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Dragon can learn a few lessons from the elephant

Hey guys sound like some of you are having fun trading insults.

Seriously, a person can always learn something from another person (even if that person is less intelligent than you according to your perception or assessment). So, it's the same thing for a country.

The question is do you want to learn? You can learn this from the Japanese. China was much ahead than Japan and yet Japan was the first Asian country to build modern weapons.

Speaking of human rights abuses read the following article:
You will noticed that China's GPI is lower than India or US.

NOTE: The lower the GPI the better.

Washington, June 9: India has slipped to a low of 128 in the Global Peace Index ranking with the country along with Pakistan and Sri Lanka experiencing more incidents of internal conflict, terrorism and human rights abuses.

Overall the world became less peaceful for the second consecutive year, said the fourth annual GPI released.

As the global economy continues to falter, this year's data shows an intensification of conflicts and growing instability linked to the downturn that began in 2008, with several countries seeing sharp increases in homicides, violent demonstrations and fear of crime, it said.

The only study to quantify global peacefulness, the GPI is produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP).

According to the report, South Asia saw the greatest decrease in peacefulness, as a result of increased involvement in conflicts, a rise in deaths from internal conflict and human rights abuses. The main countries experiencing decreases in peacefulness were India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

Three BRIC countries — Russia (143), India (128) and China (80) — saw substantial declines in peacefulness, while Brazil's score remained essentially stable (83) compared to the 2009 Index.

In fact, Russia saw one of the largest drops in peacefulness of any country this year due to its war with Georgia, ongoing acts of terror, and some protests across the country resulting from a deteriorating economic situation.

China saw its score deteriorate because of worsening security in parts of the country, notably Xinjiang province, where violent conflict prompted rises in several measures of societal safety, the report said.

However, the US (85) improved its 2010 GPI score, registering its biggest year-on-year improvement since the first Index was released in 2007. The improvement came as a result of a decrease in the number of deaths from external conflict and an increase in political stability.

Western Europe continues to be the most peaceful region, with the majority of the countries ranking in the top 20 All five Scandinavian nations rank in the top ten; however, Denmark dropped five spots to 7 because of decrease in respect for human rights and continuing involvement in Afghanistan.

Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan were the least peaceful countries for the second consecutive year. Syria, Georgia, the Philippines and Cyprus apart from Russia were this year's biggest fallers; the report said.

"How peaceful a country is depends on the internal structures, institutions, and attitudes that sustain and promote peace as well as on external factors," said Clyde McConaghy, board director of the IEP.

"This year's top five countries, and more peaceful countries in general, have certain things in common: well functioning governments, stable business environments, respect for human rights, low levels of corruption, high rates of participation in education, and freedom of information," McConaghy said.
Hey guys sound like some of you are having fun trading insults.

Seriously, a person can always learn something from another person (even if that person is less intelligent than you according to your perception or assessment). So, it's the same thing for a country.

The question is do you want to learn? You can learn this from the Japanese. China was much ahead than Japan and yet Japan was the first Asian country to build modern weapons.

Speaking of human rights abuses read the following article:
You will noticed that China's GPI is lower than India or US.

NOTE: The lower the GPI the better.

Washington, June 9: India has slipped to a low of 128 in the Global Peace Index ranking with the country along with Pakistan and Sri Lanka experiencing more incidents of internal conflict, terrorism and human rights abuses.

Overall the world became less peaceful for the second consecutive year, said the fourth annual GPI released.

As the global economy continues to falter, this year's data shows an intensification of conflicts and growing instability linked to the downturn that began in 2008, with several countries seeing sharp increases in homicides, violent demonstrations and fear of crime, it said.

The only study to quantify global peacefulness, the GPI is produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP).

According to the report, South Asia saw the greatest decrease in peacefulness, as a result of increased involvement in conflicts, a rise in deaths from internal conflict and human rights abuses. The main countries experiencing decreases in peacefulness were India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

Three BRIC countries — Russia (143), India (128) and China (80) — saw substantial declines in peacefulness, while Brazil's score remained essentially stable (83) compared to the 2009 Index.

In fact, Russia saw one of the largest drops in peacefulness of any country this year due to its war with Georgia, ongoing acts of terror, and some protests across the country resulting from a deteriorating economic situation.

China saw its score deteriorate because of worsening security in parts of the country, notably Xinjiang province, where violent conflict prompted rises in several measures of societal safety, the report said.

However, the US (85) improved its 2010 GPI score, registering its biggest year-on-year improvement since the first Index was released in 2007. The improvement came as a result of a decrease in the number of deaths from external conflict and an increase in political stability.

