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Egypt: The Next India or the Next Pakistan?

Very nice article.. even though from NYT...sad that some are calling it propaganda since they do not have ZERO source which si authentic.

The analogy is correct in a sense IMO. There will not be power struggle between them but a struggle to continue the way of life for the minorities. In that angle the Pak-India analogy is perfect. There will be contradictory news but people will have to think about the size of the population, cultural difference, language etc in case of India.
Well you see I have no problem in having the military in policy making. In Pakistan the Army has played an important role in the politics.

Is it necessary to be a democracy?

Pakistan has always a hybrid system.

lol? Zia was a good man. All the Zia-haters usually turn out to be ignorant. He did many good things like the banning of alcohol and other things.

TTP is a recent phenomenon.

zia dint stationed troops in the heights & kept it open when he had all the world of time on his hand & that was the reason we lost "siachen"

ayub betrayed the nation in 1962 by rejecting the Chinese offer of a joint sino-pak attack when the PLA had done the job of weakening the Indian forces all he had to do was attack from both west & east but he dint & the Chinese had to withdraw from arunachal while we lost a golden opportunity to make gains Kashmir & Assam

as for yahya the less said the better

if at all there was a military ruler who did some good then it was gen.musharraf (even though i am not a fan of his for the kargil fiasco) at least he saved the county from a NATO onslaught
An interesting peice. Yes the India-Pakistan analogy is a bit flawed but it serves it purpose in a very simple way- showing the crossroads Eygpt is at. There are two paths Eygpt can take- a secular inclusive democracy or a state dominated by Islamic ideology where the military exercises undue control within the state framework.

And yes , India has its issues, as the writer momentarily touched on, but does that mean all of his words are lies and that India is a failure? Of course not, every nation has its issues, every nation has their idiots and bigots. When you blow this up to 1.2 billion people with the issues India faces ie poverty, geography, demographics etc then you may get trouble every now and then. But the undeniable fact is India is becoming more progressive and that it is becoming more inclusive and peaceful. A major boon has been the increasing prosperity in India as this increases over a sustained period within the Indian inclusive framework things will only improve between all Indians. It is already well established fact that when you have poverty or high unemployment or disenfranchised sectors of the community this is why breeds extremism.

One other fact the author failed to touch upon was the creation or moulding of a coherent national identity, India has been able to do this successfully meaning almost every Indian will call themselves Indian first everything else second but in Paksitan for numerous reasons this strong national identity has not been forthcoming and this only leads to increased factionalism and tensions.

For Eygpt to be successful it needs to create a strong national identity and if it wants a unified nation this identity cannot be based on Islam alone as we have seen in Pakistan this simply isn't sufficient.
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