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Dr Syed Ali Haider & his son killed in Lahore !!

Truly, despicable and only hindu agents are doing this, in Pakistan.
Else where it is also happening like Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan but there are other armies doing it.

Fully agreed. There are Hindu agents sitting in south Punjab and Waziristan. Now the logical thing for all you momin nationalists is to demand an operation against those hindu agents. But I do not see that happening. And this is where a wiley hindu like me gets confused.
I was at Liberty Roundabout in the afternoon-evening time & there was an man, in his '60s or '70s, standing there holding a placard that read 'Hamein Jinnah ka Pakistan waapis chahiyeee' !

Did anyone see that ?

I was at governor house, but I have seen that man, he comes at every protest in liberty roundabout...

Now is the time we do realize, and use it to change things. These killings and bomb blasts must be stopped.

the more and more people participate in protests the more they will realize what is street power... we have to break chains of fear and fight back these monsters and I think if Elections didnt bring change...its going to come through street demonstrations !!
the more and more people participate in protests the more they will realize what is street power... we have to break chains of fear and fight back these monsters and I think if Elections didnt bring change...its going to come through street demonstrations !!

You may be correct, but all that street power does in Lahore is break traffic lights and signs and burnt buses and cars. The next elections will be crucial.
it is sad and despicable.... but a lot of children die in your sub-continent too, often at the hands of fire-arms (or rockets)

What is that supposed to mean? A tragedy is a tragedy no matter where it takes place.
You may be correct, but all that street power does in Lahore is break traffic lights and signs and burnt buses and cars. The next elections will be crucial.

Actually the crowd is not large enough yet, like the way it happened in Egypt... the social media gathers say 200 people at Liberty....... because we are not ready to risk our lives or give up our lives for the sake of life of the Nation... we still want to skip out of it, avoid, not face it... but I am sure this training at street protests will help gather a class of pressure group that would lead the fight in very crucial days that are inevitably coming our way !!
Actually the crowd is not large enough yet, like the way it happened in Egypt... the social media gathers say 200 people at Liberty....... because we are not ready to risk our lives or give up our lives for the sake of life of the Nation... we still want to skip out of it, avoid, not face it... but I am sure this training at street protests will help gather a class of pressure group that would lead the fight in very crucial days that are inevitably coming our way !!

I don't think that the crowd will ever get that large to be able to influence any meaningful changes of policies. The power brokers in Pakistan are adept in defusing public anger by taking superficial steps that are popular but eventually ineffective.
Hunt for killers on
LAHORE –The provincial government has constituted a joint investigation team, comprising policemen and intelligence officials, to nab the criminals involved in the murders of leading eye-surgeon and his 12-year-old son. “We are clueless so far and investigation is underway to unearth the killers behind the assault,” a police officer said. To a question about the possible motives behind the gun attack, he said that the police were investigating the double-murder case keeping in view all aspects of the happening. “At this stage, we cannot say anything. The possibility of sectarian motives behind the onslaught could not be ruled out,” he added. According to a police investigator close to the team investigating the killings, one thing has been established that the killings were planned and the surgeon and his son were targeted by unidentified motorcyclists. Intelligence sources revealed the involvement of militants linked to banned outfits particularly Lashkar-e-Jhangvi could not be ruled out.

Hunt for killers on | The Nation
I don't think that the crowd will ever get that large to be able to influence any meaningful changes of policies. The power brokers in Pakistan are adept in defusing public anger by taking superficial steps that are popular but eventually ineffective.

well I dont give a victory statement to status quo.. I think meaningful change can be brought through street power, it doesnot need to be big enough in number, but public sympathy and support is necessary and ofcourse "will" to never give up... slowly but surely street power will also learn how to tackle governmental force and it has won its way through many times in history...
Murtaza Haider is dead, does anyone care?
Murtaza Haider

He was only 12-years old, full of life and promise. But that was on Sunday. Monday morning Murtaza Haider and his father, Dr Syed Ali Haider, were shot dead in a targeted attack by militants in an elite neighbourhood of Lahore.

Dr Ali Haider was a professor and the chair of the Ophthalmology Department at Lahore General Hospital. He was shot six times in the face, head, and other parts of his body. The learned doctor and his family had no enemies, yet the father and son were guilty of a cardinal sin in Pakistan. They were Shias.

Dr Haider was driving Murtaza to school Monday morning when two armed militants intercepted their vehicle and sprayed it with bullets. The police believe that their unprovoked murders were carried out by sectarian extremists.

This is what has become of Pakistan: Shia doctors, lawyers, parliamentarians, and children are being hunted down in the streets of large urban centres like Lahore, Karachi, and Peshawar. At the same time, Shia labourers, daily wage earners, street hawkers, and pilgrims travelling to Iran are taken off buses and shot in cold blood. And then there is indiscriminate bombings of Shia mosques and other gathering places.

In Quetta’s Hazara town, fear rules the streets. Mothers do not want their children to leave homes. Wives dread the thought of their husbands becoming another statistic in the never ending sectarian warfare declared on Shia Hazaras. I spoke with my cousin in Hazara Town and asked about how people were coping. He told me of a community under siege and numb by fear and pain.

Those who work for the government and live in Hazara Town do not go to work anymore. They are confined to their homes. The admin staff drops files at their homes in the morning and collects the same files later in the afternoon. Hazara Town has in fact become an open prison for many. The less fortunate ones still have to venture out of the town and risk death at every corner.

