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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Israeli ambassador calls Al-Sisi a "national hero for all Jews"

The Israeli ambassador in Cairo has told a minister in the interim government that the people of Israel look upon General Abdul-Fattah Al-Sisi as a "national hero". According to Israel Radio, the ambassador rang Agriculture Minister Ayman Abu-Hadid to congratulate him on his new post and said, "Al-Sisi is not a national hero for Egypt, but for all Jews in Israel and around the globe."

Israel is looking forward to the launch of new relationships with Egypt, said Yaakov Amitai, as well as joint efforts in the war on terror. His mention of "terror" is understood to be an oblique reference to President Mohamed Morsi’s supporters protesting against the coup which removed him from office.

The two men agreed on the resumption of the work of the Supreme Egyptian-Israeli Agricultural Committee. Meetings of the committee are held alternately in Cairo and Tel Aviv every six months. They also agreed to reactivate the Egyptian branch of the Future Leaders Network, which includes Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli youths.

Israeli ambassador calls Al-Sisi a "national hero for all Jews"





Hands off our prophet.
What make difference, Pharaoh of Egypt Army has deep relations with Israel and US authorities for decades. Moses is not Israeli agent but follow the command of God. You can be ignorant like Pharaoh.



Show us something from the same era, from what become today Pakistan, to compare the IQ of the two civilisations...:cheers:
These are Egyptian security personnel who were killed today by the terrorists you support on their way home after their service in Sinai you piece of sh!t!!

Islamists way of thinking after any terrorist attack they perform.
1) Good thing these kafirs are dead. They deserved what they got.
after short period
2) We are sorry for the tragic loss.
after another short period of time
3) They claim that the casualties were Islamists and blame whatever country they at with killing them and they blame Israel too of course.

Retired General Amr: Egypt needs to kill or arrest the MB's leaders

Le général Amr a choisi de passer ce dimanche 18 août en famille au club Al-Ahly, dans le quartier de Nasr City, à l'est du Caire. C'est là qu'il reçoit Le Monde pour évoquer la situation du pays et partager ses opinions. "Pas mes opinions, des informations factuelles et documentées", précise-t-il d'emblée.
Et d'abord ceci : "Nous sommes 90 millions d'Egyptiens et il n'y a que 3 millions de Frères musulmans. Il nous faut six mois pour les liquider ou les emprisonner tous. Ce n'est pas un problème, nous l'avons déjà fait dans les années 1990." Il s'exprime en arabe, que son épouse traduit dans un anglais parfait – elle est guide touristique, au chômage depuis deux ans en raison de l'effondrement du nombre de visiteurs. "Il y a 200 000 chambres d'hôtel vides dans le pays", souffle-t-elle lorsque son général allume une cigarette. Les deux garçons, qui jouent chaque jour au tennis dans ce club, écoutent respectueusement le discours paternel. "Après, les touristes reviendront, les investissements étrangers aussi. Et l'Egypte sera en paix pour les siècles à venir."

We are 90 millions Egyptians. There is 3 million MB's. It will take us 6 mos to jail or kill them all. It isn't a problem, we did it in the 90's. His wife, a tourist guide translated in perfect english her husband comments . She wishpered, I have been out of work for two years because of the lack of tourist. There is 200,000 empty hotel rooms in the country...the general continued, after that, the tourists will come back, as well as the foreign investments, and Egypt will be at peace for centuries to come...
Saudi Arabia is on purple side supporting Pro-Sisi ? How can we stay on same page?

KSA is color blind:laughcry: Here the way it is seen at home [mean for the Algerien government]


Egypte:The algerian official position

we support Morsissi!

It is not irrelevant, we know what it stands in right and wrong, Egypt has done remarkable on its lowest point.

Well they did what needed to be done. The MB was asking for it..he got it. Like they say, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.

In all seriousness, Pakistan should try to stay away from the ME, period.

The need to clean their house first...The one who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones.
Former vice president accused of "betraying national trust" because of resignation after crackdown on Morsi supporters.
A Cairo court has set a September trial date for Mohamed ElBaradei, the recently-resigned interim vice president for foreign affairs, on charges of "breaching national trust."

The charges against ElBaradei were filed by a law professor at Cairo's Helwan University, according to a report in the state-run Al-Ahram.

He stands accused of "betraying" the public by resigning on August 14, a misdemeanour charge that could carry an $1,430 fine if he is convicted.

The longtime diplomat stepped down hours after security forces brutally dispersed two protests in support of deposed President Mohamed Morsi, killing at least 830 people, according to official figures.

In his resignation letter, ElBaradei lamented the violent crackdown, warning of a "state of polarisation and grave division... the social fabric is threatened as violence breeds violence."

According to the complaint, ElBaradei's resignation gave the wrong impression to the international community, suggesting that the Egyptian government had used excessive force against protesters. "[This] contradicts reality," the complaint said.

Under Egyptian law, anyone can file a criminal complaint, which is usually investigated by a judge who decides whether or not to refer the case to trial. In ElBaradei's case, however, because it is a misdemeanor offense, the case will proceed directly to trial; the judge will decide at the first hearing whether to allow it to proceed.