Western Europe continues to be the most peaceful region, with the majority of the countries ranking in the top 20 All five Scandinavian nations rank in the top ten; however, Denmark dropped five spots to 7 because of decrease in respect for human rights and continuing involvement in Afghanistan.

Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan were the least peaceful countries for the second consecutive year. Syria, Georgia, the Philippines and Cyprus apart from Russia were this year's biggest fallers; the report said.

"How peaceful a country is depends on the internal structures, institutions, and attitudes that sustain and promote peace as well as on external factors," said Clyde McConaghy, board director of the IEP.

"This year's top five countries, and more peaceful countries in general, have certain things in common: well functioning governments, stable business environments, respect for human rights, low levels of corruption, high rates of participation in education, and freedom of information," McConaghy said.

is GPI linked to humar rights abuses....u r distorting the sense of article...smthng the chinese do....
<is GPI linked to humar rights abuses....u r distorting the sense of article...smthng the chinese do....>
You should complain to the guy who wrote the article. And I am not surprised you're complaining about the distortion (that's your interpretation).

This article is written by Western.
<is GPI linked to humar rights abuses....u r distorting the sense of article...smthng the chinese do....>
You should complain to the guy who wrote the article. And I am not surprised you're complaining about the distortion (that's your interpretation).

This article is written by Western.

do i need to bother what world thinks about CHinese human rights situations..!!!

the article is about peaceful index, surely India ranks lower because of terrorism... but when it comes to Human Rights alone, China is among the worse...

not i hope it is clear to u that ur way of representaton was a distortion...
I think 90&#37; of negative impressions of chinese towards indians is directly caused by rahul, justin and deepak. if these 3 chilled out and the rest of us stop talking about curry, toilets, etc. we'd all be better off.
<I think 90&#37; of negative impressions of chinese towards indians is directly caused by rahul, justin and deepak.>
That rahul could be an Arab disguising as an Indian. And justin I guess he is a false Jesus disciple.

<the article is about peaceful index, surely India ranks lower because of terrorism...>
Incorrect: According to the report, South Asia saw the greatest decrease in peacefulness, as a result of increased involvement in conflicts, a rise in deaths from internal conflict and human rights abuses. The main countries experiencing decreases in peacefulness were India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

<but when it comes to Human Rights alone, China is among the worse...>
No one says China is a saint when it comes to Human Rights. But would you say India or US is a saint when it comes to Human Rights?

<not i hope it is clear to u that ur way of representaton was a distortion...>
Again, that's your interpretation or assessment.

I have a hard time believing all these e-thugs, e-gangstas, internet warriors are actually Chinese.
e-thugs, lol.
I'm putting that in my dictionary.

There are trollers everywhere
I think 90% of negative impressions of chinese towards indians is directly caused by rahul, justin and deepak. if these 3 chilled out and the rest of us stop talking about curry, toilets, etc. we'd all be better off.

:what:and i think u r 100% wrong... we are here to present views in an unbaised manner...nthng more nthng less...and also to counter false propaganda... by ur chinese 50 cent....

and notice one thing, Indian membrs never bring off topics into CHinese threads , it is ur 50 cent members who will always bring things like toilets, and other things in Indian threads.....
<I think 90&#37; of negative impressions of chinese towards indians is directly caused by rahul, justin and deepak.>
That rahul could be an Arab disguising as an Indian. And justin I guess he is a false Jesus disciple.

i can only laugh..:):)

<the article is about peaceful index, surely India ranks lower because of terrorism...>
Incorrect: According to the report, South Asia saw the greatest decrease in peacefulness, as a result of increased involvement in conflicts, a rise in deaths from internal conflict and human rights abuses. The main countries experiencing decreases in peacefulness were India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

is that ur assumption... ?? u think terrorism and Mumbai blasts wont affect the peaceful rating..??and also terrorism in Kashmir....and Maoists in N-E......all these are terrorist activities in India....
doesnt have anything to do with Human rights....

if u want Human Rights why do u pick up a report on PEACEFUL INDEX....coz u are trying to distort information, best done by Chinese...

Why dont u pick up the Human Rights reports itself..?????

<but when it comes to Human Rights alone, China is among the worse...>
No one says China is a saint when it comes to Human Rights. But would you say India or US is a saint when it comes to Human Rights?

There are human rights abuyse in EVERY country...incients do happen everywhere....

But in ur case IT IS EXTREME and supported by CCP as state policy....

<not i hope it is clear to u that ur way of representaton was a distortion...>
Again, that's your interpretation or assessment.
and a correct one...

or else to drum up human rights u would have picked up reports on human rights and not peaceful index....

as peaceful index is about all the factors toghether, like terrorisrm, threat of war, and other things..n not about human rights alone.....

and factors like mumbai atatcks, Kshmir and Maosits terorist acivities and bound to put India behind....
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