Its a stupid law, but I let it slide because most Hindus really look up to cows as Gods. To Hindus, cows is like what drawing perverted cartoons of the prophet is for Muslims. But obviously they are both wrong.
I think all these religious laws are stupid obviously. Ideally, India would be a country where cows can be killed and eaten by Indians, regardless whether they are hindus or muslims, and no rioting happens. Same with prophet cartoons for muslims, chrisitans. It would also be a country where any criticism of Islam/Christianity.Hinduism/SIkhism etc can be made without some dumba$$es on their periods going rioting.
Absolute freedom of speech (as long as its not speech that encourages genocide/violence to another community), and get rid of this garbage religious teachings which were meant for thousands of years ago and not applicable to civilized human beings today. But sadly Indians are neither at that educational level yet, nor they have the intellectual ability to look at things logically beyond the useless prisms of caste/sect/religion, so we will keep working until we get there.