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Double standards': Erdogan blasts Europe's silence on Bangladesh leader's execution

Only if you read the article OP posted .. And stopped posting Russian propaganda..

We know whose the culprit in the dirty war being played in Iraq & Syria.. It's you and the Arabs ... And Turkey seems to have sided with her own interests .. Nobody would want a Shia dictatorship or a wahabi Khilafat bordering them.

Why don't you stop supporting asshead.. And the Saudis n gang stop supporting wahabi fukheads and give the real people of Syria and Iraq a chance!

That has been our stance since day one, Wake up! All we have been saying is that if Syrians don't want Assad (or any other person) let them decide in a free and fair election with everyone involved. Guess who disagrees?Saudis, Turkey and the West, and they keep doing what Pakistan did in 80s and 90s, arming the same 'fuckheads' who are now haunting both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Lessons definitely not learned.

About Iraq, I have heard the same lame story over and over again. Iraq has a sovereign gov that is again fighting the same fuckheads, fruits of Saudi ideology, and every single decision they have made, we have respected that. Go ask Iraqi gov officials and come back to me.
Those 3+ million bangladeshis should be thrown in the Arabian.. The afghans too..

Or rather ship them to their respective countries and swap them with those who supported Pakistan.

Swapping 5,000,000 Bengalis and 5,000,000+ afghans for 250,000 Biharis and Pakistan supporters should'not be a problem for Pakistan.
So that means if someone support Iran army against jundola terrorists, he should be executed?

I think you didn't get the point, I don't know if this guy was innocent or not, all I said is that, Erdogan said execution of Nimr was an 'internal issue' and that guy was also innocent, and now he is on a rampage over execution of another person in Bangladesh and that shows he is a double faced hypocrite (even if the guy was innocent).
I don't know why some Turks and Pakistanis have problem if Bangladesh executes war criminals under their own law their own citizen why Sunni Countries become mama's of every hardline criminals.
Because they are not hanging criminals, but innocent people at the behest of their masters. Such a silly comment was NOT expected from you.

Why he is pro Pakistani when he lives and own Bangladeshi nationality and his action proves that during 1971 liberation war he did some acts against nationalist bangladeshi peoples.
Zero evidence produced in the Kangaroo court. Al Jazeera should be of help to you.
I thing you didn't get the point, I don't know if this guy was innocent or not, all I said is that, Erdogan said execution of Nimr was an 'internal issue' and that guy was also innocent, and now he is on a rampage over execution of another person in Bangladesh and that shows he is a double faced hypocrite (even if the guy was innocent).

Nimr was never Irani citizen, nor he was executed because he supported Iran against terrorists.

P.S. imo it was a wrong decision by Saudi govt.
Erdogan is completly retarded and already broke with evryone.

Why should europe condemn in Bangladesh executes a war criminal?

Bangladesh knows that Europe doesn´t support the death penaltly. There is no need to interfer in this any further.

But Erdogan should not worry, Europe strongly condemns his illegalw ar and genocide against the kurdish people.
Erdogan talks of others double speak.

He himself in name of attacking isis, is killing Kurds
He has made dictatorship and jailed opposition and journalists
He is quiet on Saudis and other middle east nations who have no human right laws.

The list can go on.

At least should have courtesy that if someone was wrong and punished, should be digested and not go around shouting asking for sympathy.
Sheer hypocrisy done by Sultan, sometimes it would be called "internal legal matter" and the rest time could be called double standards ....

The Turkish president has refused to condemn the killings, describing them as an “internal legal matter” for the Saudi authorities, amid improved ties between the two majority Sunni Muslim states.
Saudi's executions are fine but others are ...

Good... Really good ! :)

What has executions in KSA to do with this topic? Do Iranian users have to obsess about Saudi Arabia and Arabs 24/7 and even include us in topics that we have absolutely nothing to do with? What is exactly the connection here?

Do you really want me to talk about executions? OK then, let's have a look at statistics and history for a minute.

"In 2014, Iran admitted to executing 289 people. However, unofficial reports, mostly from bereaved family members, indicate that at least a further 454 were hanged in secret without public acknowledgement. This makes a total of 743 executions, according to Amnesty International.

By comparison, Saudi Arabia executed 90 people in the same year – still a shocking roll call but only 12% of the number put to death by Tehran."



I know that you guys dream of unrest in KSA (not going to happen anytime soon) and for the unrest to engulf the entire Arab world from Morocco to Oman, so I understand you crying for 46 Al-Qaeda, ISIS and 2 Shia terrorists (a terrorist is a terrorist regardless of sect) being executed by a sword or firing squad. Unfortunately for such people this is a too quick death as it only takes a few seconds for them to die.

Instead, I believe, that we should imitate the Iranians and start hanging people,which can take several minutes, slowly by using cranes.

What do you think?

Lastly rest assured that I could not care less what Erdogan says nor most of the 450 million Arabs. He is not our leader but the leader of Turkey.

So this executed fella in Bangladesh was a Turkish citizen? Of course not, our issue here is Erdogan's comment and stance.

Such arguments were nowhere to be seen from the Iranian Mullah supporters here when KSA executed their own terrorists earlier this year. Now the rhetoric has "surprisingly" changed. Pathetic. If just your Mullah's had the moral high ground to criticize Erdogan.

Nimr was never Irani citizen, nor he was executed because he supported Iran against terrorists.

P.S. imo it was a wrong decision by Saudi govt.

No it was not wrong to execute a radical cleric who was not only an open traitor but also the leader of a local gang in Al-Amawiyah/Qatif area that was behind the killing of several police officers (I can post the pictures here, related videos, interview by the parents of the 2 Shia police officers killed and articles if allowed by the moderators) who did their duty (some very young) and some Shia's themselves native to the Eastern Region. He got what he deserved alongside Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists. Some which were held for years. In fact 44 of those people who were executed were "Sunnis". The remaining two "Shia".

The regime's relationship with the Shia community of KSA is another question altogether and has nothing to do with Al-Nimr who is neither their spokesmen or leader and especially not a foreign country like Iran. He was just one Mullah out of 1000's (literary) of Shia Mullah's in KSA based in a small town in the Eastern Province, called Al-Awamiyah.
Besides Shia's in KSA also include Zaydis and Ismailis who are very different from the Twelvers in the Eastern Province and who literary live almost 2000 km away from them.

What is wrong is the treatment of people like Badawi not al-Nimr.

Anyway this news has nothing to do with KSA or Arabs so please stop involving us all in all of your local problems.
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