ElBaradei left Egypt for Vienna days after his resignation, and remains outside the country.:lol:

Reminds me of Syrian Assad forces, sick scums.
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You're always mean to us :cry: even though we like you :angel:
KSA is color blind:laughcry: Here the way it is seen at home [mean for the Algerien government]

Well they did what needed to be done. The MB was asking for it..he got it. Like they say, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
Hahahaha :rofl: :omghaha: :D :lol: you always know how to get a good laugh out of us :laugh:
Some people never learn from history!!


indeed, you are 100% right..some people never learn from history...So you deserved a thanks with 5 stars by me. But it is very hard to make morons understood...

People have righful idea never die..Marhtyr Sayyid Qutub now, is more alive than his real time that he was living in..when he was living he had hundrend thouands supporter..But now he has tens of billion supporters.... Only people have no idea but killing gonna to die forever like your living death Pissi .He will has no even 2 m2 of place for his own grave in Egypt in the future..Smart people like you should have undrstood that..

Retired General Amr: Egypt needs to kill or arrest the MB's leaders

We are 90 millions Egyptians. There is 3 million MB's. It will take us 6 mos to jail or kill them all. It isn't a problem, we did it in the 90's. His wife, a tourist guide translated in perfect english her husband comments . She wishpered, I have been out of work for two years because of the lack of tourist. There is 200,000 empty hotel rooms in the country...the general continued, after that, the tourists will come back, as well as the foreign investments, and Egypt will be at peace for centuries to come...

Ahaa!...another case of stupidity..look at those scum morons what they say again: we will kill, destroy, exterminitae, execute, arrest ect...all MBs...
Someones should theach those rascals a little bit about reality of history and say them you never kill an idea that has a growing support for decades even you massacre millions of people..

Let them prepare their end by their own hands..

Edit: Junta regime forces often harass Turkish tourists and detain media reporters, raid on press office of Turish news agencies in Egypt..
Retired General Amr: Egypt needs to kill or arrest the MB's leaders

We are 90 millions Egyptians. There is 3 million MB's. It will take us 6 mos to jail or kill them all. It isn't a problem, we did it in the 90's. His wife, a tourist guide translated in perfect english her husband comments . She wishpered, I have been out of work for two years because of the lack of tourist. There is 200,000 empty hotel rooms in the country...the general continued, after that, the tourists will come back, as well as the foreign investments, and Egypt will be at peace for centuries to come...

It may sound harsh but this is the best solution for Egypt.Morsi and his MB thugs have driven out the tourists and Egypt is loosing billions.It may sound cruel on short term but it will bare fruits for Egypt in the long one.
This whole mess has west and saudi written all over it.However bad a democracy may be,its 1000 times better than a dictatorship and its a known fact that muslim brotherhood was not a very particularly likeable party by west and saudi and maybe a part of egypt.Heck india is right now under the most corrupt govt ever but instead of this killzone people are waiting for the elections in 2014.And lastly i don't care whether u believe me or not but this whole situation is due to shia - sunni tussle.Coming from a neutral person it has to end somehow or middle east will never have peace.kapish
It may sound harsh but this is the best solution for Egypt.Morsi and his MB thugs have driven out the tourists and Egypt is loosing billions.It may sound cruel on short term but it will bare fruits for Egypt in the long one.
you are so wrong dude,,,,and if i may say a bit biased,which is natural for everyone:woot:
It may sound harsh but this is the best solution for Egypt.Morsi and his MB thugs have driven out the tourists and Egypt is loosing billions.It may sound cruel on short term but it will bare fruits for Egypt in the long one.
Interesting. Mubarak was never strong enough to destroy the M-B, even though it assassinated his predecessor. His ambassador to the U.S. made it a point to tell us pro-democracy demonstrators about his good relations with the M-B - the clear implication being that if Mubarak fell the ruling class would ally with them.

Not only did the alliance not last long, but popular disgust and hatred of the M-B is so great that the Army has no qualms about taking very harsh measures against the Brotherhood. I suppose Sisi told the U.S. his plans and gave our ambassadors and representatives the finger because the move to suspend aid to Egypt is occurring with unprecedented speed.
your pharaohs were conquered and disposed.
your army is the right hand of the devil, shame on you for supporting such a worthless pathetic army that cant even touch israel but slaughters its own people by the hundreds.

your pharaohs were conquered and disposed.
your army is the right hand of the devil, shame on you for supporting such a worthless pathetic army that cant even touch israel but slaughters its own people by the hundreds.
Enjoying your parallel universe ?
i said less stuffs than a killer of thousands unarmed protestors deserved..
you have an objection ??or i misunderstood you .?


BTW, Pissi junta regime executed 25 his own unarmed police near Rafah border town in Sinai to create pretexes to accuse MB on terrorism..
Junta gegime had police got on bus and later send them to duty place without any arms and protection..
You are a retard!! These are the pictures of the murdered 28 off-duty policemen that have been killed by Islamists in Sinai. You claim to be a Muslim and all you do is spread lies.
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