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Double Standard of Nawaz Shareef

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Feb 14, 2009
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The double standards of these so-called peoples leader can never end. They keep on sucking our blood and we don’t even pay attention to their mistakes. As we all know nawaz shareef decided to take active part in the LONG MARCH along with the “Azaad Judiciary Forum” comprising of political judges and lawyers.
Nawaz shareef is between the devil and deep blue sea his political career is at an end as he is unable to fulfill the promises which he made throughout his election campaign and the most significant one was the “restoration of judges” but after some time nawaz shareef came to know about the reality and now he has started to back-off his decision. Nawaz shareef opposed Pervaiz Musharraf and his allies but nawaz shareef has forgotten that the same Judges who are being supported and promoted by him, gave Pervaiz Musharraf the vote of confidence.
The long march is a pre-planned game against the federal government to destabilize and weaken the current political scenario. Nawaz shareef is trying his best to play a double game:

1. He is supporting the lawyers and long march.
2. He is giving statements against the long march and lawyer’s movement.

(In the same way Imran khan and Qazi hussain ahmed did in may 2007 when C.J Iftikhar was coming to Karachi, both Imran and Qazi gave statements in favor and against C.J and were seen flying to other cities a day before 12 May,2007)

It has been publicly stated by Nawaz Shareef and Lords of Lawyer’s Movement that the political parties don’t have any participation in these activities that’s why:

“3 workers of PPP died in rawalpindi when C.J held a protest and only PPP camp was attacked by the terrorists”
Its quite obvious now, that Nawaz Shareef and the other two leaders mentioned above (Imran khan and Qazi hussain) never wants the solution of any crisis which Pakistan face, they all the time tried to cash the issues for their own political gains. Nawaz Shareef is the same black sheep in the politics of Pakistan who planned an attack on Supreme Court. His dual policies are not new to us, he had done the same with his old friends. He along with his brother are still planning the destabilization in the country which may result as the another Martial Law in Pakistan.
People of Pakistan (specially the people of Punjab) should realize now that these politicians are the real threat to the sovereignty of the country and we should stand unite against them not against our own Government.
The double standards of these so-called peoples leader can never end. They keep on sucking our blood and we don’t even pay attention to their mistakes. As we all know nawaz shareef decided to take active part in the LONG MARCH along with the “Azaad Judiciary Forum” comprising of political judges and lawyers.
Nawaz shareef is between the devil and deep blue sea his political career is at an end as he is unable to fulfill the promises which he made throughout his election campaign and the most significant one was the “restoration of judges” but after some time nawaz shareef came to know about the reality and now he has started to back-off his decision. Nawaz shareef opposed Pervaiz Musharraf and his allies but nawaz shareef has forgotten that the same Judges who are being supported and promoted by him, gave Pervaiz Musharraf the vote of confidence.
The long march is a pre-planned game against the federal government to destabilize and weaken the current political scenario. Nawaz shareef is trying his best to play a double game:

1. He is supporting the lawyers and long march.
2. He is giving statements against the long march and lawyer’s movement.

(In the same way Imran khan and Qazi hussain ahmed did in may 2007 when C.J Iftikhar was coming to Karachi, both Imran and Qazi gave statements in favor and against C.J and were seen flying to other cities a day before 12 May,2007)

It has been publicly stated by Nawaz Shareef and Lords of Lawyer’s Movement that the political parties don’t have any participation in these activities that’s why:

“3 workers of PPP died in rawalpindi when C.J held a protest and only PPP camp was attacked by the terrorists”

Dear sarah khan, I would spit on Nawaz's face and give him a good knee in his balls if he has any for a change.
He is a disgrace for my country and should be removed from politics immediately.
I want to see the right people in charge for Pakistan, and this corrupt monkey is yet another obstacle for a prosperous and fair Pakistan.
I cannot read any more that involves this so called representant of the Pakistani people because i'm tired of his blabbering and he had his time to show what he's worth for our beautiful nation, and that's 0,0 %
Truely said,Nawaz shareef is a devil in an angelic dress beware of Him.
Well for now he is a Hero infront of Punjabi Citizens

He didnot broke any promise .

