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Dukhtar : a movie of Geo films, negative portrayel of Pashtuns

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This is bad.

Pathans are really respected here in India.
The issue here is superficial and stereotypical image of pashtuns that exists in Pakistan particularly in karachi. Urdu culture and literature which sprung from Delhi-UP region centre of mughal history, is quite hostile to pathan/pashtuns. Reasons are historical, mughal empire ruled for two centuries , it gave langauge, art and culture to muslims of U.P/Delhi. But 18th century is period of downfall and choas for muslims of that region, from Nadir shah to Rohilla and Abdali, Afghans were held responsible for destruction of mughal empire and violence in Delhi-UP region. To counter the terror of sikhs and pathans, muslims of gangetic plains and delhi, invented sikh jokes for former and pathan jokes for latter.
I was reading in a book that when bakht khan rohilla took command of delhi in 1857, one of the son of bahadur shah zafar started insulting pathans, that they are enemies of mughals and savages, bakht khan got so angry at the useless and degenerated prince and draw his sword but the matter was cool down by others.
The issue here is superficial and stereotypical image of pashtuns that exists in Pakistan particularly in karachi. Urdu culture and literature which sprung from Delhi-UP region centre of mughal history, is quite hostile to pathan/pashtuns. Reasons are historical, mughal empire ruled for two centuries , it gave langauge, art and culture to muslims of U.P/Delhi. But 18th century is period of downfall and choas for muslims of that region, from Nadir shah to Rohilla and Abdali, Afghans were held responsible for destruction of mughal empire and violence in Delhi-UP region. To counter the terror of sikhs and pathans, muslims of gangetic plains and delhi, invented sikh jokes for former and pathan jokes for latter.
I was reading in a book that when bakht khan rohilla took command of delhi in 1857, one of the son of bahadur shah zafar started insulting pathans, that they are enemies of mughals and savages, bakht khan got so angry at the useless and degenerated prince and draw his sword but the matter was cool down by others.

It's a movie. No reason to be so uptight about it.

If you don't like it, don't watch it.
Guys..do not get so picky about your tribe...Nationalism should be the ultimate driving force rather than your state or tribal culture...If people get angry with such small issues..then how will your media will flourish?...It does not mean media should demonize Pathans, but again, it is just a movie..If you have seen Hindi movie, those guys always make Villian or -ve character to the Hindu regious god man....We take it as a sense of humour...That does not mean all Hindu God man is bad...but again..this is just a movie only..
Guys..do not get so picky about your tribe...Nationalism should be the ultimate driving force rather than your state or tribal culture...If people get angry with such small issues..then how will your media will flourish?...It does not mean media should demonize Pathans, but again, it is just a movie..If you have seen Hindi movie, those guys always make Villian or -ve character to the Hindu regious god man....We take it as a sense of humour...That does not mean all Hindu God man is bad...but again..this is just a movie only..
Its just that me or should i say we pashtuns are sick of it. We grow up seeing pashtun characters on TV shown as mindless clowns with stereotypical outlook, thats tolerable to some extent in the name of humour but then we read urdu stories in which the kidnapper of kid is always a pathan (even in burqa avenger animation i saw a pathan doing forced labour from abducted kids). And then we personally experienced to be viewed with suspestion and harassed for being potential terrorist within pakistan. And now this, burqa , women and imprisonement charges.
I have to yet to see some one highlighting our normal and good side. I have to yet to see karachi/urdu media giving role to pashtuns other few seconds chowkidar role with pakol and big mole on face.

Yes we pashtuns ourselves are incompetent in media, tv and film industry and it needs to be addressed but it doesnt mean others can create and propagate a particular narrow image of us, in negative light. Its 21st century, no more BS in the name of humour and what not.
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Its just that me or should i say we pashtuns are sick of it. We grow up seeing pashtun characters on TV shown as mindless clowns with stereotypical outlook, thats tolerable to some extent in the name of humour but then we read urdu stories in which the kidnapper of kid is always a pathan (even in burqa avenger animation i saw a pathan doing forced labour from abducted kids). And then we personally experienced to be viewed with suspestion and harassed for being potential terrorist within pakistan. And now this, burqa , women and imprisonement charges.
I have to yet to see some one highlighting our normal and good side. I have to yet to see karachi/urdu media giving role to pashtuns other few seconds chowkidar role with pakol and big mole on face.

