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DRDO's Nag missile fails in user trials

There are some rumours that the missile being tested was Nag Mk-II with phoren MMW seeker. This missile is lighter and has extended range. Indian MMW seeker is in last stages of development and will be tested soon...

BTW for info. Nag with IR seeker is already a success.
Indians are good at finding excuses for their pathetic failure。

No wonder this country is still in the doldrums。
Indians are good at finding excuses for their pathetic failure。

No wonder this country is still in the doldrums。

It has been tested several times successfully. They'll address the issues that cropped up.
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There are some rumours that the missile being tested was Nag Mk-II with phoren MMW seeker. This missile is lighter and has extended range. Indian MMW seeker is in last stages of development and will be tested soon...

BTW for info. Nag with IR seeker is already a success.
Even MMW seeker was tested. From what I understand these are user trails with IR seekers only and that seems to have failed.
The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Technology : Seeker successfully flight-tested in Nag

And regarding failures, people who have not developed anything themselves would not know what it takes. To give an example,
its easy to buy/copy an OS install it and call it a success. But try doing the OS yourself.. heck try doing just the network stack and then come back talk.
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