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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

@Frogman :woot: WTF?
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You know us Egyptians like to have seggsy time at protests but with the Ikhwan and Salafis kolloh beh mah yordi Allah. :rofl:
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You know us Egyptians like to have seggsy time at protests but with the Ikhwan and Salafis kolloh beh mah yordi Allah. :rofl:

Dude, this is too much, I can't take it :rofl:

BTW, what are you guys going to do with Morsi? Will they keep him under house arrest for a month or so?
Yes but have you seen this.......

:laughcry: :rofl: :astagh:


a7a ya3ny mesh bas leek fetar bebalash , kaman bel mozza , dah a5er 7alawa , mesh na2es 3'eer el 7asheesh wel maza

You know us Egyptians like to have seggsy time at protests but with the Ikhwan and Salafis kolloh beh mah yordi Allah. :rofl:

talama fe 7odood el shar3eya mafeesh moshkela .
Evening meal(ftaar) of firts day of fasting month, Holy Ramadan
Egypt Army:
Those who are fed from outside of country..

MB supporters At Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square


Those who are feeding from Egypt.. water and dates..

No more comment needed for now....just wait to see Egypt of 4-5 years later..

with all due respect but you have no idea about Egypt or its people , by the way most of the clowns the MB gathered in cairo are payed 200 pounds per day for the show .


MB so called supporters payed for their fetar and cheering for a clown they do not even know who he is
with all due respect but you have no idea about Egypt or its people , by the way most of the clowns the MB gathered in cairo are payed 200 pounds per day for the show .


MB so called supporters payed for their fetar and cheering for a clown they do not even know who he is

Coming from a person who lives in UAE that has an emiraties whos an anti MB :lol:
He is showing the difference, moron. Egypt isn't an ultra secular majority who seek ultra secular state like the previous Turkish Kemalist govts. Also it is ramadan where people "Gather and Eat" to get Ajur (reward). BTW, by judging your previous post, I still can't tell whether you're Muslim or not so it doesn't bother me if you talk like this.

Wd don't know yet what the new Egypt will look like, but I find it hard to believe that it will ultra secular.
Coming from a person who lives in UAE that has an emiraties whos an anti MB :lol:
He is showing the difference, moron. Egypt isn't an ultra secular majority who seek ultra secular state like the previous Turkish Kemalist govts. Also it is ramadan where people "Gather and Eat" to get Ajur (reward). BTW, by judging your previous post, I still can't tell whether you're Muslim or not so it doesn't bother me if you talk like this.

naked facts are hurting..??

with all due respect but you have no idea about Egypt or its people , by the way most of the clowns the MB gathered in cairo are payed 200 pounds per day for the show .


MB so called supporters payed for their fetar and cheering for a clown they do not even know who he is

dude, no matter be an anti MB, but how a serious man like you resort to so cheap anti MB media craps to dodge the facts

at present, 1$=7 EGP
200 EGP/7$=28.5 USD paid per person dayly??....yesterday over than 2.000.000 people were square...2.000.000x28.5=57.000.000 USD..(57 millions- $)

if MB who cant afford buy basic food stuffs for his supporters paid everyday 57.000.000-$ for 20 days it makes 11.4 Billions-$. almost equal money that GCCs bribed...

good analysis..
Egyptian army helicopter briefly enters Gaza airspace | Reuters

(Reuters) - An Egyptian military helicopter briefly crossed into Israeli-controlled airspace over the Gaza Strip on Friday, in a possible sign of increased security jitters a week after Egypt's army toppled President Mohamed Mursi.

Security sources in Egypt and Israel both described the flyover as a navigational error, but it came shortly after militants killed an Egyptian policeman and wounded a second in an attack on checkpoints in the lawless Sinai Peninsula across the border from the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

Separately, Egyptian authorities arrested three Palestinian gunmen on Friday during "an attempt to attack vital sites in Sinai", Egyptian state media reported.

"The helicopter mistakenly crossed into Gazan airspace and immediately returned to Egypt," the Israeli security source said. Witnesses in Gaza said it stayed on their side of the border for about 10 minutes before returning.


First of all, like I always do, I want to point out the double standard Rueters has, when israel constantly enters Gaza's airspace it isn't reported. Not even in this fashion. During my visit here in Gaza I've seen dozens of airspace violations over Gaza by israel. These aren't even the drones, just the fighter jets.