Yes we pashtuns ourselves are incompetent in media, tv and film industry and it needs to be addressed but it doesnt mean others can create and propagate a particular narrow image of us, in negative light. Its 21st century, no more BS in the name of humour and what not.

Your point makes sense...That can only be removed when people from your tribe/region becomes educated and promote your culture and way of living in front of outside world...No one else will come forward to propage your culture..The Urdu speaking people may be doing for their own...So bottomline is you have to develop and rich socially to influence the media..If you feel something is incorrectly potrayed. then you can correct it here itself...Why do not you create another thread present all the moderen day pastun who are doctors/Engineers or some one who is very famous in this modern day...In that way, people will have awareness about it....And if i am not wrong, Shahrukh Khan is also a Pathan right?
Your point makes sense...That can only be removed when people from your tribe/region becomes educated and promote your culture and way of living in front of outside world...No one else will come forward to propage your culture..The Urdu speaking people may be doing for their own...So bottomline is you have to develop and rich socially to influence the media..If you feel something is incorrectly potrayed. then you can correct it here itself...Why do not you create another thread present all the moderen day pastun who are doctors/Engineers or some one who is very famous in this modern day...In that way, people will have awareness about it....And if i am not wrong, Shahrukh Khan is also a Pathan right?
Agree with you. There are as many doctors, engineers, Phd etc among pashtuns in proportion to their population as punjabis or mohajirs. I am told that pashtuns rank first in the number of Phds in mathematics ie pakistan. Its not as if we are live in caves. Our music, poetry, literature , traditions, cultur etc is rich but you are right it needs to be promoted from a suitable plateform. I have plan of launching a site, thats all i can do personally. But we need our own kpk based media for real step up.
An attempt to re-surface the stereotypical negative image of Pashtuns by Jew news. Watch the trailer.. Dukhtar (Daughter) Theatrical Trailer, September 2014 - YouTube
So pashtuns are after under aged child-girls and want to marry them so badly while pashtun woman are imprisoned and want to run away.
Karachiites should stop promoting negative stereotypes about pashtuns, first pathan racist jokes (originating from delhi-UP), then chowkidaar and akhroat labels and now this.

Real racist is you ... Karachiites nothing to do with this Jew sponsored movie ............
Below I'm copying an old post of mine:
(.)(.)How does one decide "The age".???(.)(.)

Do following parameters come to an acceptable level at age 18 only???
Puberty usually starts at around age 9-13, and as early as age 6, in normal & healthy females.

Sanity (mental maturity) and financial sufficiency can be lacking even at the age of 40.
Age of marriage is a thing that should be left to individual segments of culture rather than central government deciding one age for ALL. Even in USA all states make their own age of consent laws.


In USA, NewHampshire: 13 year old can marry... State of Utah: 15 years old, can marry with permission... S.Carolina: minimum age for a female is 15 years... NewYork: a 14 year old can marry with court’s permission.

Even now, in a christian majority country (Tanzania) legal age is 12 years.


Going little back in time...
In 1564, a three(3) year old named John was married to a two(2) year old named Jane in the Bishop's Court in Chester, England.

The American colonies followed the English tradition, and the law was more of a guide. For example, Mary Hathaway (Virginia, 1689) was only 9 when she was married to William Williams.

Sir Edward Coke (England, 17th century) made it clear that "the marriage of girls under 12 was normal, and the age at which a girl who was a wife was eligible for a dower from her husband's estate was 9 even though her husband be only four years old.

Though Shakespeare set his Romeo and Juliet in Verona, the fact that Juliet was thirteen(13) probably reflects the reality in England. Her mother, who was twenty-six, calls her almost an old maid.


