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Drone attack targets Hakeemullah Mehsud

I think he betrayed his Masters so the Master took action.

Word. You hit it right on the spot.

Some serious questions need be asked.

What was the Jordanian/Arab CIA recruit bomber Hummam Khalil doing with the TTP in South Waziristan who're waging war against Pakistan?

Apparantly why didn't he attack them earlier when he's been working for them for several years?

Dates and Timeline of the attack are very significant. So why did he attack them only after the drone killed Baituallah Mehsud?
They are following their iron rule, "We Pakistanis are never to blame!" It's a basic postulate, necessary to build an intricate non-Euclidean geometry where the Pythagorean Theorem doesn't apply yet circular logic is the rule, and the angles never quite add up.

Hope this helps! :lol:
Just like American follows there iron rule. "we are clean no matter what happens. We american didn't made any taliban or mujahideen. We are innocent. we never support dictators etc etc."
Jeo news is reporting that there have been three drone strikes within three hours killing 11 people including some AQ targets.
Hakeemullah ‘seriously injured’ in drone attack

* TTP releases audiotape in ‘Hakeemullah’s voice’, warns against drone strikes
* ISPR DG says military probing reports of TTP chief’s death
* Says confirmation will take more time

By Iqbal Khattak

PESHAWAR: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan warned the government on Friday against continued drone attacks in the Tribal Areas amid reports that TTP chief Hakeemullah Mehsud is “under treatment” for “serious injuries” sustained in a drone strike on Thursday.

The TTP warning came in a one-minute audio message – purportedly recorded in Hakeemullah’s voice – released by the group to local journalists a day after the drone strike targeted him in South Waziristan.

There was no independent confirmation of whether it was Hakeemullah’s voice in the audio message.

“There are reports that Hakeemullah was wounded in the attack and is under treatment at an undisclosed location,” official sources told Daily Times, but did not say what type of injures the TTP chief was being treated for. “There is a 20 percent chance that Hakeemullah will survive,” said the officials, citing sources close to top Taliban leaders.

The ISPR said the military was investigating reports of Hakeemullah’s death, according to the AFP news agency. “So far, we do not have confirmation of him either getting killed or getting injured. It will take a little more time,” ISPR chief Maj Gen Athar Abbas told AFP.

TTP spokesman Azam Tariq told Miranshah journalists over the phone that Hakeemullah left the targeted house moments before the drone strike.

The voice in the TTP message – which makes no mention of Thursday’s drone strike – says, “Drone attacks are a threat to Pakistan ... the TTP is ready to take any dangerous step [as a reaction].”
I'm kinda glad this cockroach didn't die right away, let him suffer and endure pain in his cave.
The voice in the TTP message – which makes no mention of Thursday’s drone strike – says, “Drone attacks are a threat to Pakistan ... the TTP is ready to take any dangerous step [as a reaction].”[/QUOTE]

I think TTP will be totally collapsed soon after HM death .
Moments before. One hour.

Not a scratch. Seriously wounded with a 20% chance of survival. Dead.

Anybody's guess but I'll take the middle ground and say moments before is accurate and explains how he was wounded but not killed. Bet he got a warning of a PREDATOR spotted and quietly gave his peers the slip leaving them holding the bag.

Just not quite quickly enough for HELLFIRE's blast radius.

I'm bummed. Bet he's bummed too. Everybody's sorta bummed.


Moments before. One hour.

Not a scratch. Seriously wounded with a 20% chance of survival. Dead.

Anybody's guess but I'll take the middle ground and say moments before is accurate and explains how he was wounded but not killed. Bet he got a warning of a PREDATOR spotted and quietly gave his peers the slip leaving them holding the bag.

Just not quite quickly enough for HELLFIRE's blast radius.

I'm bummed. Bet he's bummed too. Everybody's sorta bummed.



