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Dragon builds rail web around IndiaMaoist China believed power flowed from the barrel

than what happened with Vietnam and in 1967 with India....:rofl::rofl:
is this some mathematical formula from einstein that if u won once so it guarantees u win next time also....Remeber u won in 1967 because of back stabbing India..... India didnt know ur true intentions...:tongue:

read more book, the war was in 1962.

backwards led to your defect in 1962, and the current gap is about twice as big as the 1962 one.
yes, you are right.

our Type-99 tanks are 40 years behind the west.
J-10 is 40 years behind the west.
052c/054a are just some 1960s era western technologies.

:smokin: let me tell you something more real:

we conquered your army 47 years ago when they were equipped with your fancy western aided weapons.

oh, almost forget to mention, I really appreciate the arm embargo applied on China and do hope it can keep for another 10 years.

than what happened with Vietnam and in 1967 with India....:rofl::rofl:
is this some mathematical formula from einstein that if u won once so it guarantees u win next time also...:tongue:

Yes kep the embargo for another few centuries.... and China will be at bottom of technology whereas all other countries will march ahead due to collaborations and sharing technical know how with each other... while u remain in ur shell....:agree:
yes, you are right.

our Type-99 tanks are 40 years behind the west.
J-10 is 40 years behind the west.
052c/054a are just some 1960s era western technologies.

:smokin: let me tell you something more real:

we conquered your army 47 years ago when they were equipped with your fancy western aided weapons.

oh, almost forget to mention, I really appreciate the arm embargo applied on China and do hope it can keep for another 10 years.

first time i heard some sense coming out of you !!!!!

atleast your agree that i am right !! now stop tellign us about your tin can fighter. nobody is intrested in those crappyy junk box.
and this thread isn ot about it anyways.

and winning a battle 47 yr old well - india was how many year old back them ??? it was just 15 yr old - since they had independence.

now the tables have turned - If a war happens.
china will loose its presence from world map.

and my little sweet heart ---nobody gives a damn about china anyways. even the Chinese living over seas. so dont tell me your - great china developing story cause i m least intrested in it. :smitten:
and winning a battle 47 yr old well - india was how many year old back them ??? it was just 15 yr old - since they had independence.

let me tell you the truth:

india in 1962 is more powerful than today's india. as already said again and again, the gap has been widened a lot during the past 40 years.

please check some statistics on both country's GDP and R&D investment/output in the past 60 years and you will see a clear widening gap.

in case you can't read, no problem, some examples for you:

in 1962, you have rifle, we have rifle. you have tanks, we have tanks. you have machine guns, we have machine guns. nothing really different. we won the war because our army is more intelligent, more brave and work harder than yours.

now in 2009, the same can no longer be said...

we have bvr missiles, you bought a few.
we have type-99 mbt, you bought some crappy T-90.
we have J-10/J-11b, you bought some Su-27/30.
we have CJ-10, you have nothing on hand.
we have subs firing JL-2, you have nothing on hand.
we have anti-satelliate weapons, you have some "india rocket with russian engines"
we have bombers capable of carrying&firing 2 CJ-10, you have nothing on hand.
we are now building 2-3 modern navy ships every year, during peaceful time, it took you 7-8 years to get a new ship.

tell me what you have? oh, yes, yes, russian aircraft carrier. for that, we have anti-aircraft carrier missile, the modified DF-21.

tell me, how india can stand a chance of winning?

keep this in mind dude, for your army's safety: when we fight, if you shoot down our J-10, fine, we build another one overnight in Sichuan and Shanghai. however, if we shoot down your Su-27/30, then you can just cry damn hard as it takes years for you to order replacement, got it produced by your russian partner and then delivered to you.

we are not operating in the same level. and I can assure you that the above mentioned J-10/Su27/30 exchange won't happen in real life as when we fight, we deploy our damn cheap WS-2D to the border and destroy your capital within minutes. check the world map, New Delhi is ONLY 300km away from our border.
because we have a much stronger armed forces?
because all country including yours acknowledge tibet as a part of China?
or because our economy is 3 times of yours?
because u are in illegal occupation.. so u leave them and disputes are over...u can correct ur past mistakes...:agree:

dead and cheap missiles cant do any harm....they are already dead...:rofl:
just a friendly reminder: we can destroy your capital using some dead cheap guided rockets

the best missiles do cause damage....:rofl:
while you need your best long range missiles to reach our population center and they have high probability to be intercepted on their way
because u are in illegal occupation.. so u leave them and disputes are over...u can correct ur past mistakes...:agree:

the term illegal occupation is reserved for your occupation in Kashmir.