He Sticks to his manshoor ...

Only Liars are PPP ....

Well lets see what happen Next ...

Coalation Govt in Punjab with PPP + PML Q & that will not last Long

& Central Govt will also not Last for Long ...
Huys why are we even wasting our tome and space in discussing him, do you rhink he even worth discussing, I dont think so, what about you guys???
The double standards of these so-called peoples leader can never end. They keep on sucking our blood and we don’t even pay attention to their mistakes. As we all know nawaz shareef decided to take active part in the LONG MARCH along with the “Azaad Judiciary Forum” comprising of political judges and lawyers.
Nawaz shareef is between the devil and deep blue sea his political career is at an end as he is unable to fulfill the promises which he made throughout his election campaign and the most significant one was the “restoration of judges” but after some time nawaz shareef came to know about the reality and now he has started to back-off his decision. Nawaz shareef opposed Pervaiz Musharraf and his allies but nawaz shareef has forgotten that the same Judges who are being supported and promoted by him, gave Pervaiz Musharraf the vote of confidence.
The long march is a pre-planned game against the federal government to destabilize and weaken the current political scenario. Nawaz shareef is trying his best to play a double game:

1. He is supporting the lawyers and long march.
2. He is giving statements against the long march and lawyer’s movement.

(In the same way Imran khan and Qazi hussain ahmed did in may 2007 when C.J Iftikhar was coming to Karachi, both Imran and Qazi gave statements in favor and against C.J and were seen flying to other cities a day before 12 May,2007)

It has been publicly stated by Nawaz Shareef and Lords of Lawyer’s Movement that the political parties don’t have any participation in these activities that’s why:

“3 workers of PPP died in rawalpindi when C.J held a protest and only PPP camp was attacked by the terrorists”

he only wants power
his history can prove that
The Real Deal! Nawaz & Zardari Played with Pakistani Emotions

UPDATE: Imran Khan today on GEO TV has accepted that what we are saying is almost true. He and his fellows are still waiting to see what is going on. We are sorry to see Zardari and Nawaz betrayed Imran Khan, Ali Ahmed Kurd and Qazi Hussain Ahmed. Imran Khan also said he was not taken into confidence about what happend. As this decision was not expected. His exact words were " I was not taken into confidence nor informed about the decision. We were suprised when Gilani said that CJ Dogar will complete his term. I dont know what happend, I was not part of the deal." This conversation was between Dr. Shahid Masood and Imran Khan on Geo's Meray Mutabiq of 29 March.

The date is 14 of March around 6 PM Atizaz Ahsan receives a phone call from President House. The man on the other side says few sentences. Atizaz Ahsan, with a sharp smile on his face, says "I will talk to him". These few sentences made the day for Atizaz Ahsan. What were these sentences? We don’t know exactly but after this Atizaz Ahsan calls someone else but the phone was busy or did not answer. He dials another phone number and someone picks up the phone this time. Atizaz Ahsan asks for Nawaz Sharif.

Atizaz Ahsan: They have accepted it. But they insist on not touching NRO.

Nawaz Sharif: What? No, this is another trick.

Atizaz Ahsan: Gilani Sahab asked for guarantee.

Nawaz Sharif: Talk to Chief Sahab

Atizaz Ahsan: I will, but what do you think?

Nawaz Sharif: Why don’t you talk to him first and I will get back to you.

2 hours later Nawaz Sharif calls Atizaz Ahsan and tells him to stop at a trusted friends's house where he will come and join him in some time. Nawaz Sharif leads his caravan to the house of former nazim of Gujranwala instead of its destination, Islamabad.

Before we tell you our side of 'story', let usplead that our information is confirmed from different sources.

Few days before 14 of March we heard that Army Chief and Prime Minister met with Zardari and told him that he needs to make 'the call'. Otherwise if something happens during the long march in Islamabad then no one can guarantee the government's stability.