Needless to say, Pakistan can use some doctors, especially surgeons. Every doctor counts in Pakistan where there is less than one doctor per 1,000 people. Thus, killing them in cold blood does not make much sense for the welfare of ordinary Pakistanis. Dr Ali Haider was a renowned eye surgeon whose skilled and compassionate hands had restored the vision of countless patients. Dr Ali Haider had an unrivalled medical pedigree. He was the only son of another renowned surgeon and a professor of King Edward Medical University (KEMU), Dr Syed Zafar Haider. Dr Tahira Haider, his mother, also taught at KEMU, and his sister is also a medical doctor and an academic.

Dr Zafar Haider in his old age has to mourn the death of his son and grandson. While some may try to create doubts about the motives of the killers, Dr. Zafar Haider has no doubts. “My son has been killed for being a Shia and a dedicated follower of the Holy Prophet,” the grieving doctor told Dawn.

Earlier in the week, I wrote in the same space urging Shias of Quetta and Peshawar to either relocate to Lahore and Karachi, or better to seek asylum abroad. Many in their comments on Dawn’s website disagreed and accused me of caving in to the terrorists. Many expressed their commitment to strike back at the sectarian murderers. I am neither that naive nor that brave. The murder of Dr Haider and young Murtaza in fact further reinforces my belief that the life and property of Shias in Pakistan is no longer safe.

I also know that the State apparatus, including the police, intelligence agencies, and the courts, is incapable of arresting and convicting those involved in the guerilla warfare against the State using Shias as a target. Even when they are arrested, the courts failed to convict the sectarian terrorists. And while valiant police officers, such as SSP Ashraf Marth, laid their lives in pursuing militants, the courts could still not convict the alleged. Why? The three key eye witnesses in SSP Marth’s case, all police officers, recanted their earlier statements that implicated the accused. It is therefore, no surprise that some elements of the State have capitulated and were subsidising the families of the alleged sectarian militants while they were under arrest.

A few hours earlier at Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square, I joined a few dozen protesters who had gathered yet again to protest the recent murder of Shia Hazaras in Quetta. It was only last month that a similar impromptu protest brought several hundred Pakistanis in Toronto to the same place where they protested the death of Shia Hazaras who were killed on January 10. Unlike the last time, the crowd in Toronto was much smaller and the sloganeering had a distinct defeatist tone. It appears that many had resigned to the fact that sectarian terrorism cannot be stopped in Pakistan.

Dr Syed Ali Haider spent his life restoring vision to those who could not see. In the end, he and his son, Murtaza Haider, were murdered by those blinded by sectarian hatred. Now it is up to the State to prove that it can deliver justice to the grieving family. Otherwise, the Haider family has no reason to stay in Pakistan and cure the very people who want to murder them.

(Murtaza Haider is dead, does anyone care? | Blog | DAWN.COM)
TRIBUTE to Prof Ali Haider Shaheed and his Son 19-2-2013

Madam Tahira Bokhari our histology professor at KEMC one day informed in our class with shinning ayes and her pleasant smile: My son has passed the Fellowship exam in Ophthalmology in UK. She was very happy and exited on that day many years ago…..But today on the funeral of Prof Ali Haider I saw the same mother with tears in eyes and shattered saying “Mera Ali Haider chala gaya main ne to osse dekha bhee nahin” I could not take more and stepped back aggrieved and completely shocked.

As I write down those lines my hands are trembling, my eyes are full of tears, my heart will explode with the pent up of emotions and feelings of mixture of sorrow, grief, anger, frustration, helplessness …..

I am writing these lines for a man of principles, discipline, hard work, devotion and respect, Prof Ali Haider. He singlehandedly developed the Eye department of LGH to extreme heights where it stood today. He was loved by his patients. He has healed thousands people and given vision to countless during his career. He had worked effortlessly to bring the VR fraternity to one platform and just when it was about to be launched he was taken away brutally.

I had not worked under him but his contribution to my development as VR surgeon and grooming is immense. Next I could see him few times at Medicare where he would always answer my enthusiastic queries and will spent good time. Then I worked with him closely in scientific committee. I had a lots of communication with this great icon for many years at different forums. And I found great qualities of virtue, leadership, educator, teacher in him.

The angels must have sucked his soul very gently. He has left behind countless souls weeping for him. His family his few months old daughter who had not learned to speak yet……

Sir you could never be replaced. I salute you with all my heart, and pray for highest orders of Paradise where you must be with your beloved son. May your family be able to bear this loss. I don’t know why the good people are taken away so quickly-----

May be we did not deserve YOU.

Dr Kashif Iqbal
FCPS FRCS Ed Fellowship VR (CPSP)
Consultant Ophthalmologist VR Surgeon LRBT Lahore
Cj Kana Dajjal is responsible for current pakistan condition .Shame on Pakistan jurisdiction for not putting one terrorist to death.

Killing innocent daily for no reason and not a single country condemning bomb blast in quetta and target killing in karachi.

After yugoslavia pakistan is the best example of 4th generation war.it took 4 year to break yugoslavia and now its more then 11 years but still pakistani are fighting and killing their own kind.

Corrupt government ,mess up economy,infrastruction bad,railway mess up.

impotent judiciary not a single death penalty to terrorist responsible for 50,000 death [Hall of SHame]

Impotent COAS KaYani seeing civil government destroying everything and fail judiciary,NO law and order ,doing nothing.
Dr Syed Zafar Haider aged 85 laid his son Dr Syed Ali Haider & his 11 year old grandson to rest today.

The worst thing that can happen to a father is to see his son die when he is alive.

This man saw both his son and grandson die.

Cant begin to understand the grief he will be going through in this ripe old age.
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