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Egypt declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group

egypt will go more down now

Well it could be worse especially only three years after a revolution. No transition from an overbearing dictatorship to a liberal democracy is ever bloodless. The revolution is still ongoing.

Ban these organization and you will create more terrorist.... You are closing ways to express them only thing left is guns and how many Al-Qida leaders were in brotherhood before it was banned in Egypt....

If all it takes is the banning of an organisation which is legally registered as a charity then you were never peaceful in the first place nor did you deserve to be a part of Egyptian society.

banning them will create more blasts i am sure . wait for future now

Great more death. This move effectively gives the state permission to seize all of the MB's assets (including its members). It would be incredibly hard to start a new insurgency when you have no source of funds inside or outside the country.

What? It was aimed at him. The MB is a POLITICAL group. There is nothing called a MB Muslim. So banning it or not has nothing to do with Islam.

Actually its legally a charity. The Freedom and Justice Party is its political wing and that hasn't been banned.

طب اسكت يعني لا ايش كل هل فبركية و حقد علا أهل غزة أنتا بتتهبل كانو الاخوان قعدين علا زوراك و فش مجال لا حل لازم تحبسو كل إنسان مش ساكت لا حكومة و تشتغلو لا مصلحة أمريكا و اسرايل ....ي شيخ ... عجبكوم يعني اتضلو كلاب أمريكا يعني امفكر كلشي البتعملو في غزة قرار مصر ولا مصلحت مصر...مستحيل، هذا طلب العدو اتوصلهو لا أمريكا. و أمريكا. وصلتها لا مصر

خافو اللة شويا يعني احنا اخدنا مسؤولية الانقلاب بعين اللة بس زودتوها بدكم تمحو أيا واحد إسلامي او مسلم عايز يعيش في مصلحت المسلمين

Stop just stop. You know full well that closing the border and stopping the smuggling trade is vital for the COIN operations happening in the Sinai. Is it a coincidence that the majority of the fighting is happening in close proximity to the Egypt-Gaza border? no.

The tunnels are used to move fighters in and out of Egypt as well as smuggle weapons and drugs/contraband and that's why they are being closed.

The money created from smuggling is then used to finance operations in the Sinai while the movement ensures there's a safe haven for people that are wanted and is a jump off base for fighters.

This may have nothing whatsoever to do with Hamas or any other resistance group within Gaza, the elements arrested from these groups in the Sinai may be there because they wanted to and weren't ordered.

my dear sir egyptions give them vote for 5 years . if you give them 5 years they were dead by themselves . same as we did with zardari and co.
Morsi's constitutional decree

Article I

Reopen the investigations and prosecutions in the cases of the murder, the attempted murder and the wounding of protesters as well as the crimes of terror committed against the revolutionaries by anyone who held a political or executive position under the former regime, according to the Law of the Protection of the Revolution and other laws.

Article II:

Previous constitutional declarations, laws, and decrees made by the president since he took office on 30 June 2012, until the constitution is approved and a new People’s Assembly [lower house of parliament] is elected, are final and binding and cannot be appealed by any way or to any entity. Nor shall they be suspended or canceled and all lawsuits related to them and brought before any judicial body against these decisions are annulled.

The revolution started against those who held themselves above the law and the constitution. The first democratically elected president decided he too should be above said law. This would result in any president in any democratic nation being impeached.

Article III:

The prosecutor-general is to be appointed from among the members of the judiciary by the President of the Republic for a period of four years commencing from the date of office and is subject to the general conditions of being appointed as a judge and should not be under the age of 40. This provision applies to the one currently holding the position with immediate effect.

The prosecutor-general can only be removed and appointed by the judiciary. This ensures that there's a separation of powers between institutions. This decision would also result in a president being impeached in a democratic nation.

Article IV:

The text of the article on the formation of the Constituent Assembly in the 30 March 2011 Constitutional Declaration that reads, "it shall prepare a draft of a new constitution in a period of six months from the date it was formed” is to be amended to "it shall prepare the draft of a new constitution for the country no later than eight months from the date of its formation."

Article V:

No judicial body can dissolve the Shura Council [upper house of parliament] or the Constituent Assembly.

Seperation of powers anyone. Again, impeachment.

Article VI:

The President may take the necessary actions and measures to protect the country and the goals of the revolution.

Hello unlimited power. Again, impeachment.

Article VII:

This Constitutional Declaration is valid from the date of its publication in the official gazette.

what else can one expect form us army (egyptian wing)?

You haven't been following at all have you.....

No one, and I mean NO ONE believes the utter crap story about Morsi's mismanagement of the economy and dictator aspiration. So stop insulting our intelligence. We all know why the kleptomaniac army and their scum liberal supporters who have done nothing but rob the country since the 1950s, decided to remove Morsi with the lamest excuses I have ever heard and kill democracy in Egypt.

But always remember, what goes around comes around.

Nice, now read the decree above. I am seriously tired of people who only tuned into Egypt after the coup.

That's not what I said, but prove me wrong either way. Israeli or Jasoos.

An Israeli posing as an Egyptian would know Arabic as would a jasoos.

You moron ... @Yzd Khalifa ....it's not even worth it arguing with you but I just want to point out one of your lies that Israel didn't kill Egyptian soldiers and it's bizarre you still approve of Israel's violation of Egypt's sovereignty. What'd you expect from a kid like who's not even Saudi Arabian...Ha Ha...even Saudi Arabians themselves won't welcome such a doofus.

Egypt decries Israeli attack that killed 3 of its soldiers - Los Angeles Times

So every time a border guard is killed from inside Gaza (its happened before) we should immediately invade Gaza?

The Egyptian-Israeli border is still very active and soldiers from both sides are killed every year by either direct or indirect fire. If both nations replied with military action every time this happened we would have gone to war six billion times in the last 40 years.

agree with Imran's post, Egypt will turn into a failed state.

Since it's now listed terrorist organization by a military installed government which means elections won't work or reinstated. MB will turn into an armed resistance alligned with Jihadi affiliated in Sinai then it may turn nasty.

The Freedom and Justice Party is still standing.
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