The deal mostly brokered by Atizaz Ahsan and Dr. Asim, a close friend of president, supported by international and national forces, were supposed to be win-win for everyone. The deal was initially that CJ will be restored via executive order from Prime Minister. The NRO will not be touched and even if for some reason it is brought to the court it will be dealt as past and closed transaction. NRO might be strike down but those decisions which were already taken will stay intact. Nawaz Sharif will be given his government back in return he will provide support for the federal government and will call off Long March.

Well, it all sounds great but President Zardari was defeated in his own turf and what really happened is this. After Atizaz Ahsan and Nawaz Sharif met at a friends house, a former Nazim of Gujranwala, with thousands of supporters out side. The real deal was struck then and there.

At this time Ali Ahmed Kurd, the supposed head of the long march, didn't knew any thing. We think Kurd should resign after losing his control of the lawyers movemen; well, when was this movement under lawyer's control? Any way, Nawaz Sharif who was supposedly only supporting the Lawyers Movement was in full control. Nawaz Sharif asks Atizaz Ahsan to finalize the deal. He asks for executive order, Punjab Government, all of his perks backs and wants a new issue, Pervez Musharraf, to run his politics on.

Mean while when President Zardari is informed about the demands of Nawaz Sharif he loses his temper and says he won't accept this. Prime Minister clams the president down and asks opposition leader Ch. Nisar, who he had called earlier to inform about the decision, to talk to Nawaz Sharif. Ch. Nisar and Shahbaz Sharif asked Nawaz to accept it for now and will discuss other details later.

Atizaz Ahsan mean while talks to the main person if he was willing to accept the deal. The response was clear and straight forward, as long as its through executive order. All guarantees were given about different issues including NRO and reinstatement of Punjab government Issue.

If we analyze the current scenario today we will learn that Nawaz has almost all of his demands met. For the new issue you will find Pervez Musharraf. Same blue print will be used for this as they have done for chief justice. Use the media to build political drive and charge up emotions. Pay some anchors to do the best they can. Once the atmosphere is charged they will strike with more and more demands leading to the instability of the country.

Nawaz Sharif used the lawyers movement for all of his personal gains. Our question is who was he to call off lawyer's long March? Wasn't Ali Ahmed Kurd President of laywer's SCBA and leader of the long march. Some people might not believe our information and we accept it as reality. But we want you to see the current political situation in the country. Isn't what we are saying already happening?

The 'Judge' reinstatement is just game of words that we are being thrown at by the media. Well how can we say? Let us give you a simple proof: How does a new judge of a supreme court or a new chief justice gets appointed? In simple words, law ministry in consultation with current CJ makes a list of names which are sent to the Prime minister. Prime Minister then approves these names and sends it to the President. President approves this summary of names and is sent back to law ministry for notification in the name of the President of Pakistan. I hope we all agree on this procedure.

Now how did the Chief Justice Iftikhar was 'reinstated'? We know some of you won't believe us but you would believe Geo. So here we go:

"Speaking to Geo News here in the law ministry, he said that Prime Minister’s announcement about restoration of deposed judges is adequate and nobody should have any doubt about it.

Rafiq said that the law ministry would forward the draft to Prime Minister who will give an advice to the President for the approval.

Following the President’s approval, notification will be sent back to law ministry for official issuance.

He further told that the notification might be issued tonight if the process completes today."

This news article can be read here : Notification for judges’ restoration to be issued tomorrow - GEO.tv

So, if you think Chief justice was reinstated via executive order, then sorry, no executive order was ever issued. He was appointed the normal way and his previous 'Oath' will stay intact for full filling the legal requirements.

Nawaz Sharif played with emotions of the people of Pakistan for his own self and for his own perks, Zardari compromised the hope and future of people of Pakistan to save his government. Ifthikhar did what ever he could for remaining Chief Justice till 2013. Now wait for another game coming to the people of Pakistan from Nawaz Sharif to stay in media hype and to take his revenge.
He is a piece of **** who needs to executed in public, once the riots start call the military and beat the **** out of them kill them if need be.

Then grab the ringleaders and publically execute them on live tv.

After this we will see how much people will riot or support people like sharif.
Add that iftikhar son of a ***** to the list too, he deserves to get his head chopped off taliban style. Say what you want about the taliban, they get the simple things right...
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