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Egyptian Armed Forces

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i know that my be out if this fourm context but i don't know who to asks.

after the news of the peace agreement between israel and uae then bahrain and the amount the hate they got from both other arabs and muslims on this subs.
so that made me do an article about the Jewish-arab relation from 1900 till now -which now is in 5th page and still in the 80s era- which i intended to post when i finished.
But after this post - UAE and Bahrain sign agreement with Israel at the White House | Pakistan Defence - and started reading the comments. i started having doubt that any of my efforts will change thier mindset.
i will complete the article anyway, but my question is do i even bother posting here?

sorry if it is not this fourm specialty but honestly i didnt know who to asks.

Yes, for sure. I would like to read it and I'm sure many others would also. Post it in the Middle East section and make a good title for it and I'm sure many will read it and let them voice their opinion on the matter and what you said. Now you have a taste of the brutal hatred that infects this area against Arabs in general, it's good to see it in the context of something like that agreement instead of other threads of weapons procurement etc. So let us know when you finish it and post it.

That is so cool. The problem I have with it ever since they first started building this mammoth installation and we started recognizing the gargantuan size of that entire base of operations (and BTW, a perfect circle that probably spans a diameter of 5 kilometres?) is how and what will they be using to defend this site from a potential aerial attack should God forbid a war start and it becomes a juicy target?

They'll have to build hidden, underground SAM batteries that open up and rise up out of the ground and fire away at incoming threats. Possible several CIWS also like they set up and used effectively in the US' Green Zone in Baghdad a couple of nights ago. But this, here, will require a serious ground to air defensive system similar to what the Pentagon has also, even though the US hardly has much of a threat to worry about (with the exception of the crazy events of 911), but I think this is very important to have a very powerful SAM and CIWS defensive system set up in a way that even protects them also, since a capable enemy can try to take out those defensive systems first and then attack the octagons. So I wonder if they'll buy more S-300VMs or maybe S-400 or set up other types of SAMs? I'm sure we won't know anything about them, but we can speculate.

Also, in recent news, it looks like our friend Mahmoud Gamal has posted on his Twitter that La Tribune wrote an article that the Egyptian Navy will be the first operator of the MICA NG vertical Launch System on its new MEKO frigates. Exciting stuff.

Egypt: MBDA boards German MEKO frigates with VL-Mica NG

That is so cool. The problem I have with it ever since they first started building this mammoth installation and we started recognizing the gargantuan size of that entire base of operations (and BTW, a perfect circle that probably spans a diameter of 5 kilometres?) is how and what will they be using to defend this site from a potential aerial attack should God forbid a war start and it becomes a juicy target?

They'll have to build hidden, underground SAM batteries that open up and rise up out of the ground and fire away at incoming threats. Possible several CIWS also like they set up and used effectively in the US' Green Zone in Baghdad a couple of nights ago. But this, here, will require a serious ground to air defensive system similar to what the Pentagon has also, even though the US hardly has much of a threat to worry about (with the exception of the crazy events of 911), but I think this is very important to have a very powerful SAM and CIWS defensive system set up in a way that even protects them also, since a capable enemy can try to take out those defensive systems first and then attack the octagons. So I wonder if they'll buy more S-300VMs or maybe S-400 or set up other types of SAMs? I'm sure we won't know anything about them, but we can speculate.

Also, in recent news, it looks like our friend Mahmoud Gamal has posted on his Twitter that La Tribune wrote an article that the Egyptian Navy will be the first operator of the MICA NG vertical Launch System on its new MEKO frigates. Exciting stuff.

Egypt: MBDA boards German MEKO frigates with VL-Mica NG

Seems the Octagon can withstand even a nuclear attack!.. it also seems it is deeper that what is on the surface with deep tunnels linking all its parts..
Bro, do you remember when Egypt sold the Amon air defense system to the US to protect the white house!? We can guess there will be a potent layered air defense to protect the whole Octagon..

