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Doubtful video showing Army 'abusing' in Swat

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Ya Rab woh na samjahy haiN na samjayeiN gay meri baat
Dey aur Dil unko Jo na dey Mujh ko ZubaaN aur


Hillarious, what kinda treatment u want for them?
I think you have not seen those be heading videos, let me show you a sample of what these mother F**** are doing, after seeing this I have no mercy in my heart for these people, No mercy for these losers, Ask the mothers who saw their sons dieing like this, have u ever thought of them, Army & Police came into action only bcoz these people are creating problems & doing some crazy Sh!t & that too in name of Islam


WARNING: Extremely Violent Content
Avoid it if you have a 'weak' heart
Islamization Watch: Video: Taliban slaughter Pakistani soldiers and residents like animals

These people were all in Police custody & listen to talk b/w first Talib & major it clearly shows that first person has got something to do with Taliban, they deserve more than this & these little beatings are necessary
A few Kicks can't make 'em terrorist...
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Due action was taken by Pakistan Army on this issue:


Source: http://www.jang.com.pk/jang/sep2009-daily/20-09-2009/col3.htm

If that is how a respectable college professor is treated, than little doubt is left about the treatment of 'lesser' folks.

I am a witness of such incidents myself. I have seen how the coast guards near Habb (who are supervised by a regular Army officer of the rank of a Captain) harass the passengers travelling from Quetta to Karachi and openly demand for money if the passengers have to getaway with their goods. There have been several protests and the roads were blocked by the Bus owners and the passengers.



Source: Jang Group Online
we can be as "rightous" as we want on this particular episode but this is a real war and these incidents will happen in the heat of battle - history is full of such incidents - the proper thing to do is for the army to take quick action against these "offending" officers and send a strong signal down the ranks that this behaviour will not be tolerated.

having said that whose "human rights" are we defending here - these people are not humans they are "beasts' and IMO i have no sympathy for them. asma jahangir and her cohorts can cry wolf all they want - the atrocities commited by these people (beasts) are known to the whole of Pakistan - ask the people of swat how they feel about them?
I think pakdefender's translation has made the situation pretty clear. Despite the graphic and dramatic nature of the video, a closer look revealed that it was tightly controlled and monitored procedure. These were not acts of mindless rage or spite, there was a purpose behind it and even that was not overdone.

More importantly what we know now is that these were not some random suspects pulled off the streets. They were men with specific intelligence on them linking them to the terrorists and even to the particular crimes they committed like kidnapping servicemen. It is very possible that the major/captain was an intelligence officer, what is without doubt is his willingness to restrain and reprimand his men when he felt lines were being approached.

We can discuss the methods used here to extract information and we can talk about the undoubtedly negative impact this will have to the Army's somewhat restored imagine. But I would urge all to keep things in prospective and not get emotional due to the no doubt harsh content of the video.
I can say after watching this video that "Pakistan Army is brutal and its clearly human right violation. Human right activist should take action against PA. bla bla bla... " but if I give my honest opinion than it is nothing wrong in "3rd degree interrogation" if you save some life.whole world knows how these taliban behave with other people.they should know that they will get te same treatment when they will get cought. because "laton ke bhoot baton se nahi mante"
I would say this much that it is obvious that the person has not denied the links with TTP, he admits that he and his brother in law were doing some work with Taliban though he is denying that he was trained by them...

My point is that we cannot look at this incident in isolation and have to observe that clearly policemen have been kidnapped by TTP and somebody who is a suspected mole of TTP (due to his admitted history of working with them in some capacity) in the area has been captured and is being interrogated...

First point is that he is not a random saintly person who has been captured by the authorities but is a suspect for obvious reasons...

the person admits the links with TTP though of course he shall initially deny tipping them off in this particular incident so as to avoid more trouble than what the PA can give him which is just beating...analyze what the TTP have been doing to the proclaimed spies and you would realize why the man is reluctant to talk...divulging information shall make his position very dangerous since TTP is no longer in control and will be very wrathful even against its own who are found to betray it and we all know what TTP does when it captures any person...

