This time all 3G & 4G mobile & devices thefting everyone data and sending automatically USA Big Data Base controlled by Google & NASA. All mobiles softwares,applications and online games under control of Google play is a big fraud by American these softwares, apps,games slowly slowly upload your all data automatically and 6 other big partners also innovolved in it.
No.1 Google Maps, don't use them instead this software giving you route information as well as it is sending your feed back to US Big Data Base about your activities which locations you are traveling with sim information.
No.2 Facebook, its world biggest spy agency this time in which everybody happily providing all of its details like sharing location,posting seelfies, giving phone numbers, making comments about yourself as well as your friends details also automatically going to that database.
No.3 Twitter, is working for authentication and reference to prove you are not a fake person by checking your reference with connected personalities.
No.4 what's app, is fourth biggest fraude its verify people from their voice messages, videos, uploaded and send to friends.
No.5 LinkedIn checks and send your professional details and other important data .
No. 6 is biometric machines those sends your finger tips data not only to your database but also forwàrd it to USA through its networks now new app will come to replace it with the name of finger tips scan password lock to get each user finger prints trials are underway for this app on touch screen mobiles and devices.
These 6 apps theft all of your complete info and make each person spreat file by matching all things like your activities where you travelled by google maps, images from,voice samples from what's app, professional details from LinkedIn, Finger prints from touch screen biometric apps and reference from twittering. After raw file it goes for real evaluation & verification that you are real one or not ? there each personality original details USA already available from all Airports of Europe & America as well from its allied countries as they are using same American technologies and they get your data with your scanned passport, scanned images and it goes first directly to that database to verify you. Google Play Is designing each & every app, software, or game that have their own stealth component in it to theft your info as much possible as it can using internet as their feedback source to upload thefted data.