One medically proven association of increasing age of female to a birth defect:
One health risk, chances of which can be minimized by NOT delaying (marriage) child birth:

(LINK)=AAFP="American Association of Family Physicians"
View attachment 56980


Rate of pregnancies in 14 year old and younger in USA.
This is pregnancy rate , not rate of intercourse that young girls indulge in.
Recent drop is because of better contraception; not because intercourse rate is going down.​
View attachment 56965


Some off-topic videos by Ghamdi: discussing "marriage" &"age" issues etc.​

@14:30 questioner asks about age of marriage.
@33:40 Nikah is just an announcement of the relationship ("ايجاب و قبول") between a guy and a girl. Rest is decoration.

@1:33 Nikah is just an announced relationship.
@2:55 "ايجاب و قبول" can even be done by boy and girl themselves.
@12:50+ there's no discreet relationship (secretive=unannounced) in islam.

"Make the marriage well-known and announce it."
"That which separates the halal from the haram is the beating of the duff (drum) and voices at the wedding (i.e. announcing it)."
It was narrated from 'Aishah:that the Prophet said: “Announce this marriage, and beat the sieve for it.”
Sunan Ibn Majah:English ref:Vol. 3, Book 9, Hadith 1895, Arabic ref:Book 9, Hadith 1970.



Conveniently ignoring rest of the post & focusing on just one line taking it out of context. That's the depth of ur understanding.Read next few lines where I said immediate culture of girls/boys should decide whether they are mature enough; physically & mentally& financially.
Why don't you tell states of USA and Tanzania's legislative too that they don't understand the matter. They should consult YOU next time they are devising laws for their people. And whoever the heck is Maulana Sherwanee you'd know better, i never heard his name.

Also you ignored "American Association Of Family Physicians (AAFP)" graph showing association of increasing maternal age with Down's syndrome. An exponential rise in risk with age. As if your fart-full brain knew better than those experts.

Thirdly the risk associated with adolescent pregnancies that you mentioned is based on half-cooked understanding of the whole deal. Read AAFP again that you might feel relieved of the gas that has compressed your brain little too much:

(AAFP Link)
Adolescent Pregnancy and Associated Risks:Not Just a Result of Maternal Age

""However, age-related biologic factors alone are not associated with an increased risk of fetal death...One risk factor for poor outcomes in adolescent pregnancy is a maternal history of adverse childhood experiences (e.g., emotional, physical, or sexual abuse; intimate partner violence; living with someone who has substance abuse or mental illness, or is involved in criminal activity; having parents who are divorced or separated)....These experiences are associated with subsequent sexual risk behaviors, smoking, alcohol consumption, and mental health problems such as depression. A history of remote maternal exposure to adverse childhood experiences is associated with an increased risk of fetal death.""

You said you "know"... you know nothing. I see 15-16 year old girls getting married all the time in Pakistan & living happily with healthy children. Divorce rate in Pak-India is <1% while in N.America it is 40-60%. This is the ground reality. Sex abuse & drug abuse is 10 times more in so-called "west".

Besides all this research that declares adolescence pregnancy risky is based on Western stats. In East we are doing pretty good with girls that get married at earlier age. All those non-age factors are more frequent in West.
Why you always writes so big article on nothing?
Conveniently ignoring rest of the post & focusing on just one line taking it out of context. That's the depth of ur understanding.Read next few lines where I said immediate culture of girls/boys should decide whether are mature enough; physically & mentally& financially.

Conveniently, you have forgotten that age of marriage in almost all countries of the world ranges from 17 to 18 but somehow, you wish to focus only on a single country of the world and few states of USA, the first one African with extremely worse conditions and standard of living - a pleasing example no doubt and the another one granting the permission only in "special circumstances" from a court of law- the Judicial consent. But hey. Just marry them at an earlier age and be free of all responsibilities, effectively ending their education, their dreams, health and future prospects and binding them to lifelong responsibilities at a tender age.

