With all due respect Sinan. Only Egypt, Israel and Russia is due to the policies of Erdogan's FP (foreign policy).
And i don't think those choices were wrong tbh. In Egypt the military brought the civillian government down, after they remained in power for only 1 year. It was a democtratically elected government, and a lot of people were massacred by the military.
Russia, repeatedly violated our space, they are openly attempting to encrouch to our backyard, i think the response was the correct one.
Israel. Erdogan is a very cunning politicians, you know this mate. He amassed a ton of support via his anti-Israel anti-zionist talks, his popularity following these events are a testament to that.
I'm naturally open to criticize Erdogan to a fulle extent. For example, is was borderline stupid to talk tough on Syria and Assad and do absolutely nothing about it. A recipe for failure.