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Dynamics of China Bangladesh Relations

1. I believe the above states the requirement for extending beyond 200 NM. How much does the position of the new island matter ?
I do not know. But then again what happens when the Exclusive Economic Zones of neighbouring countries overlap?

2. Going by the picture, I saw, (it was not visible yesterday because of slow update, it seems that the island is formed because of the relative stagnation in that zone because of the direction of the river on western side of the Talpatty island. Going forward the island may increase in size on the west and get connected to Moore island in about 100+ yrs. The flow of the river from the eastern side is intersected by the one on eastern side and hence there is hardly any impact of the river (on eastern side) on the island except for the fact that it also restricts the growth on the eastern side. (my major background is in fluidics, ocean related technologies and exploration)
That's correct. Although I am not sure how a 'background' in 'fluidics, ocean related technologies and exploration' helps one in what is essentially a photo analysis.

3. We need to see how much is the impact of this island on the claims of both countries in terms of exploration and exploitation rights. If the concerned area is marginal then joint exploration and exploitation may be possible. If it is substantial then arbitration may be the best solution.
But I was told that geo-politics is not simple. It sounds simple enough. Doesn't it?
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