As far as the casualties (your narrative INDIAN) most of them were innocent KASHMIRIS who wanted to practice PLEBISCITE (self determination rite )
you bother not to answer these question b/c INDIAN TROOPS Killed >100,000 KASHMIRIS the freedom struggle goes on
Well welcome to PDF

, hope you enjoy urself around.So first about the casualties - The figure which you provide is of the militants (Infiltrators, terrorist) killed by security forces. I agree there are instances of collateral damage included in that. Sure they cannot be avoided, you may know that from ur the scenarios in your own country.
Secondly about the plebiscite - The video link given above, when viewed in YouTube will give you other three parts of same episode. In any one of them there its quite elaborately discussed. I had seen them long time back so pls help yourself with it.
you see the narrative and the rhetoric will never change of PAK ARMY ,GOVERMENT,or the People of pakistan about JAMMU & KASHMIR
Just learn a lesson what we did to tamil tigers in srilanka on this 3rd planet (EARTH) the same is gona happen to the (IOK )and JAMMU Implement UN Resolutions decision of plebiscite for kashmiris as PANDIT NEHRU wanted "we go our way and they go there way "
See I know you are pointing me to. Pandit ji had written (According to White paper on Jammu and Kashmir published "I should like to make it clear that [the] question of aiding Kashmir in this emergency is not designed in any way to influence the State to accede to India. Our view, which we have repeatedly made public is that [the] question of accession in any disputed territory or State must be decided in accordance with the wishes of the people and we adhere to this view". This was a telegram, dated 25 October 1947, from Foreign, New Delhi, to C.R. Attlee, Prime Minister of UK.
The accession was supported by the National Conference, the largest political party in Kashmir. To quote Sheikh Abdullah who was then leader of the National Conference.
"When the raiders were fast approaching Srinagar, we could think of only one way to save the State from total annihilation: asking for help from a friendly neighbor. The representatives of the National Conference, therefore, flew to Delhi to seek help from the Government of India but the absence of any constitutional ties between our State and India made it impossible for her to render any effective assistance in meeting the aggression...since people's representatives themselves sought an alliance, the Government of India showed readiness to accept it. Legally, the Instrument of Accession had to be signed by the ruler of the State. This the Maharaja did."
The Governor General, Lord Mountbatten, accepted the Instrument of Accession the next day on October 27,1947
So yes, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru wanted plebiscite for kashmiris but on 27th Oct, 1947 J&K had acceded into India by the Instrument of Accession decided by their own.
And why would one go for plebiscite when the state has accede to a dominion??
If you want to enrich yourself with the other half of the story and stay at a neutral standpoint pls visit
The Kashmir Story, I know u will.
And on a very serious note, are u out of ur f0cking mind comparing LTTE with IA ?? Pls be sensible while writing something.
history is gonna repeat itself when your big daddy USA is gona leave Afghanistan and DRONES ATTACKS are gona be declared illegal and CRIMES against Humanity
Few facts,
1.> 308 reported drone strikes in northwest Pakistan, including 26 in 2012, from 2004 to the present have killed approximately between 1,861 and 2,856 individuals, of whom around 1,568 to 2,385 were described as militants in reliable press accounts. Thus, the true non-militant fatality rate since 2004 is approximately 16 percent. In 2011, it was more like eleven percent.
2.> US drones uses Scorpion missile to engage ground targets. Now India has LGB, which are essentially dumb bombs,even they have the accuracy of 10 m CEP. So definitely the scorpion MISSILE would have a greater accuracy and control on its explosive yield. Hence the collateral damage is negligible.
I ask you a question- How many people do you think would be killed/injured by 2,385 militants ??
Another thing USA is not India's daddy, at best it is urs.
its a pitty for you we cant challenge or bring to justice the innocent civilians suffering in NWaziristan or SOUTH
Wat are you trying to say mate ?? Why should we (Indians) pity ourselves when you can't bring justice to your civilians ??

Offtopic, well I do not know your educational qualification, and I am sure its quite good. Every one around here is educated. While writing a post pls remember that you may think in a way but your post may not read in the same way. SO while posting pls take care about the punctuation. It can definitely alter the mood and meaning of the sentence. Also pls refrain from un necessary underlining.
This is just constructive criticism. Pls do not take it in the wrong way.