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Dr۔ Shahabaz Gill arrested from Islamabad


On the former, would you be convinced if there was indeed evidence? And if you are so inclined, all it takes is a simple google search, i.e., if you have been missing in action for the past 5-6 months and hence have no idea what is going on.

On the latter, convict them all, seize all their properties and make an example of them all. The dynastic politics, the gross political system, the gross bureaucratic system, the gross judicial system, they all need to be burned and replaced with new systems. All the existing politicians, most of the Judges, many bureaucrats and Government officers need to be investigated by neutral, competent teams and then stripped of their wealth. Arrest them, torture them, make them divulge information of their assets and seize them all for Government exchequer.

But sadly, the above is not going to happen because it is not possible to find honest Pakistanis, the rotten system has rendered us all corrupt and seeking short-cuts. We are teaching our children to be corrupt from the moment they are able to understand words, we teach them lies, we teach them to be materialistic by offering them bribes for accomplishments, we teach them it is fine to go through red lights and drive the wrong way, we teach them it is fine to throw garbage out the window of our cars or homes, we teach them to lie on petty little matters to relatives and neighbors and so all these children are being groomed to be corrupt Pakistanis. Anyway........

You actually only answered half of my question (not that I don't second you on that).

I did research based on how events have unfolded in Pakistani politics in the past 4-5 months, however, I still didn't find statements, interviews, comments, tweets and articles etc wherein IK had incited masses against COAS (which you claimed in your post). On contrary, I find him reaffirming on many occasions that Pakistan Army is our army and its more vital for the country than myself.

I'm still waiting pal...

Waiting for provocative statements, interviews, comments, tweets and articles etc wherein IK had instigated masses against COAS (which you claimed in your post). I tried all kind of google searches let alone simple searches, as per your advice but you know what I found, the following of your leaders.


This shows that your trying to put forward their agenda (because both of you are cut from the same cloth).

I am not vouching for Gill here, maybe his choice of words and manner of speech had an error (but that a separate discussion, because others have committed bigger crimes like "ya jo dashad gardi hai iska pecha wardi hai", therefore, those should be prosecuted for treason first), however, you conveniently used this incident as a tool to paddle in anti-IK agenda without any proof, In fact what you said is nothing but a white lie. This is a perfect example of intellectual dishonesty, what a shame.


Fully agree the terroist girl stole ohone from police cahacha and 15k. Now cries crocodile tears

کتنا جھوٹ بولو گے؟؟ بچی جیل میں نہیں ہے اور ڈرائیور کی بیوی اور اس کا بھائی پولیس پارٹی پر حملے کی وجہ سے جیل میں ہے ، پی ٹی آئی کے وکیلوں نے تک خاتون کی ضمانت کی درخواست دائر نہیں کی

Yar waisay kasam say, do you really with all your heart believe all you say?

Mutmayen ho yeh sab keh kar?

This is so funny.

20 police men go into a home, and a single guy and his sister and a 10 month old girl manage to get a phone and 15k in cash...nice.

I have no other means to contradict police report, PTI has not submitted any credible evidence to refute police report. If you have any evidence, I would love to see those evidences and take a u-turn from my stance.

I have no other means to contradict police report, PTI has not submitted any credible evidence to refute police report. If you have any evidence, I would love to see those evidences and take a u-turn from my stance.

Do you not possess the capacity for critical analysis?

Do you really think that a mother with her infant and brother upon seeing a group of armed police officers in her home would try to to rob the 20 men them for 15k and their mobile?

Be honest, does that sound believable to you?

Do you not possess the capacity for critical analysis?

Do you really think that a mother with her infant and brother upon seeing a group of armed police officers in her home would try to to rob the 20 men them for 15k and their mobile?

Be honest, does that sound believable to you?

Why you are indulging minor girl in the debate?? Why want to cash fake sympathy?? Minor was nor arrested neither she is in jail.

Why you are indulging minor girl in the debate?? Why want to cash fake sympathy?? Minor was nor arrested neither she is in jail.

I've not claimed the minor girl was arrested or is in jail.

My contention is that the story in the police report seems totally made up and unbelievable.

My question to you is do you honestly believe that the woman and her brother would try to rob a group of armed police officers of 15k and mobile? Do you think that seems plausible? Be honest.
Wait a minute, is this actually the statement for which this whole shenanigan took place?

I hadn't heard it before, but is this really it? If so, then this has got to be the most stupidest thing ever to arrest a person for.

I thought he actually said to the rank and file not to obey the orders of the COAS and high command or something similar.
It is partial statement. You can take it as an explanation. This is sort of context ...

For understanding the whole speech and the objectionable content along with the complete context view the below program.

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