Yes the VL-Mica NG with its AESA radar seeker and 40 km range is a much better option than the South African missile system.. can't even compare tech-wise..
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What! Source!
View attachment 670465
From the operations in the Sinai in 2018.
During the war to liberate Kuwait from Iraq, the Egyptian Amun system operated in a highly efficient manner. As this system was able in the war to liberate Kuwait to shoot down Iraqi-Chinese cruise missiles and its performance was honorable which made Kuwait request a contract for more Egyptian (Amoun) batteries in 2001 after the Iraqis seized the 5 systems Kuwait had.

Which made the US conclude a deal with Egypt to supply it with the (Amun) system in exchange for the Apache helicopter deal, and the Americans expressed their great admiration for this system.



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During the war to liberate Kuwait from Iraq, the Egyptian Amun system operated in a highly efficient manner. As this system was able in the war to liberate Kuwait to shoot down Iraqi-Chinese cruise missiles and its performance was honorable which made Kuwait request a contract for more Egyptian (Amoun) batteries in 2001 after the Iraqis seized the 5 systems Kuwait had.

Which made the US conclude a deal with Egypt to supply it with the (Amun) system in exchange for the Apache helicopter deal, and the Americans expressed their great admiration for this system.
Was it modified in Egypt? Any idea where I could read more about it?
Aside of all this, Al Jazeera has shared a clip about the Egyptian Armed Forces digging a canal by the Gaza Strip along w/ ‘high tech’ walls and fences. Should someone check the retweets he would surely find out where most Egyptians stand concerning this regard...
Check the retweets by the accounts that have a ‘life’. Most support the plan but AJ is doing what I believe is biased journalism where they would share news like ‘Satellite Imagery shows that Sisi has withdrawn the aircrafts from Sidi Barrani after the Display’ but they wouldn’t share any content about they showing up in 2 other airbases closer to the Libyan border - mind that they mentioned Sisi and not Egypt or the Armed Forces.
What! Source!
View attachment 670465
From the operations in the Sinai in 2018.
Nice picture. Who's the chick is what I want to know! :bunny:

BTW, I noticed something about these helos about a year or so ago and you can see it clearly in this picture here. That Apache looks really cool and ready to hunt and fry some crispy cretin terrorros with those rocket launchers and Hellfire missiles. But if you look at the tail rotor, notice how the blades are paired in two's? Instead of having 4 blades all spaced out evenly -- like they used to be on all helos whether they were 3 or 4 or 5 or more on the larger ones -- but now, on these size helos, they almost always have 4 blades but the strange thing I noticed is the spacing. They pair them so that each pair is tight to each other. It's like a 2 and 2 blade system. Can't remember them always being like that.

Mi-24 is 3-bladed spread out evenly but the Mi-35 is paired like the Apache. Interesting.



Looks like the Apache and the Mi-28 have that tail rotor configuration out of this batch here. Others like the Blackhawk are evenly spaced with others that have odd numbered blades. Just thought it was interesting and I could've sworn the Apache wasn't always like that, but I might be mistaken. Maybe I just never noticed it.


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Was it modified in Egypt? Any idea where I could read more about it?
Aside of all this, Al Jazeera has shared a clip about the Egyptian Armed Forces digging a canal by the Gaza Strip along w/ ‘high tech’ walls and fences. Should someone check the retweets he would surely find out where most Egyptians stand concerning this regard...
Check the retweets by the accounts that have a ‘life’. Most support the plan but AJ is doing what I believe is biased journalism where they would share news like ‘Satellite Imagery shows that Sisi has withdrawn the aircrafts from Sidi Barrani after the Display’ but they wouldn’t share any content about they showing up in 2 other airbases closer to the Libyan border - mind that they mentioned Sisi and not Egypt or the Armed Forces.
Yes it is an old link.. but it came from the government..

Skyguard 'AMOUN' Scores Direct Hit in Live Missile Firing Using Raytheon-Upgraded Launcher

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