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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Saudi Arabia stance with the Egyptian people is the strongest support any country has given Egypt since the 1973 Ramadan/October/Yom Kippur war, and the Egyptian people will never forget that!! Leave it for Egyptians to evaluate and decide why Saudi Arabia is standing with them, not outsiders!!
Good hit with an iron fest , may they rot in hell.
The operation will take a while according to some security officials because during Morsi's presidency he let them operate freely for a year and prevented the army from launching a major operation against them. They were able to increase their forces, weapons and have major trainings with Hamas during this time. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were convinced by Hamas that these terrorists will be their second line defense if attempt to kick him out of office takes place.
As you may don't know. The people of Saudi Arabia is with the Egyptian Pro Morsi. Only small number of Liberals are trying to survive it. And I am not Islamist nor sympathizers, however we must listen to the majority of its people's will.

--Sympathy for Mohamed Morsi has filled Twitter feeds in the country (Saudi Arabia). Support for Morsi on social media has its own emblem, a four-fingered salute, known as the sign of Rabaa.
Sinai’s Role in Morsi’s Ouster
While Morsi made many mistakes that provoked a disillusioned and increasingly impoverished population to challenge his legitimacy, the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Sinai may have been the main impetus for his ouster. His refusal to employ heavy-handed tactics to stop the increasing flow of arms and militants into Sinai—and his seeming disinterest in avenging the deaths of Egyptian soldiers—led the Egyptian military to join the ranks of his detractors. With the tacit support of their wary Israeli and American military counterparts, the Egyptian armed forces took matters into their own hands to protect what they deemed was Egypt’s top national security priority.

Meanwhile, Morsi’s softer approach to dealing with the kidnappings and killings of Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai through mediation with tribal chiefs, rather than the standard military response, made him appear naïve and unfit to rule in the eyes of his military. In stark contrast to the hardline stance of Mubarak, Morsi tasked his regime with holding meetings with tribal elders to hear their complaints and their ideas on how to end the bloodshed in the Sinai and the Rafah crossing. Government representatives employed the unconventional tactic of encouraging an intellectual and jurisprudential revision of the interpretations of religious doctrine by extremists, who issued fatwas to authorize killing innocent people. In November 2012, Morsi rejected outright General el-Sisi’s request to crack down on alleged terrorists in Sinai, reportedly stating, “I don’t want Muslims to shed the blood of fellow Muslims.”

The military interpreted Morsi’s softer approach as evidence of his conflicted loyalties: between his sympathies with extremist Islamist groups—notwithstanding his rejection of their use of violence—and his obligations as President to preserve security in Sinai. Suspicions arose as to whether Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood backers had ulterior plans for Sinai, perhaps in line with an external ideology that seeks a pan-Islamic alliance across the Middle East—rather than pursuing Egypt’s national security interests as laid out under the Camp David peace treaty. Thus, Morsi’s policies in Sinai provided the military an opportunity to grant the opposition explicit support in their efforts to oust him from the presidency.

Hello Im back

It is interesting to see Turkeys overreaction to ouster of Muslim Brotherhood.
Imo both Iran and Turkey has reacted to events in Egypt wrong. They should have let events play out over longer period, and just denounce violence instead of openly supporting MB.

Iran has not done it NEARLY to the same extent as Turkey though. Iran has been a little more cautious with the words. Whatever government comes next, caution must be taken in order not to have bad relations and alienate the new government.

But Turkeys strong condemnation of the military, and rabid support of Muslim Brotherhood borders on irrationality and utter desperation. Especially since Morsi and the other loosers in the MB prooved to be incompetend and unsustainable rulers, that 20-30 millions Egyptians demonstrated against.
Muslim Brotherhood is history.

Particularly Erdogan should learn something about and adapt course-correction. Turkey can not expect to have a slave government in Egypt as part of their neo-ottoman empire aspiration.
Especially since Egypt itself is a major regional power, that will seek its own interest.
Just 1 example of how the "terrorism" propaganda in Egypt works.

The operation will take a while according to some security officials because during Morsi's presidency he let them operate freely for a year and prevented the army from launching a major operation against them. They were able to increase their forces, weapons and have major trainings with Hamas during this time. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were convinced by Hamas that these terrorists will be their second line defense if attempt to kick him out of office takes place.

Yes my dear Im fully aware of that. Morsi and his MB fellows were trying to Brotherized the whole region if you know what I mean. I have stated before in one of OP that during Morsi role we have noticed intolerance towards NON MB in Egypt and increasing of terrorists and terrorism activities in Sina. Maaaaan, they are bunch of savage immature both politically and socially. Egypt was in very critical situation thanks God they have been thrown out.
The M.B were and are the only hope for Egypt to make an independent state

The special interest groups have ensured Egypt will be a slave nation
Good hit with an iron fest , may they rot in hell.

You support the same terrorists in Iraq and Syria, stop the hypocrisy, your just here for your own interests.
All it takes for Saudi is to put Qatar back in its place which you share a border with though even that is a hard task ?
Only 250.000 Quntaris live there, your military is bigger then their population.
I dont believe Erdogans tears are genuine.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan,Tears,Massacre In Egypt,English Subtitles - YouTube

Reminds me of this dude (Reminds me of this dude (Davutoglu crying after Palestine massacre)




Erdogan and the AKP are just smart operators

That's why their economy is a success

The military is subservient to the state and they are developing as a nation

They are a good blue print for all muslm parties

Egypt is dumb and backwards

There economy is worthless
The state is subservient to the military
And the same idiots who made Egypt like this are back in power
Erdogan and the AKP are just smart operators

That's why their economy is a success

The military is subservient to the state and they are developing as a nation

They are a good blue print for all muslm parties

Egypt is dumb and backwards

There economy is worthless
The state is subservient to the military
And the same idiots who made Egypt like this are back in power

Should wait and see how Egypt does after things cool down, rather than prematurely passing early judgements.

The time of Jihadis ruling Egypt was short-lived, and over for good.
Why you mean the secular liberal idiots dictators and military who have been ruling Egypt for most of the last 100 years have suddenly found a way to run a nation

They are the reason why Egypt is in this mess

What will they do different now that they haven't done in the last 100 years
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