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Egyptian Armed Forces

lett the africans suffer quitley from aids and poverty same egypt when there economy collapse we dont even need to use our nukes

Let's give them a revolution every few years because of the abject economic situation

lol they cant if they could they have done it 500 milion arabs in the world cant defeat us when we comtinue kill palastine

jewish too smart for arabs thats why they failed all the wars The Egyptians were humiliated forced to recognize Israel in order to get back to a sinai because clearly they do not want to recognize Israel

@waz @WebMaster
I hope what your saying is true but Israel has always beaten Egypt.... Egypt should be amongst the very best trained forces in the world after humilatating defeats to Israel.. Israel has solid Airforce/Navy/Equipment with well trained soliders, history has shown they can defeat 5 or 6 Arab countries at the same time.
At that time, Arab countries was lacking in defence/military equipment.
And Egypt didn't lose all the wars with Israel

if war break again, well Israel will lose, that's why she got strong ties with few superpowers... and nukes (maybe), to keep the arabs outside her door and play the colonizing game... in peace
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Egypt rumoured secret submarines: The Sava class SSK
Egypt has signed letter of intent with croatian company Adria-Mar for five small submarines Drakon 220.

The Drakon (Dragon) 220 is a new midget submarine developed by Adria-Mar in Croatia. It is 50% longer and twice as heavy as the R-3E (aka Una class) which allows it to carry two torpedo tubes under the casing and accommodate a diesel-electric powerplant for a ten-fold increase in range. It retains the characteristic X-form control surfaces but has a new distinctive vertical bow to house the larger sonar and torpedo tubes, plus a fixed sail with integral diesel exhaust. Special forces optimisation remains per the R-3E.


Length: 30.27 meters
Beam: 3.6m meter
Displacement: 220 tons surfaced, 255tns submerged
Speed: Maximum 10.2 kts, minimum 2kts with rudders functioning
Operating depth: 150m
Endurance (without surfacing): 280nm at cruising speed of 3kts, 31nm at 10.2kts (with 20% battery reserve). 3000nm patrol or up to 14 days
Armament: 2 x 533mm (21") torpedo tubes.
SDVs: 4 x Diver Propulsion Devices (e.g. R-1 scooters) carried externally under casing Crew: 9
Special Forces: 4

http://www.hisutton.com/New Croatian midget sub - Drakon 220.html
Egypt has signed letter of intent with croatian company Adria-Mar for five small submarines Drakon 220.

The Drakon (Dragon) 220 is a new midget submarine developed by Adria-Mar in Croatia. It is 50% longer and twice as heavy as the R-3E (aka Una class) which allows it to carry two torpedo tubes under the casing and accommodate a diesel-electric powerplant for a ten-fold increase in range. It retains the characteristic X-form control surfaces but has a new distinctive vertical bow to house the larger sonar and torpedo tubes, plus a fixed sail with integral diesel exhaust. Special forces optimisation remains per the R-3E.


Length: 30.27 meters
Beam: 3.6m meter
Displacement: 220 tons surfaced, 255tns submerged
Speed: Maximum 10.2 kts, minimum 2kts with rudders functioning
Operating depth: 150m
Endurance (without surfacing): 280nm at cruising speed of 3kts, 31nm at 10.2kts (with 20% battery reserve). 3000nm patrol or up to 14 days
Armament: 2 x 533mm (21") torpedo tubes.
SDVs: 4 x Diver Propulsion Devices (e.g. R-1 scooters) carried externally under casing Crew: 9
Special Forces: 4

http://www.hisutton.com/New Croatian midget sub - Drakon 220.html

Don't know about rumors, but Egypt operates TYPE 209, Initially 10 Romeo class subs were in the fleet - how many are operational - don't know.


egypt 209.jpg


I just gave you 2 negatives in a row. That just about doubled my overall use of this function ever.
Here is why :

When you say

that's standard racism as was so often served on your people; no biggie!

But when you say things like

you are welcoming the death of fellow human beings of mine.
I can't accept that.

When people die for no good reason, only psychopaths applaud or revel, Tay.
all i say its true if we kill palastineis its only terorists not inocents and why didnt arabs cant difeat us with 3-4 armies the small israel with all there powers ? think about that

all i say its true if we kill palastineis its only terorists not inocents and why didnt arabs cant difeat us with 3-4 armies the small israel with all there powers ? think about that
why small israel make very good and advenced defence industry when arabs import every thing and dont develop anything like us?
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im not talking about kfir it was 40 years ago lets see now what we developed and what arab world developed? do you realy want to compare?

who is the one of the biggest arms exporters in the world?

I hope what your saying is true but Israel has always beaten Egypt.... Egypt should be amongst the very best trained forces in the world after humilatating defeats to Israel.. Israel has solid Airforce/Navy/Equipment with well trained soliders, history has shown they can defeat 5 or 6 Arab countries at the same time.
we have beter tech also

When has Israel ever fought 5 or 6 Arab countries?
why egypt should train who is there enemy this money they spand on weapons should spend on there people education and hungry people in egypt
Egypt should train so that they can't be defeated so easily by 3M country people do you know Israels population back in 60s it was 2.5M....
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