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Egyptian Armed Forces

idk why are u so keen on that to happen if they pressured germany which owe israel alot due to ww2 and italy into getting what we want why should the armed forces accept show weapons? we are not iran

I think you misunderstood my post because nowhere in it did I insinuate anything remotely close to being keen on the F-15 being accepted by the EAF without AMRAAMs and/or be forced to add the orange identifying marks on them LOL! if anything, I detest the purpose of those markings and was always bothered by the fact that they never made a strong effort to fix whatever the situation was to get the BVR missiles.

So it's basically the opposite of what you're trying to insinuate which I'm not sure why you would think such a thing in the first place. I don't think you read enough of the posts to understand them completely, otherwise you wouldn't say such a thing.

It was a hypothetical that I hope the EAF would never, ever accept to abide by those conditions again. It's bad enough they accepted roughly 100 or so F-16s without the AIM-120 and allowed the US to dictate which aircraft were to receive the orange markings and it wasn't only the US-built/supplied ones in the F-16. They insisted on the EAF adding them to the F-4 Phantoms of course. The Alpha Jets, all 70+ Mirage 5s, all 70+ F-7 Airguards and all 60+ MiG-21s might have been done by the EAF and not necessarily by US pressure. At the early stages the EAF/US relationship, they were still flying the F-6/MiG-19 and they added the orange markings to a few of them as well IIRC.

The reason for adding them for identification purposes was mainly because of exercises Bright Star. Since the US had signed the contract to pay and run those bi-annual exercises and in the beginning of that US/Egyptian air force relationship as well as the EAF flying all these new American aircraft was a huge leap from the MiG-21s and 17s, Mirage 5s that they were used to flying, not to mention the Soviet era training they had was all about to change.

Now they needed to switch to modern aircraft and the western style of flying etc. Coms between different formation and lingo for types of maneuvers and protocols were totally different and that caused major problems. They had numerous air collisions and close misses on the ground and in the air etc. So the US wanted to start from scratch and because the F-16s on both sides were similar-looking and at the time, they didn't have an IFF system that worked between EAF jets and foreign ones such as the USAF & navy, they needed to create a basic, visual IFF and they started with those orange markings, despite being only as good as the eye can see, distance-wise. The EAF then took it upon themselves to add them to the other aircraft in the most abundant ones such as the Alpha Jets, the MiG-21s and eventually the F-7s.

That is why I brought up the F-15 and IF they do get them and not the Su-35s, then I hope they don't end up putting those stupid markings on them. Why do you think they ended up adding those gaudy "Tahya Misr" on all the Rafales and then F-16s as well?

Glad they didn't put any of that crap on the new MiG-29M/M2s. Most have grown used to those Tahya Misr labels, but it's about as tacky and gaudy as it comes! A7A!!!
I think the red marking are also Egypt’s version of invasion strips, basically for visual recognition by the land forces and short range defence.

Speaking of land forces, are our conscripts supplied with infantry bags?
I’d be mad if they aren’t.
It was integrated wirelessly iirc. Thunder series can also be integrated the same.

Btw, Serbians are developing some interesting missiles including a man portable fire and forget missile that Egypt could probably get the license for.

The problem of the serbian military industry is that they have ideas and projects but they can put them in effect because funds, US intervention in their politics etc...

ALAS missile which is something like the Spike missile was an ambitious project with a cooperation with UAE but a Serbian guy told me that they didn't continue the project.
The problem of the serbian military industry is that they have ideas and projects but they can put them in effect because funds, US intervention in their politics etc...

ALAS missile which is something like the Spike missile was an ambitious project with a cooperation with UAE but a Serbian guy told me that they didn't continue the project.
Halcon is cooperating with Serbia and giving them funds in exchange for ToT and as a joint partner in the future. Some former Edepro engineers work at Halcon and Halcon has written joint research papers with Serbians related to R&D. They also have a regional office in Belgrade.

Egypt could fund them to develop certain things and gain expertise by sending personnel for internships and receive know how on programs.

They have a lot that Egypt can gain through cooperation if Egypt is willing to put money in programs.
Halcon is cooperating with Serbia and giving them funds in exchange for ToT and as a joint partner in the future. Some former Edepro engineers work at Halcon and they have written joint research papers with Serbians related to R&D. They also have a regional office in Belgrade.

Egypt could fund them to develop certain things and gain expertise by sending personnel for internships and receive know how on programs.

