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Dubai police arrest ‘shock video’ uploader

Ḥashshāshīn;4539886 said:
Spare me this please, out of my experience, I have to say Iranians are the most racist people in the ME.

Being racist is one of the most low down and laziest thing anyone can do.

Everyone is born the same,
Some people will use their knowledge and skill or whatever God's gift they have and try to become a better human in their life.

Some people are incapable of doing any of that hard work, so they just try to take pride in their birth, creed and blood.

Remember Muslims.
Satan's ORIGINAL sin, was that he was too proud. He thought that the one made of clay (Adam) was inferior to him (Satan); because Satan was made of fire.
Ḥashshāshīn;4539886 said:
Spare me this please, out of my experience, I have to say Iranians are the most racist people in the ME.

That's not what many people, foreign tourists and world media say. It's your personal opinion and I respect it, but it doesn't count.
How many times have you traveled to Iran?Perhaps you met wrong people at the wrong time.Bad luck.
Racism at its height!

What in the world are you talking about ? and what "racism" has to do with this ? i think it's clear that both the Indian and the Emirati had a car accident, it's a case of Road Rage from the Emirati not racism, he could go in a fight with anyone inside the other car, be it an Indian or a Pakistani or an Irani or a local or any other nationality out there it doesn't matter.
What in the world are you talking about ? and what "racism" has to do with this ? i think it's clear that both the Indian and the Emirati had a car accident, it's a case of Road Rage from the Emirati not racism, he could go in a fight with anyone inside the other car, be it an Indian or a Pakistani or an Irani or a local or any other nationality out there it doesn't matter.

I'll tell u the difference...

In the video, the Indian guy is pretty much defenseless and not fighting back while the fat fck is hitting him again and again like a crazed ram. Indian knows this very well, if he fights back..even a push means instant deportation. Its one of those laws many Arab govts have to boost ego in their citizens turning them into one of these lunatics.

Have this road rage in Pakistan..hell even America, u'll clearly see no racist issues holding a person back, only his patience or weakness.
What in the world are you talking about ? and what "racism" has to do with this ? i think it's clear that both the Indian and the Emirati had a car accident, it's a case of Road Rage from the Emirati not racism, he could go in a fight with anyone inside the other car, be it an Indian or a Pakistani or an Irani or a local or any other nationality out there it doesn't matter.
No brother you know it's racism. If the other guy was Arab too he wouldn't dare to lift his hand. He knows the Indian will be too scared to hit back.

That's not what many people, foreign tourists and world media say. It's your personal opinion and I respect it, but it doesn't count.
How many times have you traveled to Iran?Perhaps you met wrong people at the wrong time.Bad luck.

Maybe I have met wrong people. But Iranians (Persians more specifically) think they are aryan, master race and superior out of what I have seen. Gulf Arabs and Israelis also very racist.
the Indian guy is pretty much defenseless and not fighting back while the fat fck is hitting him again and again like a crazed ram.

It's not my fault that Indians get whipped and beaten then don't fight back.

Indian knows this very well, if he fights back..even a push means instant deportation. Its one of those laws many Arab govts have to boost ego in their citizens turning them into one of these lunatics.

Nope, you're wrong, if he's being assaulted then he can defend himself based on self defence or at least call the police and they will deal with it, as the Emirati you see here is now in prison

Have this road rage in Pakistan..hell even America, u'll clearly see no racist issues holding a person back, only his patience or weakness.

Already cleared that in my above quote, nothing to do with racism.
Maybe that job is his life and he does not want to lose it ending up with a worse job.
Ḥashshāshīn;4539942 said:
No brother you know it's racism. If the other guy was Arab too he wouldn't dare to lift his hand. He knows the Indian will be too scared to hit back.

Do you live in the GCC ? if yes then obviously you don't go out a lot, or you will see many cases of road rages with all races and colors, with all due respect, making this a race issue is simply dumb and stupid.
It's not my fault that Indians get whipped and beaten then don't fight back.

Nope, you're wrong, if he's being assaulted then he can defend himself based on self defence or at least call the police and they will deal with it, as the Emirati you see here is now in prison

Already cleared that in my above quote, nothing to do with racism.

Having lived in an Arab country for more than 15 years in similar egoistic societies, I do think I know things better than people whose brain had superiority implants since birth.

I agree Indians don't or rarely fight back but that's a cultural thing. In a civilized society you just don't fight and let authorities handle things. You can argue with me all day long but I can promise you, this self defense thing would have been his ticket back home. You actually know this very well inside but are not going to agree just because of the fore mentioned ego.

Its just funny to me in the most absurd way, the assaulter didn't get imprisoned but the camera man who in fact had NOTHING to do with the accident or road rage bites the dust. Do care to explain this part and if you are logical, I will take my comments back. ;)
The point about the uploader was raised by the defence lawyer in a bid to disqualify the video as a piece of evidence since filming people without consent AND sharing it is against the law in the UAE. If he would have given it to the police, it would have been a different thing, but he just uploaded it on Facebook.