All this should be seen in light of an established record of the swift videotaped beheading carried out by TTP...this brings the rescue party which has no time to waste and has to act before such a thing happens...there is a state of urgency in the matter which anyone of us who has seen the TTP killings and bombings shall realize and give certain benefit of doubt to the intention of the people who are not carrying out the beatings to enjoy but want swift information from a suspect whose silence may mean the deaths of many...
In the past many army and police personnel have been captured, tortured to the extreme and martyred via innovative and brutal means which are deliberately done to terrorize...Is there not an established pattern which gives some leverage to the investigators to use crude beatings to intimidate the lackeys of TTP...they are not using horrible torture like pulling nails, crushing body parts, burning parts of the body, prolonged electrocution, dismemberment etc. which TTP has used on its captors...not to mention the executions...
The bodies of SSG officers who were captured before even the start of PA offensive were so marred that it was unimaginable...i am not saying that we do the same with all TTP and their toadies, but clearly i would not consider this as a horrible atrocity or an abuse of human rights since they are not being beaten over a traffic violation...the situation is very grim and they are clear suspects who have been involved with TTP...

The fact that the suspect has had links with TTP in some capacity is the driving factor in the investigation since the authorities are aware of him and his brother in laws collaboration in the past...the investigator reminds all the suspects that they were raising slogans in favor of TTP and they should identify others so that they can be questioned...this all indicates that it is no random arrest and the suspects are all linked to TTP and the disappearance of policemen in their midst is not a random incident but something which has been done due to a tip off...

Yes in an ideal world this should not happen but in an ideal world you do not have people chopping heads off praising Allah and claiming the righteousness of their cause...there is something very demented about TTP and whatever happens they can never be repaid in the same coin because we can never stoop that low...the beating of culprits and suspects is a very common thing all over the world and we are all aware of it...if police does the same and much worse to people who steal even 100 RS...how can we grill the investigators here for not maintaining exemplary morals and ethos when they are pushed for time to save lives and are dealing with a network of terrorists who acknowledge no such thing and use any and all methods of torture and terrorism...

Whereas PA would investigate this and i am sure of that, perhaps we should acknowledge that such occurrences are not entirely without reason in this particular theater of action and PA is still using controlled beating in this video relatively speaking; as opposed to the gang rapes, dismemberment, relentless torture and executions carried out by TTP against their opponents and their families without discrimination...there is a stark difference as it should be in the approach...still PA is accountable but i wish TTP had been accountable to the nation as well when they were doing all the horrible things and our brilliant media and all enlightened individuals were just projecting that these are the repercussions of our part in WOT, little did they look into the humanitarian aspect then...

Still TTP has many mouthpieces all over the country who even justified the TTP videotaped executions as the killings of foreign spies...Even an iota of understanding of the situation will give some justification for authorities when they are short on time to save lives and have to engage in something we all see commonly and acknowledge as normal thing in this part of the world and i dare say in most of the world...
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Although im damn sick couldnt get up but this propaganda has forced me to log in and post here.

The incident took place in a police station in Swat and the person is involved in providing explosive to the militants and an experince throat slaughter.

He had been party to many beheadings.

One of the policeman has taped and sold the video to BBC.

So thats it.

These barbaric throat salughters deserve more harsh treatment.

P.S: Those members who have some politicial grudge against government of Pakistan viz viz their provinces kindly do not stoop too low to side with our dirty enemy just to bash Pakistan army.
You know its funny how talibans are uploading video's on youtube saying Punjabis beating Pushtuns while they dont even know if the intelligence officer is even Punjabi.How a Pushtun/Balochi/Sindhi/Muhajir interrogator/intelligence officer would extract information from them ? By drowning them with love ?If you at the middle of the movie where a tall person is beaten he repeatedly says "Nahi bataoonga nahi bataoonga". Also a soldier with megaphone which mean they already warned them or asked them to handover themselves. Its all propaganda against Pakistan Army and people are calling it torture.If Army wanted to torture they would have pulled their finger nails and much more harsh treatment (I would not mention it here).
Good they should have used the Littar Therapy on the dogs. And as for Asma Ghanjir the woman needs to get a life... Bloody Conspirator
Although im damn sick couldnt get up but this propaganda has forced me to log in and post here.

