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Ohh. Sorry I forgot you must be following a bastar* like this.
I will not use such a strong word which creates doubt for his mother. May be its normal in Canada but not here in Pakistan. and i only follow Pakistan. I don't have any idol to worship except Allah.
He provided services for that. nothing is free in this world. if you are not happy you can claim your tax money back from Gov of Pakistan. if they refuse file a case in courts. Justice Must prevail.
So how about this GENERAL - How about we send your family there and bomb everyone including the terrorists.
Why i or my family would be there or support terrorists at the very first place. My dad always told me stay away from Bad Company. if a terrorist is living in your next door and you know him. what will you do in Canada? i will do exactly that. instead of staying quite. i personally feel sad for them and about drones but Pakistan had no other option except supporting UN resolution against them.
Pakistan needs a multidimensional strategy:
and what is that? Why don't you come to Pakistan and serve it with your strategy on tax payers money ? or you can serve as volunteer if you don't need bread to feed your family.
Let me remind you something. Pakistan has a last chance. In between, a massive earth quake is coming and hopefully all the elite scums will die. Get yourself right.
Allah Forbid We have seen earth quick before. it was really bad but it made us more united and more strong. elite scums are everywhere we are living in a world where we have to live with it. last i heard another bush from the same bush family is running the next US presidential election. this world is so scary and round. i am already on the right side which is Pakistan so no worry.
Hang terrorists. Hang corrupt people.
I support you on this one. but must be through courts not on the wishes.
We did not spend our energies for nothing. Those who have the key can shut the door. Remember that!
If you have energy problem get one redbull or lucozade and you are good to go. We had a duplicate key for that door. so chill.

Prays did not help you. Amrika did not help you. God did not help you. Better do before the time comes. The day we pull our support from IK - Our resources will be free to indulge in other things. Worry. Think hard!
Ok let me think on this one. thinking Hard....
Trust me: If Pakistan does not hang corrupt people now since they have already hanged terrorists. I will personally make sure everything is reversed and more. There will be an end.
Let the SkyFall. We will face it together. Bring it on....
Really don't know concept about molvi aziz... but 1 thing is cleared peshawar attack is totally inhumanity & our religion also tells us that u dont killed childernz or ladiez untill they were fighted against u so in that case i m totally agaist to molvi aziz infact go to hell basterd...
I am saying hang politicians responsible for Thar tragedy. Hang generals that created Jihadis and killed the same Jihadis to make more money. Hang burykats that fuc their wives abroad to get nationality. Hang others that have caused corruption. Hang judges that intentionally failed to deliver justice. Hang commussion jawans. Hang land grabbers. Hang terrorists.

Mischief caused by the elite is far greater than the terrorists. It was due to the elite that the so called Jihad was fought.

Under whose watch did the school children got slaughtered in the drone strike?

Who were those patriotic generals THAT LIED TO THE PEOOLE. THEY LIVED OFF OUR TAX MONEY AND $$$ (Details of that will be leaked soon). How much pension and how big of a land those CORRUPT LIARS got?

Which general said drones were done without our approval but later admitted the opposite? He should be hanged 15 times because the same drones killed more than 150 INNOCENT PEOPLE!

Hang the real culprits first.

But its Pakistan. God was RIGHT. PAKISTAN will never understand until a mega natural disaster that kills the pumped babes.

so you are saying hang 90% of Pakistanis
No. I am not a sold out emotional prick like jernails. I will wait.
If you did not have money to buy them then what can i say?. Why don't you indulge your resources in Pricks (as you call them) auction. why wasting it on IK when you know power lies in pricks (as you call them). if someone else can buy them why not you. try your luck.
But the time is running out. Allah didn't help you before the earth quake. Your nation was united on the talk shows.
i disagree on this as i was on ground there i know Allah helped us a lot even amrika as well as others. main thing we lost so many lives but Pakistan survived and it must carry on. nothing else is important. by the way what do you mean by YOUR Nation are you not half ****? pardon me if i could say. Pakistanis don't wear watch so don't know about time. either it is running out or not. America or Canada should worry about time because Pakistanis Alhumdulillah already believe, everything will be finished except Allah.
Follow the right way. Be happy.
So your way is the right way. beg me pardon how come?.
Wrong way
..No forbiddance will help. It never did. Allah doesn't help Syrians or Africans. Didn't help anyone.
We are not arabs or africans. and we know the wikileaks and how it works.
Pay back time has come. The corrupt global elite will suffer now. But before that Pakistani elite mist suffer if corrupt people are not hanged.
i myself am so scared about your payback time. no no no its not fair why first pakistan. start from a, a for america then b, b for Britannia, then c , c for Canada and so on. otherwise pakistani elites will not play.
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