He broke the law, an arrest was mandated

That is not as clear cut as you suggest. Privacy laws are primarily to protect people who are law abiding. It would be ridiculous to suggest that a criminal who is breaking the law is entitled to the same protection. What next? A thief suing someone who filmed him stealing? I believe the son said something about this being defamatory. Damn right it was but the person responsible for sullying the name was the man himself. Wrongful defamation wouldn't apply. Not anywhere else, it shouldn't here too.
It's not my fault that Indians get whipped and beaten then don't fight back.

If you think that it due to anything else other than the fear of what would happen in a foreign country, I suggest you come to India & try doing the same. I guarantee you that you will quickly (& painfully) be disabused of that silly notion.

I agree Indians don't or rarely fight back but that's a cultural thing. In a civilized society you just don't fight and let authorities handle things. You can argue with me all day long but I can promise you, this self defense thing would have been his ticket back home. You actually know this very well inside but are not going to agree just because of the fore mentioned ego.

Spot on.
Having lived in an Arab country for more than 15 years in similar egoistic societies, I do think I know things better than people whose brain had superiority implants since birth.

Sure you do (Sarcasm)

I agree Indians don't or rarely fight back but that's a cultural thing. In a civilized society you just don't fight and let authorities handle things.

The authorities did handle this and already arrested the Emirati who assaulted the Indian, so what are you arguing about ?

You can argue with me all day long but I can promise you, this self defense thing would have been his ticket back home. You actually know this very well inside but are not going to agree just because of the fore mentioned ego.

You claim that if the Indian fought back then he will be deported, back your claims with proofs then, give me one case of a foreigner in GCC who got assaulted by someone then got deported for fighting back

Its just funny to me in the most absurd way, the assaulter didn't get imprisoned but the camera man who in fact had NOTHING to do with the accident or road rage bites the dust. Do care to explain this part and if you are logical, I will take my comments back. ;)

the assaulter is already in prison, and regarding the cameraman, he got arrested because the family of assaulter sued him for defamation, since he published the video, it's already mentioned in earlier posts.
That's fine lesson to Indians but when it come to Pakistani, we will not tolerate....

The man is supposed to be an Indian................He may be a Pakistani...........Suppose he was............then what would have the guy done......the UAE national on the video is reported to be a high government official.......... So please don't FART .............
Sure you do (Sarcasm)

The authorities did handle this and already arrested the Emirati who assaulted the Indian, so what are you arguing about ?

You claim that if the Indian fought back then he will be deported, back your claims with proofs then, give me one case of a foreigner in GCC who got assaulted by someone then got deported for fighting back

the assaulter is already in prison, and regarding the cameraman, he got arrested because the family of assaulter sued him for defamation, since he published the video, it's already mentioned in earlier posts.

Its useless to reason with you on why the video went viral for being racist. You are the only one here who believes it wasn't and me explaining to you wont do any good.

But coming to the filming for defamation...


A person commits a crime and another one uses own his camera in his car to show the world a prick and family sues and hilariously its successful. I don't know if you realize it but this arrest of camera man is an insult to yourself in the eyes of world. I agree if the film was defaming a King, I could bite the bullet since tyrants usually get away with anything but an average Joe? You or the police department gotta give a better reasoning.

Listen Bro, I know muslimhood doesn't really mean anything these days but I wont argue with you anymore. My country isn't the best either and we both got our problems but if you call a spade a shawarma, people will to criticize you.
Its useless to reason with you on why the video went viral for being racist. You are the only one here who believes it wasn't and me explaining to you wont do any good.

You're accusing a guy in a Road Rage incident of being racist while failing to come up with any proof to back your claims, yet i'm the one who you failing to reason with ?!?!?! You remind of that George Zimmerman case who shot a guy then everyone accused him of being racist simply because the victim is black, we got the scenario here.

A person commits a crime and another one uses own his camera in his car to show the world a prick and family sues and hilariously its successful.

Well that's the law in that country, if someone sues you then you get arrested, i'm sure the same law apply on many other countries as well, also he did not get arrested for filming but for publishing.

I don't know if you realize it but this arrest of camera man is an insult to yourself in the eyes of world.

Here's a link to the UAE's ministry of interior website, you can write them a complaint letter.

United Arab Emirates Minitry of Interior

I agree if the film was defaming a King, I could bite the bullet since tyrants usually get away with anything but an average Joe? You or the police department gotta give a better reasoning..

There's no King in the UAE.

Listen Bro, I know muslimhood doesn't really mean anything these days but I wont argue with you anymore. My country isn't the best either and we both got our problems but if you call a spade a shawarma, people will to criticize you.

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