The incident took place in a police station in Swat and the person is involved in providing explosive to the militants and an experince throat slaughter.

He had been party to many beheadings.

One of the policeman has taped and sold the video to BBC.

So thats it.

These barbaric throat salughters deserve more harsh treatment.

P.S: Those members who have some politicial grudge against government of Pakistan viz viz their provinces kindly do not stoop too low to side with our dirty enemy just to bash Pakistan army.

Notice those RED words!!!!

No "Maii Ka Laal" can prove from the Quran or the Sahih Hadith that the Prophet PBUH or any Muslim ever did such things or allowed them for any single non Muslim in their time, "let alone to think such barbarity for MUSLIMS"!!!! It is completely Un Islamic, in every sect :angry:

"Barbarians such as these dont deserve any sane treatment, or sympathy".

There should by no sympathy for them, :angry:

PS: thanks for the info JANA and God bless you with fine health!!

Than why so much hue and cry about the atrocities in Kashmir by the Indian security forces and in Iraq/Afghanistan by the US/ISAF?

i still have the video in my desktop.. I jus saw it once, couldnt believe wat i saw... the poor guys they were beating up were all at the age of 50, 60, and 70's... this is jus very sad... I donno butt i jus cant think streight now...

When i first saw the vid/news i thought that it would be like the Army people shooting people at point blank range, hitting their heads with sand filled bags, pulling off their nails, drilling their knees, and a few other things which i need to explain. Here goes:

1) Cheera: They give a cut exactky between your balls and your a$$hole with a sharp point blade, so that when ever you sh!t, you are reminded of the 'guud' times.

2) Shuffing a piece of barbed wire inside your 'hole': They take a small piece of barbed wire, put it in a equal length steel pipe, lubricate it (if your are feeling lucky) and then push it up you AH, and guess what, then they pull out the steel pipe and leave the WIRE inside.


To my 'dismay' i just saw some beating, kicking and very few, VERY few abuses. Moreover, the environment was controlled and it was made sure that no sensitive place/organ was hit and no permanent injury occurred. (Ok enough of sarcasm).

Coming to the point, if this video is real then i must say that this all was contrary to military discipline (i dont give a damn to HR), military ethics, our training, military norms and religion. This is not what a military should do and this is not our job. These dirty jobs are better done by the Police and the intelligence people. But then there are exceptions and compulsions. A critical analysis on the video would reveal that most of these men were 'confirmed' culprits as at a point or two the Officer narrated the detainees what they have been doing, like i know that you were chanting slogans against the Army, we know that you were 'supplying' the Talibans.

The main emphasis was on confession and extracting info as regards to other issues/talibans/accomplices. Impending operations demand instant information and quick/maximum knowledge of the enemy. It was therefore that the military was involved in such an 'interrogation' otherwise, i dont think a CO would have that many a officers and men during active operations that he can spare them for this spree. Interrogation of suspects is done by specialized people who are dedicated for this purpose.

But the guud thing is that if this video is prove to be accurate, i am sure that justice would be done and abominations would be given to all concerned, so atleast one must not get carried away that this has become a norm and there is no check on these activities.

As for the concern that then why should we blame indian soldiers in kashmir and the forces in the West, i should say that atleast we are not beating people out on roads, are not picking up just any tom, dick and harry whom we wish and not arresting anyone whom we think has a ugly face. Moreover, our govt/military has not done is as a part of our institutional policy nor do we provide these acts constitutional/state patronage, as being done at some places.

