targets as well, and the BrahMos-NG missile for fighters. MiG-29, Rafale and LCA

We come to the most important points. India simply can provide the Uttam AESA radar for the Egyptian MiG-29 and Mirage 2000 fighters by transferring the Indian technology. It is easier to transfer technology from the Koreans. They are competing with the Chinese. India to provide Egypt with the basic technologies for the military industries is not the highest, but the easiest to implement, the least expensive, the most feasible, technically and economically. Unlike the South Koreans, they are very greedy, with exaggerated prices, and this printed the Koreans. We even saw 10 years to agree on the transfer of the K-9A cannon technology. The funny thing is that South Korea got a system Fire management from the Egyptian development of the T-122 cannon loaded on the M109 chassis, and Egypt sold it to Korea in the eighties easily, and on the basis of which South Korea built the K-9 cannon fire management systems, and the cannon was sold to Egypt at a very high price by transferring 67% technology and old versions and not the latest such as Britain and other countries that You will get a half server to and better equipment for firefighting vehicles and ammunition transfers
Why is America pushing South Korea to sell and assemble the T-50 plane?
First, the high price
Restricting the transfer of technology to the minimum level of assembly only, without benefiting Egypt only, except for the low cost of labor in assembly in Egypt
Full American control of the GE-404 engine, it provides the weakest engine in its class for the T-50 with a capacity of 17,700 pounds, while the Indian version of the engine has a thrust of 20,020 pounds
India is providing the RD-33/93 engine, and has already tested it on the LCA plane, and France is also producing a copy of the M88 engine with a thrust capacity of up to 24,000 pounds for the LCA plane. The Indian dollar will benefit later in supplying munitions to Egypt, and even if Egypt requests the manufacture of munitions, India will agree simply because it knows that the volume of deals with Egypt will be huge, and the transfer of technology to produce an air-to-air missile from India to Egypt will not be difficult, while the Korean plane depends on the banned AIM-9X & AIM-120 missiles On Egypt, if America can, through the T-50 plane, control the level of armaments for Egypt and control the level of technology transferred to Egypt, as well as raise the cost to Egypt

The LCA has completed the HAL Combat Air Teaming System (CATS) program.

India offers a wide range of products, as it offers the production of LCH, DHRUV MK4
This allows Egypt to produce better copies with conscious specifications, as well as with European cooperation, at low costs, and with extensive production and marketing in African countries.

Any revival of aircraft factories that have been deliberately stopped over the past years for the interests of some
There is simply no comparison between the LCA and the T-50 .
Some look at history when Indian defense projects were faltering, but now things have changed
Egypt has previous experiences in technology transfer and cooperation with India, which encourages intensive cooperation with India
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Economic cooperation with India is balanced with Egypt and preferred because it provides exports and imports in a comprehensive manner that is closer to equality and not like other countries

Egypt which has an access to world top of the line weapon systems it feels really great when an Egyptian says as above.... Hope India Egypt defence relationship strengthen further....
Egypt which has an access to world top of the line weapon systems it feels really great when an Egyptian says as above.... Hope India Egypt defence relationship strengthen further....
You believe that Egypt can purchase Astra missile with or without ToT or Israel will lobby?
You believe that Egypt can purchase Astra missile with or without ToT or Israel will lobby?
This is the real issue..... Considering India and Israel friendship and not to mention India too depends on Israel for some critical defense requirements it will be interesting to see how Israel reacts if such deal happens between India and Egypt....
But at the same time I guess people sitting in MOD of India must have considered all such possible obstacles before making an offer..... Not to mention India is quite a MASTER when it comes to BALANCING.....

The armament process depends on many factors. It is dangerous to rely on countries affiliated with the United States, which have had a consistent policy to weaken the armament programs and plans in Egypt and the military industry continuously for many years.

Through things that appear to be military cooperation programs, why does America give licenses to produce American weapons to Egypt?
First, to prevent its export operations in quantities that lead to the injection of money into research, development and expansion in the production of weapons
We have examples of these things. Egypt has been assembling TJL/JEEP-8 jeeps since 1978. This led to meeting the Egyptian army’s needs of these vehicles, but without developing production or ever reaching the full capacity of the factory’s production, so the factory’s production capacity at its beginning reached 12,000 vehicles annually. The average production is 2000-3000 vehicles annually, and after raising the production capacity to 51,000 vehicles annually, the production capacities did not exceed 5,000 vehicles annually. It was supposed to cover the needs of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, but various policies led to the failure to export in significant quantities. It boasted of exporting 1600 vehicles in one year. These are meager numbers and indicate that there is a danger to national security with the current policy