You said you "know"... you know nothing. I see 15-16 year old girls getting married all the time in Pakistan & living happily with healthy children. Divorce rate in Pak-India is <1% while in N.America it is 40-60%. This is the ground reality. Sex abuse & drug abuse is 10 times more in so-called "west".
Besides all this research that declares adolescence pregnancy risky is based on Western stats. In East we are doing pretty good with girls that get married at earlier age. All those non-age factors are more frequent in West.

Yes indeed, do you visit the morgues and the graveyards too? Or just seeing the select few happy suffice for you? :azn:

Two-thirds of the world’s neonatal deaths occur in just 10 countries, mostly in Asia. Pakistan is number three among these countries. With an estimated 298 000 neonatal deaths annually and a reported neonatal mortality rate of 49 per 1000 live births, Pakistan accounts for 7% of global neonatal deaths.15 Infection (36%), preterm birth (28%) and birth asphyxia (23%) account for 87% of neonatal deaths worldwide.1,2,6 WHO | Neonatal mortality, risk factors and causes: a prospective population-based cohort study in urban Pakistan

According to Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2006-07 and UNICEF, Pakistan has an alarmingly high maternal mortality rate (276 maternal deaths per 100,000 births) with an estimated 20,000 women losing their lives every year due to causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Just 16 per cent of the poorest women give birth assisted by a skilled attendant. Infant mortality in Pakistan is also among the highest in Asia - second only to Afghanistan.The greatest increase occurred among those with the most need: poor, rural, and young couples. 20,000 die during pregnancy, childbirth every year: Report

Proud statistics for a country in which over 50% of the marriages occur in an early age, right? Look at the article you posted carefully now, it does mention not the only, which means it doesn't exclude the age as a factor, it is providing an explanation for the other factors that contribute to pregnancy related deaths in adolescence. Child Marriage and Its Effect on Fertility in Pakistan: Findings from Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey, 2006-2007

Its not just Down's syndrome either, the graph of which shows equal progression of risk from ages 20 to 26, if you didn't post the graph without understanding how it works, you will get it. Hint: Extrapolate it backwards.

Child marriage threatens the health and life of girls.[153][154] Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the main cause of death among adolescent girls below age 19 in developing countries. Pregnant girls aged 15 to 20 are twice as likely to die in childbirth as those in their 20s, and girls under the age of 15 are five times as likely to die. These consequences are due largely to girls’ physical immaturity where the pelvis and birth canal are not fully developed. Teen pregnancy, particularly below age 15, increases risk of developing obstetric fistula, since their smaller pelvises make them prone to obstructed labor. Fistula leaves its victims with urine or fecal incontinence that causes lifelong complications with infection, pain, and smell.[155] Complications during pregnancy and birth are worsened in poor countries where child marriage is prevalent.[15] -Wiki

“Forty-five % of girls in Mali, 42% in Uganda, and 25% in Ethiopia have given birth by the age of 18. In Western nations, the rates are 1% in Germany, 2% in France, and 10% in the United States. Girls between the ages of 10 and 14 years are 5 to 7 times more likely to die in childbirth; girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years are twice as likely.(13) High death rates are secondary to eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, sepsis, HIV infection, malaria, and obstructed labor. Girls aged 10 to 15 years have small pelvises and are not ready for childbearing. Their risk for obstetric fistula is 88%.(14) ” (15) Child Marriage and Child Health - Certificate in Maternal and Child Health - Unite For Sight

WASHINGTON, DC, 11 June 2010 (IRIN) - Despite slow progress in increasing the number of skilled birth attendants, Bangladesh has made enormous reductions in maternal mortality by improving girls' education. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) more than halved in less than a decade, from 724 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990, to 338 per 100,000 in 2008, according to a recent study published in British medical journal The Lancet. By comparison, the 2008 MMR in India was 254 deaths per 100,000 live births, 47 in Thailand and 7 in Japan. Improving the education of women has been a key factor in bringing down the MMR. In 2001, the Bangladesh government began offering free education for girls up to 12th grade, with additional incentives like food for education. Girls' enrolment in secondary schools jumped from 1.1 million in 1991 to 3.9 million in 2005, according to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF).