Second of all, I think this is lousy behavior by the Egyptian military. Who can't solve it's national security situation and seeks to divert attention from their own rebels and move attention towards Hamas so they egyptian people can be fooled and relieved. Hamas is not acting against their national security and targeting Egyptian military posts. Those are people in Egypt.
Egyptian army helicopter briefly enters Gaza airspace | Reuters

(Reuters) - An Egyptian military helicopter briefly crossed into Israeli-controlled airspace over the Gaza Strip on Friday, in a possible sign of increased security jitters a week after Egypt's army toppled President Mohamed Mursi.

Security sources in Egypt and Israel both described the flyover as a navigational error, but it came shortly after militants killed an Egyptian policeman and wounded a second in an attack on checkpoints in the lawless Sinai Peninsula across the border from the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

Separately, Egyptian authorities arrested three Palestinian gunmen on Friday during "an attempt to attack vital sites in Sinai", Egyptian state media reported.

"The helicopter mistakenly crossed into Gazan airspace and immediately returned to Egypt," the Israeli security source said. Witnesses in Gaza said it stayed on their side of the border for about 10 minutes before returning.


First of all, like I always do, I want to point out the double standard Rueters has, when israel constantly enters Gaza's airspace it isn't reported. Not even in this fashion. During my visit here in Gaza I've seen dozens of airspace violations over Gaza by israel. These aren't even the drones, just the fighter jets.

Second of all, I think this is lousy behavior by the Egyptian military. Who can't solve it's national security situation and seeks to divert attention from their own rebels and move attention towards Hamas so they egyptian people can be fooled and relieved. Hamas is not acting against their national security and targeting Egyptian military posts. Those are people in Egypt.

1) Reuturs is a Jewish owned media just like all the Western medias. They never report the crimes in Israel but when they do, they will always add the word "hamas terrorist organisation" so don't listen to Western zionist ultra propagandist media machine when they talk about Palestine or something you know that is not true.

2) More attention and relieved? Hamas is popular to the Muslim countries. Hamas not in Sinai but who is really in Sinai?

Egypt army is fighting...


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First of all, like I always do, I want to point out the double standard Rueters has, when israel constantly enters Gaza's airspace it isn't reported. Not even in this fashion. During my visit here in Gaza I've seen dozens of airspace violations over Gaza by israel.

It's not a violation since Gaza is not a state. and in any case they are in conflict.
This makes the news because it is unusual. Just like the almost daily Molotov cocktails thrown against Jewish civilians in Judea and Samaria are not reported, just like when rockets are fired against Israel daily (not at the moment) most are not reported, the same happens here. To be fair, when there is a conflict not every offensive operation by Israel in Gaza is reported either.

The pilot is said to have made a mistake.

Reuturs is a Jewish owned media just like all the Western medias.

They are so pro Israel that in the 2006 war in Lebanon they were found guilty of faking photos by Photoshop to support Hezballah.
I am sure you are convinced Al Jazeera and Fars are more fair.
It's not a violation since Gaza is not a state. and in any case they are in conflict.
This makes the news because it is unusual. Just like the almost daily Molotov cocktails thrown against Jewish civilians in Judea and Samaria are not reported, just like when rockets are fired against Israel daily (not at the moment) most are not reported, the same happens here. To be fair, when there is a conflict not every offensive operation by Israel in Gaza is reported either.

The pilot is said to have made a mistake.

They are so pro Israel that in the 2006 war in Lebanon they were found guilty of faking photos by Photoshop to support Hezballah.
I am sure you are convinced Al Jazeera and Fars are more fair.

he is one of those conspiracy theorists who blames everything on Israel .
Pre-planned coup.

In the months before the military ousted President Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's top generals met regularly with opposition leaders, often at the Navy Officers' Club nestled on the Nile.

The message: If the opposition could put enough protesters in the streets, the military would step in—and forcibly remove the president.

"It was a simple question the opposition put to the military," said Ahmed Samih, who is close to several opposition attendees. "Will you be with us again?" The military said it would. Others familiar with the meetings described them similarly.

In Egypt, the 'Deep State' Rises Again - WSJ.com
naked facts are hurting..??

You mean making stuff up as you go along blindly through your life and displaying an unparallelled level of ignorance.

The only military aid the Egyptian armed forces receives is from the United States of America. This aid is directly rerouted into the American military industrial complex producing armament for the Egyptian armed forces and isn't used to buy rations for over 400,000 soldiers.

Meanwhile in real life the military has spread over 1million Ramadan boxes with food and necessities to over a million needy Egyptians and continues to provide food at mosques for Egyptians in this holy month.

Mursi under "criminal investigation"...it keeps getting dirty!
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