The story of America allowing the supply of 1,000 Hummer chassis to Egypt to meet the Egyptian army’s need of these chassis, in addition to 1,000 Sherpa chassis. We find that there are restrictions on export and the expansion of export, consequently not reaching the economic feasibility of production or switching to the stages of a real high rate of manufacture or expansion in export markets and the same matter America gave Navistar Defense a license to export a number of vehicle chassis to provide some transport vehicles and MRAP chassis for the Egyptian army only. From Egypt to other countries outside America’s control, the production process will be unrestricted in limited quantities or unrestricted by banning exports, which leads to a launch in the Egyptian military industrialization, and this is unacceptable, so we limit some naive people boast about exporting 50 Fahd armored vehicles within 3 years and at this time Turkey exported 5000 A different armored vehicle, which shows the extent of stagnation that we have reached as a result of cooperation programs with the United States. Some may be ignorant that Egypt was planning to export M1A1 tanks to leave Yay, in the nineties, in exchange for Egypt's acquisition of F-16 planes, they were collected locally, which was an American refusal. Therefore, we find that America encouraged the production of ST-100/500 vehicles with American chassis to ensure that they would not compete with the JLTV vehicles, which is currently explained by the meager production and the failure to export the ST-100/500 vehicles in the 200 military factory that America proposed to operate the factory so that Egypt would not go to manufacture any other tank or Factory run
Which shows that any cooperation programs with America seem to benefit Egypt, and in fact, it is a complete loss and leads to the failure of the Egyptian industrial development. Private sector factories and the inability of the military to compete, develop or deal well with civilians

We return to the most important point. What do you aim to do with Egypt?
Reducing and weakening the armament of the Egyptian army to the maximum extent, in order to protect Israel and Egypt’s inability to influence the Middle East region or even effectively protect Egyptian national security
To make it simply clear, America rejects the use of American weapons in the Libyan theater of operations and against the existential threat of Egypt in Ethiopia.

The American offers for the F-15/16/35 are not serious offers, but rather target clutter and waste time in failed negotiations in the end.

European weapons are more expensive than American because of the low volume of production and also full control of the numbers and sizes of munitions, for example, Egypt needs 1,000 air-to-ground cruise missiles as a minimum to meet the levels of threats in the Middle East and to deter Turkish, Israeli and Iranian threats. Egyptian armament also aims to protect interests Egyptian in the Gulf

Purchases from the West reduced Egypt's stocks of highly effective air-to-air missiles, along with astronomical prices
The MICA-NG missile has a price of at least 2 million dollars, and the price of the order is between 2-2.5 million dollars for the AIM-120D version.
Same thing with the meteor missile

An air force like the Egyptian requires 6 BVR missiles for each fighter. Any air force like the Egyptian has 400 articles, which means 2400 missiles.

What Egypt got from MICA missiles is 150 missiles, and the maximum number of Meteor missile deals will be 200-240 missiles

Egypt got 300 R-77 missiles and maybe 240 missiles for the SU-35 deal
It is also expected that Egypt will receive 120 R-37M missiles for fighters
The same thing, Egypt needs a large number of BVR missiles. The Turkish threat levels are next to 235 F-16 fighters, as well as 70 light HURJET aircraft, or 300 fighters, in addition to 300 UCAV aircraft, which equals 600 enemy aircraft.

The same is true of Iran, which uses drones more widely because it is unable to buy or produce fighters, so it currently has 300 UCAV aircraft, which is expected to rise within 5 years to 600 aircraft, along with 200 fighters.
Israeli mobile weapons 400 fighters and 200 UCAV planes

You simply need more than 2000 WVR missiles, which necessitates local manufacturing, which can support production programs only two countries, India and China, economically and without restrictions


Which explains the American policy in not allowing Egypt even to obtain a WVR missile, thus heading to a state affiliated with America. It represents falling into the American trap through a front such as South Korea, which America ordered in one moment to announce that it is hostile to Russia, which did not hesitate for a moment.

America prefers Egypt to buy weapons from South Korea, because the Korean product has increased speed and is under American control at any moment. Simply, if Egypt wants to buy the FA-50 plane, it will be worth 60 million dollars, and the K-2M tank will be at a price of 13.5 million dollars. Therefore, Egypt will not be able to buy in suitable numbers and also We also explained the limitations of munitions and their astronomical cost, so South Korea is the best that America offers to Egypt, as well as ensuring the American control over the levels and size of the Egyptian armament.

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