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Egypt Unrest: Mubarak Steps Down!

Mother of a martyr: "my son was killed before his marriage, now i'm definitely throwing him a ceremony, his blood didn't go in vain"

When revolution moves on to actual recreational fireworks, things are looking good
Congrats to Egyptians and Arabs in general!
I used to say that Pakistanis don't tolerate dictators for more than a decade--unlike Egyptians who have allowed Mubarak to rule for decades. Well, better late than never. And it is high time the rest of the leaders-for-life to go, starting with the Saudi King who have a whole million+ square mile of a country named after that.
But there can't be a 'victory' here if Mubarak is replaced by Suleiman or even other top generals. Egypt has a large number of educated people. Next step should be a government of the technocrats who oversee the transition to a fully representative civilian rule.
Even if you don't, at least the Egyptians realize that Mubarak manipulated the West to serve himself, not Egypt.


My doubts about you have turned to certainity... haha

So are you trying to say that west is stupid and they knew nothing of the brutality of Mubarak's police against political opponents, the persistent economic stranglehold that he kept around the Egyptians, the blockage of the Gaza border despite massive support for Palestinians inside Egypt, the CIA torture programs in Egypt??

You are an emotional eejit... grow up for God sake...
So are you trying to say that west is stupid and they knew nothing of the brutality of Mubarak's police against political opponents, the persistent economic stranglehold that he kept around the Egyptians, the blockage of the Gaza border despite massive support for Palestinians inside Egypt, the CIA torture programs in Egypt??
Mubarak worked hard to craft the image of an all-powerful Muslim Brotherhood that threatened the West and only he could control. You have to admit it wasn't that difficult; after all, it was the Muslim Brotherhood that murdered his predecessor through its perceived offshoot, Tanzim al-Jihad.

You are an emotional eejit... grow up for God sake...
Oh, yes! But sometimes even a fool has his day and this is mine!
Mubarak worked hard to craft the image of an all-powerful Muslim Brotherhood that threatened the West and only he could control. You have to admit it wasn't that difficult; after all, it was the Muslim Brotherhood that murdered his predecessor through its perceived offshoot, Tanzim al-Jihad.

Oh, yes! But sometimes even a fool has his day and this is mine!

Nonsense... America was supporting dictators in Egypt long before Mubarak... Have you ever heard of the Moslem Billy Graham?? ;)

Listen Kid... I like your enthusiasm and zest... but your energy would be much better spent on absorbing information without bias instead of losing no chance to blast the threads on this forum with your mixture of bafoonism and idiocy...
my heartiest congratulations to egyptians to kick american terrorist out.....

go america go, and take mubarak with you!!!, foolish n stupid american

israel be ready, turkey and now egypt against you!!!

Nonsense... America was supporting dictators in Egypt long before Mubarak... Have you ever heard of the Moslem Billy Graham?? ;)

Listen Kid... I like your enthusiasm and zest... but your energy would be much better spent on absorbing information without bias instead of losing no chance to blast the threads on this forum with your mixture of bafoonism and idiocy...
"First they ignore you, then they make fun of you, then they fight you, and then you win!"

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