They have a lot that Egypt can gain through cooperation if Egypt is willing to put money in programs.
True, I wish to have more projects with Serbia because they have a lot of ambitious projects (ATGM, Guided Missiles etc...). Plus Egypt signed a military cooperation last july with Serbia. Our MoD Mohamed Zaki and the Serbian MoD Nebojša Stefanović signed this military cooperation. Plus last December, the Serbian Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic visited discuss about military cooperation tourism etc..

The problem is that Egypt isn't that rich to fund a lot of projects unlike UAE.
The problem is that Egypt isn't that rich to fund a lot of projects unlike UAE.
Egypt funded many programs before including Condor, and the early Egyptian BM program.

Egypt has enough money if it was going to the right place. The problem is there isn’t enough foresight relating to weapons procurement and the benefits of a weapons industry.
Egypt funded many programs before including Condor, and the early Egyptian BM program.
I think it was Iraq of Sadam who funded the project and Egypt and Argentina brought the researchers and engineers. Plus Egypt was the country who brought the special carbon material to make the BM stealthier through an Egyptian agent (Abdelkader Helmy) that army hire him to spy on American research centers
did egypt order 2 extra berghaminis from the improved version with 32 VLS?
did egypt order 2 extra berghaminis from the improved version with 32 VLS?

I doubt it. The Galala I think already had 16 when it was active in the Italian Navy, but if they sent the Bernice also with 16 VLS, then the other two will probably also have 16 cells. Unless there is credible information out there that says otherwise.
Great breakdown on the anatomy of an M1A2 Abrams. Pretty much the same thing as the M1A1 with minor changes that are mostly in the armor and some of the electronics if I'm not mistaken. Otherwise, this should really be the same through all 3 models and all their subsequent variants.

Once you see the way the turret is not only designed, but the way it connects to the hull with the basket extension that seals the gap or space between the two in case of nuclear or chemical fallout, you then realize why the Russian T-72s in the Ukraine are losing their turrets in almost every single tank that gets taken out. The design with the turret basket makes for a much stronger connection to the hull as well as protecting the crew, unlike the T-72s that merely sit in the spinning, circular tracks and when hit, can dislodge and fly a good distance away. Some of those pics of destroyed tanks with the turrets landing 100 meters away are ridiculous TBH.
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I doubt it. The Galala I think already had 16 when it was active in the Italian Navy, but if they sent the Bernice also with 16 VLS, then the other two will probably also have 16 cells. Unless there is credible information out there that says otherwise.

They provided a sales image whuch is blurry

They provided a sales image whuch is blurry

I guess it must be true, then. Good spot by you. If you look at this pic of Al Galala, the angle shows the empty bin aft of the active one but it's empty. It doesn't have any hatches like the 16 in the forward one because it's probably vacant and that must be where the 2nd batch of 16 cells would go. You really have to look hard to see it, maybe even enlarge the pic on your screen to get a better look and see it.


I guess there would also be the option of adding the additional 16 to both of these ships and maybe that's one of the items on the list of things to be done during this current trip of Al Galala to Italy, along with the non-Nato comms and the custom Egyptian navy EW system. It wouldn't make sense to have 2 ships with 16 VLS cells and 2 with 36.

On another note, I saw a video on the new Viper attack helicopter for the US Marine Corps and I started thinking that maybe this is an excellent alternative for the Ka-52Ks that were supposedly going to be the ones they were purchasing for the Mistrals. These things are loaded and fire the Hellfire missiles as well as the AIM-9X and I think the Harpoon block 2 & 3. Their radars are also AESA and supposedly have the latest, advanced avionics suite. This might be a better fit all around for the Mistrals and the EGY Navy as well as the EAF, bringing excellent compatibility with the Apache fleet.



The only problem is how long the US takes to approve these FMSs. But it's not like the Katrans would be any faster at this point in time. We don't even know what the status is with the tender they signed for the 32 helicopters. Granted, those would also be very compatible with the Ka-52 Crocodiles, but there always will be the western compatibility factor that would favor western platforms.

New pic of Al Aziz Meko A200 (904) Frigate for the EN. The first of 4.

did egypt order 2 extra berghaminis from the improved version with 32 VLS?
Pergamini only 16 cells, not 32
There is no additional deal yet
Increasing the number of miko to 6 can be a disregard for any pragmeni
Indeed, there is another French deal, including Frame Octane

They provided a sales image whuch is blurry

Draghi is afraid of the political opposition inside
I don't think there is another deal
Expect Normandy for the Egyptian Navy, because it appeared in more than one video of the Egyptian Navy
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