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Editorial: Badami Bagh Christian Community; We Stand With Them | PKKH.tv


Oct 10, 2012
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Editorial: Badami Bagh Christian Community; We Stand With Them | PKKH.tv


PKKH Editorial

Islam makes every human life sacred and provides legal security to the lives, property and respect of all individuals. Anyone living inside the premises of an Islamic state is in in the security of the state, and the non-Muslim minorities enjoy special treatment as they are our guests of another religion and it becomes a matter of our prestige to protect them the more.

Today more than a 100 houses were burned in a mob attack on a Christian community at the Badami Bagh area in Lahore. The attack was supposedly retaliation against a member of the community for having made blasphemous remarks. The alleged man who had committed this act of blasphemy is under arrest and a case against him has been registered. But as yet no case has been filed against the unlawful act of the mob.

Does our religion permit mob violence and this act of terror against a peaceful, hard-working community of our nation? The truth is that Islam condemns such an action; there is no punishment for an individual without due process of policing and trial. The right way to deal with this matter was to condemn it peacefully and wait for the trial.

It is also vital at this time of anarchy that has already wrapped the whole country in waves of terror, bombing and killing of innocent all over the country, to keep our calm and refrain from fueling this act with political point-scoring and making it a matter of divide between the majority and the minority. The nation needs to show its unity at this point and recognize the fault lines which may have been used by various forces to destabilize the situation of the country.

At this difficult time, when the shelters and belongings of a poor community has been destroyed, we appeal to the nation to stand behind the Christian community just like we have stood behind our brothers of Abbas Town, Karachi. The same way charitable organizations and individuals are expected to come forward for the rehabilitation of the families of Abbas Town; we expect them to come to the aid of our Badami Bagh community too.

“Father Aftab in Faisalabad, who is part of the peace committee comprising Muslim and Christian religious scholars, says that the police are to blame for “criminal negligence”. According to Father Aftab, community members had alerted the police that the accused required extra protection, given the nature of the case, but the required level of security was not provided.” (Source.)

Yes Father Aftab is right, the police is to be blame and so is the mob. We urge the government of Pakistan to take strict action against both:

The Prophet Mohammad [Salalahu alai hi wa salaam] said: "Beware! Whosoever oppresses a Muahid (i.e. Non-Muslim living in Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, then I will fight against such a (muslim) on the day of Judgement.” [Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052] and while we resolve to stand behind our Christian community, feeling the plight they are going through, we must also not forget the external forces that are proving adamant in not leaving any leaf unturned in their bid to de-stabilize economically and psychologically the peace-loving , hard-working people of this country. And as an ending note, PKKH urges our Liberal friends not to start with their rant against the anti-blasphemy law now,, and not to go to all lengths to prove upon us that we are a backward-looking, conservative people; no we are a forward-looking conservatives.

Go and rebuild their homes before some fat rich person takes their lands and build his own business venture.
Isn't PKKH an establishment run blog?

Islam makes every human life sacred and provides legal security to the lives, property and respect of all individuals. Anyone living inside the premises of an Islamic state is in in the security of the state, and the non-Muslim minorities enjoy special treatment as they are our guests of another religion and it becomes a matter of our prestige to protect them the more.

What does this BS mean? Is everyone equal in an Islamic State or not? What does 'guest' mean? Are they going somewhere anytime soon?

while we resolve to stand behind our Christian community, feeling the plight they are going through, we must also not forget the external forces that are proving adamant in not leaving any leaf unturned in their bid to de-stabilize

Yeah right, this 'external forces' propaganda had to be coming soon. What external forces are active in Badami Bagh in the middle of Lahore in the form of locals?
Isn't PKKH an establishment run blog?
Irrelevant question here and no.

Is everyone equal in an Islamic State or not?
Obviously, no.

What does 'guest' mean? Are they going somewhere anytime soon?
Well in this context it means ghar walon se behtar treat hona chahiye.

Yeah right, this 'external forces' propaganda had to be coming soon. What external forces are active in Badami Bagh in the middle of Lahore in the form of locals?

You know its hard for anyone to accept. First thing that comes to mind is "Yeh hum nahin". Pakistani society now has all sort of people, unfortunately, most are bad, you can tell this if you just go out and do some shopping on the streets. It may be true, Yeh bohot se log nahin, kharab bhi lekin hum main se hi hain.

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