Kashmir belongs to Pakistan.
let me tell you the truth:

india in 1962 is more powerful than today's india. as already said again and again, the gap has been widened a lot during the past 40 years.

please check some statistics on both country's GDP and R&D investment/output in the past 60 years and you will see a clear widening gap.

in case you can't read, no problem, some examples for you:

in 1962, you have rifle, we have rifle. you have tanks, we have tanks. you have machine guns, we have machine guns. nothing really different. we won the war because our army is more intelligent, more brave and work harder than yours.

now in 2009, the same can no longer be said...

we have bvr missiles, you bought a few.
we have type-99 mbt, you bought some crappy T-90.
we have J-10/J-11b, you bought some Su-27/30.
we have CJ-10, you have nothing on hand.
we have subs firing JL-2, you have nothing on hand.
we have anti-satelliate weapons, you have some "india rocket with russian engines"
we have bombers capable of carrying&firing 2 CJ-10, you have nothing on hand.
we are now building 2-3 modern navy ships every year, during peaceful time, it took you 7-8 years to get a new ship.

tell me what you have? oh, yes, yes, russian aircraft carrier. for that, we have anti-aircraft carrier missile, the modified DF-21.

tell me, how india can stand a chance of winning?

keep this in mind dude, for your army's safety: when we fight, if you shoot down our J-10, fine, we build another one overnight in Sichuan and Shanghai. however, if we shoot down your Su-27/30, then you can just cry damn hard as it takes years for you to order replacement, got it produced by your russian partner and then delivered to you.

we are not operating in the same level. and I can assure you that the above mentioned J-10/Su27/30 exchange won't happen in real life as when we fight, we deploy our damn cheap WS-2D to the border and destroy your capital within minutes. check the world map, New Delhi is ONLY 300km away from our border.

look bro.... u can keep on producing crap quality weapons in any numbers u want....
it is quality that matters...hope u understand this simple fact...:agree:
the term illegal occupation is reserved for your occupation in Kashmir.

Kashmir belongs to Pakistan.

dude i just mentioned Illegal occupation of TIbet... just read the post again...
so u r the author of the oxford dictionary....:rofl::rofl:
the term illegal occupation is reserved for your occupation in Kashmir.

Kashmir belongs to Pakistan.

The list starts with

a. Tibet
b. Ulighar
c. Taiwan

Should I continue or would you like to STFU
dude i just mentioned Illegal occupation of TIbet... just read the post again...
so u r the author of the oxford dictionary....:rofl::rofl:

Tell me whats the point for you to blah, blah about the so-called illegal

occupation of tibet, when even your GOI reconized tibet was part of

China? Thats "0" country in the world that don't reconized tibet being

part of China ! seems like you don't even have the courage to face

the reality?

You simply could change nothing except continue being happy with

your mental-mast.....bation. :smitten::pakistan::china:
After 1962, ,there were 3 small-scale conflicts between india and we china in 1963、1967、1987. the india army's experience just like in 1962…… oh……in fact ,in 1987 they were worse than 1962.

battle is a kind of art, i wish indians don't violate this art.
Tell me whats the point for you to blah, blah about the so-called illegal

occupation of tibet, when even your GOI reconized tibet was part of

China? Thats "0" country in the world that don't reconized tibet being

part of China ! seems like you don't even have the courage to face

the reality?

You simply could change nothing except continue being happy with

your mental-mast.....bation. :smitten::pakistan::china:

did it really hurt............:rofl::rofl:it is not blah blah... it is a fact.... u only need to correct it... plz undstnd it... see the reality...open ur eyes.... !!:oops:
the reality is ,it doesnt count who recognizes wat but does tibet recoznizes itself to china?a big question mark
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