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Dutch politicians angered by U.S. move to block ASML exports to China


Nov 4, 2011
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Dutch politicians angered by U.S. move to block ASML exports to China​

UESDAY, 24 OCTOBER 2023 - 19:40


The Cabinet should advocate more strongly for chip machine manufacturer ASML when dealing with the United States, according to CDA, D66, and Volt. Members of the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament, asked on Tuesday Minister Liesje Schreinemacher (Foreign Trade) about the tightened export regulations recently introduced by the United States. Due to these regulations, the U.S. can block the export of certain chip machines if they contain American components.

Het Financiel Dagblad reported on Friday that the new U.S. regulations have taken away the Netherlands' control over ASML's chip machine exports to China, as ASML now needs to apply for a license from Washington to sell these machines, even though they could be exported without issues under Dutch rules.

"Unilaterally changing the rules in the middle of the game, where competitiveness and strategic autonomy are at stake, is hard to swallow, even from a close ally," said CDA MP Mustafa Amhaouch on Tuesday. He said he wants to know if Schreinemacher has raised objections to this with the U.S.

The minister was reluctant to comment extensively on the matter. She said she believes such discussions should remain confidential. However, she added she does feel that the U.S. has the right to make their own security assessments. The U.S. is concerned that China could use advanced chip technology from Europe in the production of weapons. She dismissed suggestions by Marieke Koekkoek (Volt) and others that economic interests are also at play.

Furthermore, Schreinemacher downplayed the impact of the new export regulations. They apply only to a few types of machines and a few countries, she said. She also pointed out that ASML not only uses American components but also has production locations in the U.S. The cabinet previously limited the export of certain chip machines to China at the urging of the U.S.


A major Dutch news organization has been digging into details regarding the 'unauthorized embezzlement', that ASML informed shareholders about last year. According to NRC’s investigations, the incident could be more accurately described as the theft of trade secrets and the passing of them to China’s Huawei.​
The timeline, according to the source report, goes something like this:​
  • Chinese national works at ASML and gains knowledge of some of the Dutch firm’s trade secrets,
  • Chinese employee leaves ASML in 2022,
  • This former-ASML employee starts work at Huawei,
  • ASML company secrets shared with Huawei.
Now, people changes employers and nothing is wrong with this practice. Sometimes, if the resigned person is of high enough stature, he maybe asked to wait for usually one yr before taking employment at another company, especially if in the same industry. So, leaving one company and moving to another DOES NOT constitutes any kind of moral/ethical issues.

So what would make a person guilty of moral/ethical issues? If the leaving person actually take some THINGS of value with him. It is not about knowing and having memory of his work. It is about taking some forms of copies, physical and/or electronics of his work with him. The article is too vague in its outline but everyone know what it means, that this Chinese employee, most likely from an engineering related dept, must have taken copies of his work and/or related technical issues when he worked with other dept.

A major Dutch news organization has been digging into details regarding the 'unauthorized embezzlement', that ASML informed shareholders about last year. According to NRC’s investigations, the incident could be more accurately described as the theft of trade secrets and the passing of them to China’s Huawei.​
The timeline, according to the source report, goes something like this:​
  • Chinese national works at ASML and gains knowledge of some of the Dutch firm’s trade secrets,
  • Chinese employee leaves ASML in 2022,
  • This former-ASML employee starts work at Huawei,
  • ASML company secrets shared with Huawei.
Now, people changes employers and nothing is wrong with this practice. Sometimes, if the resigned person is of high enough stature, he maybe asked to wait for usually one yr before taking employment at another company, especially if in the same industry. So, leaving one company and moving to another DOES NOT constitutes any kind of moral/ethical issues.

So what would make a person guilty of moral/ethical issues? If the leaving person actually take some THINGS of value with him. It is not about knowing and having memory of his work. It is about taking some forms of copies, physical and/or electronics of his work with him. The article is too vague in its outline but everyone know what it means, that this Chinese employee, most likely from an engineering related dept, must have taken copies of his work and/or related technical issues when he worked with other dept.
The Jewish dog started editing the "little story" again. :lol:

Anyone spreading fake Western news ~ all Jewish dogs! :rofl:

Dutch politicians angered by U.S. move to block ASML exports to China​

UESDAY, 24 OCTOBER 2023 - 19:40


The Cabinet should advocate more strongly for chip machine manufacturer ASML when dealing with the United States, according to CDA, D66, and Volt. Members of the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament, asked on Tuesday Minister Liesje Schreinemacher (Foreign Trade) about the tightened export regulations recently introduced by the United States. Due to these regulations, the U.S. can block the export of certain chip machines if they contain American components.

Het Financiel Dagblad reported on Friday that the new U.S. regulations have taken away the Netherlands' control over ASML's chip machine exports to China, as ASML now needs to apply for a license from Washington to sell these machines, even though they could be exported without issues under Dutch rules.

"Unilaterally changing the rules in the middle of the game, where competitiveness and strategic autonomy are at stake, is hard to swallow, even from a close ally," said CDA MP Mustafa Amhaouch on Tuesday. He said he wants to know if Schreinemacher has raised objections to this with the U.S.

The minister was reluctant to comment extensively on the matter. She said she believes such discussions should remain confidential. However, she added she does feel that the U.S. has the right to make their own security assessments. The U.S. is concerned that China could use advanced chip technology from Europe in the production of weapons. She dismissed suggestions by Marieke Koekkoek (Volt) and others that economic interests are also at play.

Furthermore, Schreinemacher downplayed the impact of the new export regulations. They apply only to a few types of machines and a few countries, she said. She also pointed out that ASML not only uses American components but also has production locations in the U.S. The cabinet previously limited the export of certain chip machines to China at the urging of the U.S.

The title should read: "Chinese poodle angered by US move to block ASML exports to China" :enjoy:
Dutch govt , Dutch population , and all Dutch companies are totally under american rule.

there is no sovereignity in every single EU nations

there is no sovereignity in 5 Eyes nations

every nations are vassal / slave state of the US empire

and US is vassal of the Israeli govt
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