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Eat Rats:Indian officials ask starving Indians to eat rodents (BBC)

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Common, even they have the right to feel better about themselves!!! be humane ;)

feeling better about themselves or feeling sorry for *** eaters?
you're missing the point.
Of course this might just be another way to demoralize and subjugate the lower castes. They are claiming (probably false) that a certain lower caste is already a *** eater by tradition.

India is such a classed society. Totally raping the tenets of freedom, equality and justice.

Are you really sure of that? Are others in our region less so?

While I don't want to get into comparisons, the fact is Pakistan is more feudal. Because it was created by the feudals. There has been no land reforms at all in Pakistan because of that.

I can tell you there are no 20 families in India that rule the country! Anyone from any strata of society can achieve anything without bar.

Just look at the UP chief minister, she is a Dalit. She may well be the next PM of India!
feeling better about themselves or feeling sorry for *** eaters?
you're missing the point.

Oh really? i think i missed the appeal for donations to help the poor, instead i read this blatant hate filled lie that india is spending 125 billion $ to buy military aircraft :)

yeah i missed the point, but U sure got it :) thanks for ur sympathy, now time for my *** sandwich.
Are you really sure of that? Are others in our region less so?

While I don't want to get into comparisons, the fact is Pakistan is more feudal. Because it was created by the feudals. There has been no land reforms at all in Pakistan because of that.

I can tell you there are no 20 families in India that rule the country! Anyone from any strata of society can achieve anything without bar.

Just look at the UP chief minister, she is a Dalit. She may well be the next PM of India!
Dude, ease up on the filmi dialogs... You guys are down to eating rats. Thats horrible. And whatever you guys can achieve is not the question around here. The question is why don't you beat the **** out of your leaders for failing to put food on your tables.

You guys have already suffered plague epidemics in recent years...
World power status cannot be achieved by asking the population to eat rats.

The writer said it all in just one Line.
Oh really? i think i missed the appeal for donations to help the poor, instead i read this blatant hate filled lie that india is spending 125 billion $ to buy military aircraft :)

La La La Lies:cheesy: ....then go help the poor and buy them "real" meat.I see you guys always deny the news that brings heinous aspects of your system.
yeah i missed the point, but U sure got it :) thanks for ur sympathy, now time for my *** sandwich.

seeing as you love your *** sandwich so much, I won't sympathize with you but those who are being forced.
Exactly, things are so simple and straight forward that one line written in rupeenews carries more weight than our modest but real achievements :)

as i said, u shud feel good too, enjoy :)

Here is an article from UK telegraph

Eat rats for snacks, says Indian official

An Indian welfare official has advised poor people to farm rats for snacks as a way to beat rising food prices.

Vijay Prakash, the welfare minister in Bihar state in eastern India, said he wanted to set up *** farms and sell the meat to upmarket hotels, street stalls and restaurants.

The project will start with stalls in rural fairs followed by "*** meat centres" in urban areas.

The 2.3 million members of the Musahar caste, one of the poorest in India, have traditionally eaten rats that they hunted in paddy fields.

Now Mr Prakash says rich people should also sample the meat, which he said was full of protein and tasted better than chicken.

"Some socially deprived people in Bihar have always consumed *** meat," he said. "If they can eat rats, why can't the rest of the people?"

He said the plan would tackle food prices on two fronts: by reducing the amount of grain consumed by rodents and producing a cheap form of meat.

But he also said developing *** farms would help the social development of Musahars.

"The government has decided to engage the Musahars in commercialisation of *** meat for their overall development," he said. "It will help empower them and change their poor living conditions if the venture is properly designed and clicks."

He said the poor image of rats could change.

"I discovered during a fact-finding mission about *** meat that it is a popular food item," he told The Times of India. "It is called 'patal-bageri' and its demand is high,"

Eat rats for snacks, says Indian official - Telegraph
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La La La Lies:cheesy: ....then go help the poor and buy them "real" meat.I see you guys always deny the news that brings heinous aspects of your system.

seeing as you love your *** sandwich so much, I won't sympathize with you but those who are being forced.