And for those who think the beating was not mild, i would suggest that they must visit their local (Pakistani) police station, and yes these beatings may be harsh for some Western sensibilities, and i cant help them.
Disgusting to see an elderly treated like that.

Have you seen such elderlys butchering our own people????, after watching such videos of these "elderlys" Kaarnaamays, or like those whose loved ones were butchered by them, You'd think differently!!

Just because the Taliban did horrendous things doesn't mean this is excusable.

And What did they do?, Nothing in that video is in excusable, I think for having so many Kaarnaamais on your head and for be heading so many human beings, This is the softest treatment I could ever imagine for these barbarians!!! . before you are appalled by it, "I suggest you just google the royal treatment they hand out at Uncle's facilities, whether in Gu an ta namo, Iraq, or elsewhere.

I just want to say that regardless of how ***** and inhumane the Taliban are, Pakistan Army has to and MUST set a higher bar.

So, you expect PA and our Police to ask these criminals and barbarians for info "by handing them lolly pops and candies"??, What are you thinking? for a man who be heads human beings, what do you suggest? does such a man even remain a human being after such activities? does he have any humanity left? "What does it take to make you people realize the severity of their crimes???

Than why so much hue and cry about the atrocities in Kashmir by the Indian security forces and in Iraq/Afghanistan by the US/ISAF?


1) Did PA invade Swat? NO
2) Did PA launch its campaign for Swat's Oil? No
3) Did PA cause ethnic cleansing in Swat? No
4) Did PA take over Swat so they could teach Iran/China a lesson? No
5) Did PA do it for the interests of Is ra ee l? No

and on and on and on.......................

i still have the video in my desktop.. I jus saw it once, couldnt believe wat i saw... the poor guys they were beating up were all at the age of 50, 60, and 70's... this is jus very sad... I donno butt i jus cant think streight now...

and I have videos of my kinsmen in Swat, our Police, our PA being dragged from their hair, slitting their throats, and be heading them!!!!!!, Do I feel sympathy for my people or these Barbarians????

To all those with such views ^^^^^^^^^^^ --> :disagree:

It is because of people like you that these criminals succeed in ruining our people and our Homeland!!! :disagree:
I really don't understand what the fuss is about, the man is accepting working for the Taliban.
His beating is quite mild, he isn't being hit anywhere sensitive.
And after all the Talibs have done to the innocent people of Swat and personnel of the security forces, i think they deserve a punishment much worse then that.
As for age, if we start punishing these guys with respect to age then i think Muslim Khan would be home free after...................3 Months Hard labour ?
Although im damn sick couldnt get up but this propaganda has forced me to log in and post here.

The incident took place in a police station in Swat and the person is involved in providing explosive to the militants and an experince throat slaughter.

He had been party to many beheadings.

One of the policeman has taped and sold the video to BBC.

So thats it.

These barbaric throat salughters deserve more harsh treatment.

P.S: Those members who have some politicial grudge against government of Pakistan viz viz their provinces kindly do not stoop too low to side with our dirty enemy just to bash Pakistan army.

Mother F*** Idiots :argh:
the Major is very lenient if these are the deeds of these people I was expecting something big, But there are just given a Few kicks & slaps & look at the way they are crying, Hilarious at one point i was laughing at his cries....
One more thing in the Video is that the place is a Police Station & one person in civilian clothes has got files & papers in his hand meaning there's got to be a record for these people, They were detained due to their activities & the talk b/w First Talib & major proves that he has got something to do Taliban
These Human Right people must be Shown the throat slitting videos, Ordinary people are being Be headed in a such a BRUTAL way, I hope they are handed over to MI & they perform the torture tactics explained by Xeric
They are Lucky Major was 'kind', IF i was there they would have hoped that they were never born
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This was just nothing man, Just a bit of kicks, Slaps & abuses, whats wrong with it, Have people here ever seen the Torture & slaughter videos released by Taliban(In one of them a 12 year old Child was slaughtering a man :blink:)

These little beatings will be conducted to make things work, whats wrong with it..

...it's a slippery slope.
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