So I guess this was a warning shot to him signaling not to betray the master. Thanks for posting, I didn't know the cavemen have been equiped with predator detecting equipment.
Hakimullah dead?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

There is uncertainty over the question of whether Hakimullah Mehsud is dead or alive. There is conjecture that a drone strike on a large complex on the South-North Waziristan border may have resulted in his death. The strike, of course, was backed by immaculate intelligence as is evidenced by the fact that at least ten Taliban died in it, including Uzbek guards reportedly used by Hakimullah. If indeed the chief of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan is dead, the manner of his fall would be identical to that in which his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud was killed. Confusion over the fate of the flamboyant Hakimullah Mehsud is likely to persist for some time. The Taliban deny he is dead. It is virtually impossible to extract accurate information from South Waziristan. The real issue is whether the death or injury of their chief will impact the TTP or stop the reign of terror that has already crippled Pakistan. There had indeed been hope that this would happen with the death of Baitullah and that the TTP would indeed fall apart. This did not come about, but the disputes that arose over the nomination of Hakimullah suggested conflict and divide within TTP ranks.

The problem, however, is that today it is hard to define the TTP. Various splinter groups and organisations affiliated to it have emerged; most have imbibed the mindset of the Taliban. It is thus hard to say if the death of any single man will have much impact on the way the TTP functions or on its ruthless policies of destruction. It will take more than the targeted killing of one man to alter this. But at the same time it is true that the decimation of the TTP leadership could act to weaken the central organisation. Hakimullah had embarked on an especially daring campaign of bombings, in part because he needed to build support within the organisation. The intensity of terror attacks had increased after he took over. There is therefore some possibility that his death could bring a temporary lull in the bloodshed. But to expect anything beyond that would be unrealistic. The weapons needed to defeat the Taliban must include development and democracy for the people of the tribal areas. These must be deployed if there is to be any hope of lasting change
The intensity of terror attacks had increased after he took over. There is therefore some possibility that his death could bring a temporary lull in the bloodshed. But to expect anything beyond that would be unrealistic

TTP is only organisation supporting the Al Qaeda and following their instructions , death of second chief of TTP in shorts span of time will be a great blow for Al Qaeda .I think TTP and Al Qaeda is same organisation.
Wisdom is God gifted thing , you cant get it through any University or Institution or any other source:D

The problem with the people with supposed wisdom, chooses to talk round and round rather then to put forward their great wisdom in clear cut language. I guess the hypocrites do the same.
The problem with the people with supposed wisdom, chooses to talk round and round rather then to put forward their great wisdom in clear cut language. I guess the hypocrites do the same.

Any one can get wisdom (Hadayat) , only condition is desire of it.

You can also get the same , there is no discrimination between humans all are equal .

I suggest you never guage the wisdom of any on guess work , any person who inform me about my weakness is my true friend .

Is it hypocracy?

TTP is only organisation supporting the Al Qaeda and following their instructions , death of second chief of TTP in shorts span of time will be a great blow for Al Qaeda .I think TTP and Al Qaeda is same organisation.

Fundamentalist! You have caught today in your own words.

Who is supporting Al qaeda leadership in Afghanistan for decade????
Certainly they are your freedom fighter afghan taliban

Now you must be eliminate your support with Al qaeda supporters in Afghanistan.They are not freedom fighter ,they are pirates and rule hungers.
Any one can get wisdom (Hadayat) , only condition is desire of it.

You can also get the same , there is no discrimination between humans all are equal .

I suggest you never guage the wisdom of any on guess work , any person who inform me about my weakness is my true friend .

Is it hypocracy?

The real wise person never considers the person sitting opposite as a fool. Only the morons with tunnel vision thinks he is the wisest of them all and what's comes out of his mouth is always right. It's a different matter that he will keep changing his stances, Will say something here and say something completely opposite in front of other. Doing it unknowingly is known as CONFUSED SOUL and doing it knowingly is known as HYPROCRITE.

Fundamentalist! You have caught today in your own words.

Who is supporting Al qaeda leadership in Afghanistan for decade????
Certainly they are your freedom fighter afghan taliban

Now you must be eliminate your support with Al qaeda supporters in Afghanistan.They are not freedom fighter ,they are pirates and rule hungers.

Your vission is not clear about AT , they fought together with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan also Pakistan and USA supported them.

After Afghan Jehad Talaban took control of Afghanistan with help of local Afghan war lords but Mujahdeen groups including Al AQeada ,JI (Hikmatyar Group) had no involvement in Governance of Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda leadership continued their activities against US from FATA with help of Mehsud and Haqqani groups.

If OBL planned his activities while sitting inside Pakistan boarder how can Mullah Omer could control him?????????

Hoped your confusion cleared.:D

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