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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

I'm not taking side, if it's on me, I would have shot the so-called Tiger of yours long time ago.

sorry not mine but i support the legitimacy of egyptian government and egyptian people, im not saying im taking sides any where, i have also heard morsi did some mistakes, im not egyptian so i wont comment on their matters

what im pointing out is those 55 men were wrongly killed by the army which is usually beyond the law because it sells chickens and refrigerators and stuff to their people, its like a monarchy where their army owns egyptians and 40% of their economy

and now they are arresting the rest of MB to strengthen its marshal law
Shame on you. I hate the extremist Salafis.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZWD75G_VpI]Pro-Morsi Demonstrators Threaten Al-Sisi with Suicide Squads and Burning of Christians - YouTube

3895 Morsi supporters prepare for Violent clashes - YouTube

DR. Mohmmad El-Adel says " We won't leave the armed forces alone to confront the terrorism of the MB "

the army has killed so many MBs and MB is only threatening, its actually very natural because the legitimate government was illegitimately removed by the army, obviously now this matter was gonna get violant and you cant blame anything on MB

its all because of egyptian army which acted immaturely and liberals instead of demanding interim setup and immediate elections cheered take over of the army?
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Disgusting bloodthirsty Egypt army

Sucks for you is that its old footage from Al3abasiya....
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Sucks for you is that its old footage from Al3abasiya....

But the statement still stands.

Egypt: Damning evidence points to security forces - Amnesty

Evidence gathered by Amnesty International suggests that the security forces have used excessive force against supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi. Since last Friday at least 88 people have lost their lives in protests and political violence, including three members of the security forces, with around 1,500 wounded.
At least 51 Morsi supporters were killed on monday during clashes outside the Republican guard headquarters.
“Despite claims by the military that protesters attacked first during clashes on Monday and that no women and children were injured, first hand accounts collected by Amnesty International paint a very different picture. Even if some protesters used violence, the response was disproportionate and led to the loss of life and injury among peaceful protesters,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director at Amnesty International.
My dear, Egypt isn't Iraq. You are saying "decades of violence and terrorism in Egypt" but where is the violence and terrorism? There is no bombings or shooting without being investigated like any other lawless states so the Luxor was nothing.

So what was Luxor, a terrorist picnic?

Just because murders or terrorist attacks are investigated doesn't negate the fact they happened and that its unacceptable.

Israel is our main enemy and will always be our enemy and therefore we should not make a treaty with the Zionist.
Have you or any of your family served in 67 or 73 because some of mine did, a few of them never returned. You have no idea of the horrors and pain both families and fighters go through.

If America did not interrupt Egypt and if Sadat continued the war, Israel would not have existed.

You just proved that you have no Idea about the 73 war. The wars aims were not to occupy Israel but to return the Sinai by retaking a portion (20km deep) and so making Israeli occupation of the rest impossible. Egyptian forces operated under a SAM umbrella negating Israels air superiority in that region. However, when Sadat ordered armored and mechanized divisions to push deeper at the request of the Syrians (against Alshazlys wishes) they were slaughtered as the Israelis had air superiority and superior armor. Occupying Israel or even the Sinai for that matter was way beyond Egypt's military capacity at that time.

That is why he was considered as 'coward' to the Arab people but to me, he was a better president than Abdel Nasser and Mubarak.

Yet, you are still justifying his killing.

Im not trying to justify what they did, but, if I was I would point out that the pro-Morsi supporters were protesting in front of a military institution and that its within the military's legal jurisdiction to use live fire to disperse protestors or attackers.

Since you happen to be an Egyptian, I would appreciate commenting on the subject. And I'm also interested in telling those folks that the violence the MB had committed recently.

I don't think i need to say anything; the 10 millions in the streets did!! Some people don't want to open their eyes just because the word Muslim in next to brotherhood. Well, they don't represent Islam, democracy, or good leadership!! They represent hate, and violence.

See what I mean @agentny17 ??

Because we congratulated Egypt on this development they immediately turned against it . It is like the only reason they are against is because we are with it.

Saudi Arabia is the only country that supported Egypt during Mubarak's presidency, during Morsi's 1 year presidency, and after he has been ousted by the people. Give them credit, they have been very consistent about supporting the people, not governments or regimes.
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:lol: And what Israel has to do with this? Are you mentally ill or something? I never bragged about a damn thing, your Iranian friends make a meal out of everything like the crappy North Korean missiles and its likes.

Interesting, if the Salafis did this then why would they wait until the coup toke place? Are you justifying it to them or something?

Because your posts make you sound full of yourself especially when referring to the KSA's interests as if they defend their interests but only do so on weak agendas. They know what little mean they mean when it comes to israel in the region. I want to see KSA ahead of israel and I want them to be the big dog in the region. When that happens then you can think about bragging a little. Both you and some Iranians here both have obsessions with each other and both are sometimes honest and not honest. It's starting to annoy me, because both sides make good and bad points.
There's no smoke without fire. Don't expect us to remain silent when the other side are banishing you 24/4. Sometimes you need to pinch someone to wake him/her up, and to bring them to reality.

