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Drone Strikes, now diplomatic weapons - By Asim Aquil (Op Grp submission)


Jan 31, 2009
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Pride precedes a disaster, and an arrogant attitude precedes a fall – is the US heading for a disastrous fall?

By Asim Aquil

It could not have been a sheer coincidence that the Thursday morning when Dr Shakil Afridi was charged and punished for treason by a tribal court under the Frontier Crimes Regulations (FCR), the CIA once again violated Pakistani air space and carried out a drone strike on an unknown mosque in the tribal areas.

The targets were alleged to be low-level Uzbek fighters harboured in the premises but as ever a number of Pakistanis at the mosque lost their lives – heads that will register in Nato’s charts as “collateral damage” but no apology ever issued to their families or the public for the loss of lives or compensation dispensed.

It’s quite shameful that that these days drone strikes are carried out just to send political messages to Pakistan and not serve any military means. While even earlier the principle behind the strikes – violating air space and sovereignty of an independent nation and state – had led to heated debates, of late there is no justification for the cause behind them.

Needless to say, such pettiness is and will continue to harm the cause of the American nation and will be an inadequate cover for the failings of the American administration.

At this point in time, with the elections in Pakistan and US right round the corner, and a change of administrations a possibility in both countries, the US would be better placed in getting its priorities right and garnering goodwill. Not only that, to make sure it can exit Afghanistan at the cheapest price possible, it has to let go of its arrogance and soften its tone with Pakistan.

It’s been months since the US carried out the raid on the Salala check post, but has been stubborn enough not to issue an apology for the loss of 24 soldiers. At times one feels that why should Pakistan even “demand” or “ask” for an apology, should not one be tendered without being forced for it? What happened to sense of fairness and discerning between right and wrong? That the US is holding back on an apology as a bargaining chip emboldens the views within Pakistan that it views the deaths in Pakistan as acceptable losses.

If the US uses drone strikes to send messages - one has to wonder if the Nato strike on Salala was one such incident? The mind wanders as long as the issue is kept open.

I wonder if the other Nato allies ever question such US tactics? We know some in France are totally fed up kowtowing the US line - even though it was Nato tag, but primarily an All American force attacked Salala check post (funny how such mistakes are not made by German or French forces ever) but all of Nato has to pay for it. I wonder why the rest of them don't take the US to task on its goof-ups.

In any case, to not apologize (which would only begin to settle things between us) is a deep insult to the nation and to the memory of the fallen soldiers. Never has arrogance taken a nation anywhere, and as the saying goes, what goes around, comes back around.

The US still acts 180 degrees against what is expected out of someone seeking benefits from Pakistan and continues to bomb Pakistan. How will this translate into benefits for the United States? Is the entire US game plan that Pakistan will capitulate under pressure and will miss the good old times and go running back to the US?

If that’s so I would like to know what passes for a Think Tank in America considering the millions of dollars they spend on various institutes dishing out such strategies. I want some of that action.

American's consider them the only super power, which no doubt they are..........but they also think themselves answerable to no one and they can attack and ruine any country which they want, they can destory any nation with the name of so called war on terror........only their soldiers have the right to kill .....a license to kill (Like James Bond Movies)........

If you kill one person you are murderer..........if you kill 10 person you are terrorist and if you kill more you are Conqueror......................and this is the exactly case they are thinking themselves the Conqueror after killing Pakistani soldiers. 1 Million Iraqis and Countless Afganans (Talibans) with the name of Al-Qaida.:sick::sick:
Very well written. I would also like to add another couple of points to ponder:

(i) The drone strikes has not resulted in the deterioration of the momentum of the militants to launch attacks in sensitive areas of Afghanistan. It shows that the drone campaign has been a huge failure.

(ii) If the drone campaign had brought about a huge success militarily, why has the US significantly decreased the drone strikes in 2012, 2011; as compared to 2009 and 2010? Why have drone strikes been used after a big political fallout, such as the Raymond Davis fiasco, May 2 2011, and now the Shakil Afridi/Chicago summit?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...t-stopped-bilalwal-zardari.html#ixzz1w3YtNzsb
Very well written. I would also like to add another couple of points to ponder:

(i) The drone strikes has not resulted in the deterioration of the momentum of the militants to launch attacks in sensitive areas of Afghanistan. It shows that the drone campaign has been a huge failure.