Just so that u get it right

1) i posted a link earlier abt these particular people in india eating rats as a tradition - pls see it. its a video, easy to comprehend.

2) its a blatant hate filled lie that india is spending 125 billion dollars on war planes, that what the article says. may be u ppl did not read it because ur eyes got all watery with emotion. so basically the aricle is anything BUT sympathising with the poor but only makes india haters feel good abt themselves.

and they shud too, its their right :angel:
Here is an article from UK telegraph

Eat rats for snacks, says Indian official

An Indian welfare official has advised poor people to farm rats for snacks as a way to beat rising food prices.

Vijay Prakash, the welfare minister in Bihar state in eastern India, said he wanted to set up *** farms and sell the meat to upmarket hotels, street stalls and restaurants.

The project will start with stalls in rural fairs followed by "*** meat centres" in urban areas.

The 2.3 million members of the Musahar caste, one of the poorest in India, have traditionally eaten rats that they hunted in paddy fields.

Now Mr Prakash says rich people should also sample the meat, which he said was full of protein and tasted better than chicken.

"Some socially deprived people in Bihar have always consumed *** meat," he said. "If they can eat rats, why can't the rest of the people?"

He said the plan would tackle food prices on two fronts: by reducing the amount of grain consumed by rodents and producing a cheap form of meat.

But he also said developing *** farms would help the social development of Musahars.

"The government has decided to engage the Musahars in commercialisation of *** meat for their overall development," he said. "It will help empower them and change their poor living conditions if the venture is properly designed and clicks."

He said the poor image of rats could change.

"I discovered during a fact-finding mission about *** meat that it is a popular food item," he told The Times of India. "It is called 'patal-bageri' and its demand is high,"

Eat rats for snacks, says Indian official - Telegraph


didja see the video link i posted mate?
Dude, ease up on the filmi dialogs... You guys are down to eating rats. Thats horrible. And whatever you guys can achieve is not the question around here. The question is why don't you beat the **** out of your leaders for failing to put food on your tables.

He is not a national leader, I believe. It is some state level official who said it in his personal capacity! It doesn't represent the national view, nor the GOI's view.

I agree that the national leaders need to be made more accountable to the people for their real problems. Can you honestly say that is not needed in Pakistan and across the world?

If I remember right, it was a Pakistani leader who talked of eating grass for a 1000 years!

You guys have already suffered plague epidemics in recent years...

Yes, we had that epidemic once in a city and that city is now among the cleanest in India!

Can you honestly say you don't have people dying avoidable deaths because of government apathy?

What exactly is it you are trying to say? Pakistan is better than India? May be, may be not. Doesn't matter.

We have to try to make better what we have.
some tips for Pakistanis to help decide the menu next time you invite your Chinese bretherens over for dinner to your place, in hope of recieving an extra million or two of aid rfor your country

Mmm, rodents! China feasts on Rats infestation

Tired of fast food? Well, now you can travel to China and try some "pest food." As the country suffers from a plague of a reported 2 billion rats displaced by a flooded lake, many of the creepy creatures are being trucked from central China to the booming south to end up in fancy restaurant dishes, Chinese media reported.

Dogs, Rats & Cats; Food in China!

Dogs, rats and cats are considered usual plates in the streets of China! And are cooked as chicken is … I could only be amazed.

Rats back on the menu in southern China

According to a report Saturday in the Information Times from Guangzhou, trucks full of mice were seen arriving late at night and sold to a wild animal market in the city district of Baiyun.

During the SARS epidemic, which began in southern China in 2003, authorities banned the sale of many wild animals including rats amid fear that the deadly disease could be contracted from contaminated meat.

But rats are regarded as a traditional delicacy in southern China, and some believe that their flesh is more nutritious than pork or chicken.

Post Card from China: A Rats in my soup

ABSTRACT: POSTCARD FROM CHINA about restaurants in the Guangdong Province of China which serve Rats...
^^ And of course pork is the staple diet of the Godless Chinese, the best chums of our Pakistani brothers!
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