As for KSA, I don't know exactly what are you taking about, but KSA will never resort to violence, but if they had to do so then they will do whatever takes to do so. We are used to keep our mouths shut. Maybe the Israelis tend to do it in aggressive ways, but no thanks, we won't do something like this.

Because your posts make you sound full of yourself especially when referring to the KSA's interests as if they defend their interests but only do so on weak agendas.

They know what little mean they mean when it comes to israel in the region

Again, that's a poor judgement, the Israelis aren't in the same position to KSA, and KSA isn't in the same position of Turkey.

I want to see KSA ahead of israel and I want them to be the big dog in the region

It depends how you define " the big dog of the neighborhood of the region ". Compaitivelly, Israel succeeded in one filed, and being overshadowed by another. KSA doesn't own the Middile East young man.

When that happens then you can think about bragging a little

Like I said earlier, no bragging, period.

Daily Mail the tabloid which is usually anti-Islamist finds it disturbing the way Morsi supporters were mowed down. The mail is also claiming Mubarak regime goons are back in business enforcing the juntas wishes.

Why I fear the worst for Egypt: Two years after predicting the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, a veteran reporter witnesses scenes in Cairo that chill his blood | Mail Online

An interesting observation just before the military coup in Egypt, the Emir in Qatar stepped down. Emirs/Dictators typically do not give up power willingly, they usually go out kicking and screaming or in body bags.

He a supporter of Assad, also worked with Hizbullah and MB gives up power on June 25th, a week later MB President Morsi is taken down by a coup.

It just maybe more than a coincidence.
sorry not mine but i support the legitimacy of egyptian government and egyptian people, im not saying im taking sides any where, i have also heard morsi did some mistakes, im not egyptian so i wont comment on their matters

what im pointing out is those 55 men were wrongly killed by the army which is usually beyond the law because it sells chickens and refrigerators and stuff to their people, its like a monarchy where their army owns egyptians and 40% of their economy

and now they are arresting the rest of MB to strengthen its marshal law

Don't bother. They are anti MB like their royals and Egyptian users are Nasserist so what do you expect?

Anyway back to the scene. First day of breaking the fasting outside, beautiful!

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Its just heartbreaking to see Egypt, a great nation divided like this, its just heartbreaking.

May God have mercy on you and give you unity & peace.
From April

Was this guy sacked?

Bahiya ya Masr,” or “Beautiful Egypt,” a group advocating women’s rights, is planning a sit-in on Sunday to protest the Egyptian Information Minister’s “sexist” comments towards two female journalists.

Salah Abdul Maksoud, angered many Egyptians after he told a female reporter to “come to my office and I will show you how,” as she mentioned the lack of freedom for expression.

Last Wednesday, during a press conference at the Information Ministry, the official repeated his infamous remark, when he told yet another female journalist from the private Al-Nahar TV station: “come to my office and I will tell you,” after she enquired about Egyptian TV content.

“Bahiya ya Masr” has planned a sit-in in front of Egypt’s Radio and TV Union (ERTU) Maspero at 4pm Cairo time, according to the groups Facebook page.

Riham Salim, one of the coordinators, said the campaign was a reaction to the minister’s derogatory comments.

“He knows very well that he angered many with his first statement, so why is he doing it again?” Salim asked, as she described his “narrow-mindedness” and “determination” to repeat the same mistake.

On the group’s Facebook page, people expressed their disappointment.
“It’s a shame that minister disrespects women and journalists this way,” a lady who goes by the name Sue Lola Pasha said.

While another women called Lydia Elewa posted a picture of a plastic slipper which she claims will be used on the minister.

However, these occurrences are not the first of their kind by the minister. In September last year, the minister said in an interview with Dubai television anchor Zina Yazji “I hope your questions aren’t as hot as you are.”

A remark to which both the presenter and Information Minister laughed nervously.

'Sexist' Egyptian Info Minister causes more feminist outrage - Alarabiya.net English | Front Page
I don't think i need to say anything; the 10 millions in the streets did!! Some people don't want to open their eyes just because the word Muslim in next to brotherhood. Well, they don't represent Islam, democracy, or good leadership!! They represent hate, and violence.
There is a lot of violence in our region anyway. ALmost all our countries sponsor terrorism. We are the big champions in the world .
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists | World news | The Guardian
Fact is MB exists in your country.
You want to work with them or try to eliminate them ? what do you think ?
Saudi Arabia is the only country that supported Egypt during Mubarak's presidency, during Morsi's 1 year presidency, and after he has been ousted by the people. Give them credit, they have been very consistent about supporting the people, not governments or regimes.
It is good for your country and that's the most important.
Is there any "plan" for economy?
Egyptian army killed dozens of Hamas fighters in Sinai

Egyptian security forces have killed dozens of armed men and arrested hundreds more as part of a crackdown on extremist cells operating in the Sinai Peninsula, pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat reported on Thursday.

At least 32 Hamas fighters that entered Sinai through underground smuggling tunnels and joined the cells were among those arrested, according to the report.
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