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DRDO to test advanced defence interceptor next week


plz get up early in morning and correct your knowledge.
it will be better for us
You dont know in which planet but I know where you and hongwu live in dreamland. For you Akash is failure, India cant build a medium range SAM!! but when you copy Russian missiles, no problem! lol

What a man!!! Don't know the difference between a missile and a launch vehicle!! Shame on you. lol

Hey guy, I know this morning's news made you mad, I am sorry to hurt your weak heart.:smitten: But stop barking nonsense like this.:lol:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: What a man!!! Don't know the difference between a missile and a launch vehicle!! :lol: Shame on you. lol
One years ago, an indian guy told me india can make ICMB because india can make rocket and they are not different technologically, and I belieaved that in this forum, and here you are saying different things...........Which one is true? Or india are talking everything in a way that is good to india with nonsense?

Talking to indian should follow the following rules.
1.What india has is the best.
2.What india is going to have is the best.
3.What india doesnt have, it is just bcz india doesnt wanna have and if they wanna, they can have it easily.

So, acorrding to 1,2,3, india has everything and all of them are the best of the world.:lol: Am I right, my little kid living in world superpower country?:chilli:
One years ago, an indian guy told me india can make ICMB because india can make rocket and they are not different technologically, and I belieaved that in this forum, and here you are saying different things...........Which one is true? Or india are talking everything in a way that is good to india with nonsense?

The Indian guy who told you that there its possible to create an ICBM from Indian launch rockets was absolutely correct.

There is a very thin "technological" line to convert an existing satellite carrying rocket into an warhead carrying ICBM.

No doubt its possible for Indian scientists to achieve it technically but the big question is "Does the Indian government have the will to give the go-ahead?
After I got up this morning I saw a news with a pic, and there is a smoking rocket in that pic.:eek:

read ur post no 14,
u said indian missile failed.it was a launcher.
so i am right,plz spare us from high tech advance newspapers.:tdown::tdown:
Hey guy, I know this morning's news made you mad, I am sorry to hurt your weak heart.:smitten:

We have so many success so nothing there to be get hurt. But that is not the case for you because you are always mad, living under suppression make people like that. lol

But stop barking nonsense like this.:lol:

See who is going mad. Only a looser insult people when they cant talk!! lol

One years ago, an indian guy told me india can make ICMB because india can make rocket and they are not different technologically, and I belieaved that in this forum, and here you are saying different things...........Which one is true? Or india are talking everything in a way that is good to india with nonsense?

This is not the way to hide you low little-knowledge. you dont even know that the launch was of satellite launch vehicle not missile! :lol: Shame on you. Know see who is mad!!!

Talking to indian should follow the following rules.
1.What india has is the best.
2.What india is going to have is the best.
3.What india doesnt have, it is just bcz india doesnt wanna have and if they wanna, they can have it easily.

So, acorrding to 1,2,3, india has everything and all of them are the best of the world.:lol: Am I right, my little kid living in world superpower country?:chilli:

You are really out of your mind. No, you are not rite. We don't claim we are the best but one of the best. Learn more and you will get to know that. :lol:
Talking to indian should follow the following rules.
1.What india has is the best.
2.What india is going to have is the best.
3.What india doesnt have, it is just bcz india doesnt wanna have and if they wanna, they can have it easily.

Same applies to every other country in the world. The same hold true for Chinese looking at China as well. Just replace India with China in the above statements and you will see what I am saying.

A country always decides what is best for its own use and may not necessarily be the best for the other country trying to compare themselves. Reality comes out only in a war. :coffee:
middle course anti-missile, or end course anti-ATBM?
fragment kill or hit to kill interceptor?
India can't even make a measly medium-range air defense missile. The Akash was another failure. Now India wants to jump ahead of the USA and China to build a BMD shield.

The more DRDO talks the more we all laugh.

DRDO has shown it already..read the post #2
middle course anti-missile, or end course anti-ATBM?
fragment kill or hit to kill interceptor?

Nice to know we have original Chinese also on the forum.:)

Hey the fakes are gonna make a hell of your countries reputation..;)
Hay DRDO is upto something again.. Please wish India goodluck!


wil it too go down into bay of bengal like agni or explode like gslv.
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