Increased access to education has had huge ramifications in socioeconomic development and maternal mortality. "Girls are going to school, getting a better education, getting jobs and, as a result, delaying marriages - it's as simple as that," said Ishtiaq Mannan, of Save the Children.
IRIN Asia | BANGLADESH: Educating girls lowers maternal death rate | Bangladesh | Gender Issues | Health & Nutrition

Child marriages expose girls to early pregnancy and childbirth, which entail significant risk of damaging health consequences for girls and their children. Afghanistan has one of the highest levels of maternal deaths in the world. The World Health Organization and other UN agencies estimate that at 460 pregnancy-related deaths for every 100,000 births Afghanistan has the second highest level of maternal deaths outside sub- Saharan Africa. The recent Afghanistan Mortality Survey found that of every five Afghan women who died in their reproductive years, two deaths were pregnancy-related. One Afghan woman will die every two hours from pregnancy-related causes and one in every 50 Afghan women will die because of pregnancy. The study also found that adolescent pregnancy and motherhood pose serious health concerns. Child Marriage and Domestic Violence A curse For Afghan Society - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency

Yes, I see how "we" are doing pretty good with early age marriages. What were you referring to by " Western stats "? :azn:

P.S And if the "fart full" brain and "gas" were included to get your points across, they failed miserably. Next time, try to rely on arguments rather than childish insults.
@Secur is claiming that 4, 6 and 8 year old girls are wedded to grown ups in rural areas of pakistan. And then you people feel offended when i say karachiites are very ignorant people, their pakistan starts and ends on karachi, they have fabricated weird image of rest of pakistan, for example this secur thinks that in villages adults marry with 4 or 6 year old kids.
@Secur is claiming that 4, 6 and 8 year old girls are wedded to grown ups in rural areas of pakistan. And then you people feel offended when i say karachiites are very ignorant people, their pakistan starts and ends on karachi, they have fabricated weird image of rest of pakistan, for example this secur thinks that in villages adults marry with 4 or 6 year old kids.

Early age marriages do not exist in Pakistan, if that makes you happy :)

How does pointing out something wrong makes someone a racist? Unless of course, the person saying such thing has a lifelong obsession that begins and ends with his own race and the weird combination of victim mentality/ past superiority complex built around it. The whole word is out to get you, so go hide instead of spouting twisted logic on the infidel cybernet.
Dukhtar selected for Oscar consideration by Pakistan Committee - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Wow so this propaganda against pakhtun community has also been spread to international
arena, remind me of kite runner. Kudos to MQM and Urdu langauge for such achievement.

Early age marriages do not exist in Pakistan, if that makes you happy :)

How does pointing out something wrong makes someone a racist? Unless of course, the person saying such thing has a lifelong obsession that begins and ends with his own race and the weird combination of victim mentality/ past superiority complex built around it. The whole word is out to get you, so go hide instead of spouting twisted logic on the infidel cybernet.
Get a life, dont limit it to your room in front of PC. Start travelling beyond karachi and try to understand and learn about cultures and colors of pakistan.
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Get a life, dont limit it to your room in front of PC. Start travelling beyond karachi and try to understand and learn about cultures and colors of pakistan.

You wont find me obsessed with races and languages, I dont spend my days delving in some past and future glories, makes me wonder about the person who needs to get a life, instead of defending some supposedly lost honor of the race, 24/7 with multiple banned IDs on PDF. Too many monkeys I have seen since the day, the original was banned and it hadn't taken two seconds to come to conclusion as to who he is.
You wont find me obsessed with races and languages, I dont spend my days delving in some past and future glories, makes me wonder about the person who needs to get a life, instead of defending some supposedly lost honor of the race, 24/7 with multiple banned IDs on PDF. Too many monkeys I have seen since the day, the original was banned and it hadn't taken two seconds to come to conclusion as to who he is.
Yet @Secur of MQM condones racial and negative stereotyping of pashtuns, its called racism and hatred.
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