(ii) If the drone campaign had brought about a huge success militarily, why has the US significantly decreased the drone strikes in 2012, 2011; as compared to 2009 and 2010? Why have drone strikes been used after a big political fallout, such as the Raymond Davis fiasco, May 2 2011, and now the Shakil Afridi/Chicago summit?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...t-stopped-bilalwal-zardari.html#ixzz1w3YtNzsb

Right after the OBL raid the US thinking caps decided its a convenient time to start mixing overall kills against AQ with drone strikes, you will see a lot of people claim that drone strikes are effective. Other than Baitullah Mehsud there hasn't been a high level target taken out. But this high level low level analysis is giving them too much credit since the AIM of the drone strikes seems to be to take out low level targets and inflict collateral damage so as to host Pakistanis hostage into moving into NWA.

A very terroristly approach taken up by the United States and it seems they may be turning into the monster they set out to kill.
The US administration has learnt lessons over the decades. This campaign against Pakistan is 90% media demonization and 10% military action. The narrative sold around the world is that Pakistan deserves this treatment and the US is doing the world a favor.
Article is nice. However, title is misleading.

This article is about US hegemony and should have been titled accordingly.
Article is nice. However, title is misleading.

This article is about US hegemony and should have been titled accordingly.

I agree... Did the changes.

The US administration has learnt lessons over the decades. This campaign against Pakistan is 90% media demonization and 10% military action. The narrative sold around the world is that Pakistan deserves this treatment and the US is doing the world a favor.

Ouch - a very apt assessment. My question to you is - Are we fighting it wrong or not enough?

Also is the US baiting us into shooting down a drone?
With drone strikes US is trying to instigate rebellion against army.
Same rebellion which is being carried out by virtues of alike 'Najam Sethi' in non tribal regions.
Pakistan is no iraq or afghanistan...These drone strikes wont happen if pakistani army really wanted them to stop.They are in some sort of secret agreement with Americans ever since pak army gave permission for drone strikes and alowed drone base(without the knowledge and permision of pak civilians).
Please overthrow Zardari and PPP?

Someone in Pakistan should organize a massive rally and raid his house. :rofl:

Once PTI is in power, they will change the momentum.
We seriously need to question COAS Kiyani, he should be bring to the justice and hang immediately because of numerous reasons we know. And also we need to investigate how much money in Kiyani's Swiss bank account.

After Salala incidents, there were in orders of shoot down drones. Shamsi Air base was closed, so new direction of drones where deploy?

ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan will shoot down any U.S. drone that intrudes its air space per new directives, a senior Pakistani official told NBC News on Saturday.

Pakistan says U.S. drones in its air space will be shot down
December 2011
Pakistanis needed tobe united, & these drone attacks are doing, a unknown favour for pakistan, re-opening of the new relationsHips , with china , russia, Iran & india!
Ultimatly , in a making of a new, block!
Slowly but surly, americans will , remember a new lesson, from the history, that no one remains, on the top, forever?
We seriously need to question COAS Kiyani, he should be bring to the justice and hang immediately because of numerous reasons we know. And also we need to investigate how much money in Kiyani's Swiss bank account.

After Salala incidents, there were in orders of shoot down drones. Shamsi Air base was closed, so new direction of drones where deploy?

My gut feeling agrees that Kayani deserves some jootay in all of this, but you see from a legal point of view he has himself covered.

The constitution of Pakistan says:

#1 Pak Armed forces will defend Pakistan
#2 All defensive actions will be under the directions of the federal government.

So you have to first start with pressurizing the federal government, let Kayani come out in the open in defence of the drones in defiance of the federal government. Then the judicial process can be considered.
Didn't Germans just killed a bunch of civilians around the tankers awhile ago? The U.S. had to suffer for that. It was embarrassing.
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