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Dont-give-me-death-I-was-brainwashed-like-a-robot: Kasab

what you have to say about the 7 people who are in pakistani jail because of the charges for past two years?

If it was staged by RAW he would have been dead on that unfortunate day.

Nopes last time if i may remember correctly we were blamed for Samjhota Express thingy and it turned out that a currently serving COL was invovle in it . So this time they make sure that all the doubts goes to Pakistan they capurted a man alive .

Plus its not just RAW many other players are involve and i dont think u dont know them.

Pakistan nor its agencies got anything to do with 26\11 and we are the one to get hit hard.

7 people and u think they are really in the jail.
he must confess that because of people like him, Muslim's world wide are suffering.
Nopes last time if i may remember correctly we were blamed for Samjhota Express thingy and it turned out that a currently serving COL was invovle in it . So this time they make sure that all the doubts goes to Pakistan they capurted a man alive .

Plus its not just RAW many other players are involve and i dont think u dont know them.

Pakistan nor its agencies got anything to do with 26\11 and we are the one to get hit hard.

7 people and u think they are really in the jail.

That is what .. we believe in our agencies which are credible they dig out the truth in samjhota case.

Your govt. has accepted that non state actors from pakistani are involved in that.

Laskhar-e-toiba and JuD have been banned by UN.

As per GOP they are in jail and case in going against them. So do you want to say GOP is fooling the world ? Grow up... OBL was in Pakistan.

Mate! leave it he's Muslim or not and by the way Islam never allowed to killed anybody regardless of any religion. Don't try to bring religion in all discussion.

But tell me who's speaking the truth either you? or by accepting Ajmal is Pakistani your govt or your media?

Link : GEO News report proves Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani - YouTube
Link : Pakistan sacks senior adviser for disclosing Mumbai attacker's identity - The Long War Journal
Link : Durrani said he was authorised to issue statement about Kasab | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

Yes i totally agree with u Islam is the religion of Peace and it forbid us to kill .I am not bringing Religion this topic is directly touching that part as well.

Plus what abt if i say GEO is very famous to spread disinformation and spread insecurity in Pakistan.So i don't believe their BS.

as far as ONE man is concerned he might be sitting in US or Europe by now but we have these type of sold outs doing damage to Pakistan by just looking at there interest.
Yes i totally agree with u Islam is the religion of Peace and it forbid us to kill .I am not bringing Religion this topic is directly touching that part as well.

Plus what abt if i say GEO is very famous to spread disinformation and spread insecurity in Pakistan.So i don't believe their BS.

as far as ONE man is concerned he might be sitting in US or Europe by now but we have these type of sold outs doing damage to Pakistan by just looking at there interest.

referring to Bold part. But I am sure you're ignorant or just turning blind eye instead of accepting the truth.By the way your government on various occasion they did accept Ajmal is one of the product of their own stratergic assest.

I never said i believe my own media esp GEO , bastards are doing everything against Pakistan how do u expect me to love them.

Kab tak duniya kay samnay rootay rahoo gay kay Pakistan tumhari take raha hay .......

oh i forgot u r the one with running in circles just to get to ur tail.

ps : if ur culture dont tell u how to respect others do come to Pakistan we can show u how to respect.Period

Okay , so let me get this straight :

Indian media is against you : As usual
Pakistani media is against you : They did an expose on Kasab's background
Indian Govt is against you : They gathered undeniable proof against 26/11 attackers
Pakistani Govt is against you : They admitted the proof of Kasab being a Pakistani
US Govt is against you : They helped India on gatheric forensics and voice sample analysis
CIA / MOSSAD / MI6 is against you : As part of an international conspiracy to malign Pakistan.

Wow , you , a seemingly nobody , seem to be very important.....

People like you don't understand that a person's locations can be pinpointed when they use Sat phones to communicate : the caller as well as the called person .... dig you heads into the sand ...the more the better ... remain ignorant , oblivious ,in denial-mode , don't use your brain to comprehend , analyse , understand bare facts ...

Don't go and lecture me on your conspiracy theories .... pick them up and shove it up !
That is what .. we believe in our agencies which are credible they dig out the truth in samjhota case.

Your govt. has accepted that non state actors from pakistani are involved in that.

Laskhar-e-toiba and JuD have been banned by UN.

As per GOP they are in jail and case in going against them. So do you want to say GOP is fooling the world ? Grow up... OBL was in Pakistan.

Yeah you got what u wanted to achieve with this operation , didnt U .

and ur crediable officer was also killed in this 26\11 .Right and it was police which dig it up not RAW or anything.

OBL was never in Pakistan and he was not killed or sumthing here ,IF he was there and Americans knew it Y dont they celebrate it like when they captured Saddam . I think u forgot and OBL was way bigger fish than Saddam so if he was there they should have celebrated it for sure and not telling the whole world we dispose the body in sea ...............

I just lolz everytimes i hear the American story of so called OBL killing hahahaha........ They could have gotten some better script writer from Hollywood coz CIA story writer are getting old i think going our of new ideas.
Okay , so let me get this straight :

Indian media is against you : As usual
Pakistani media is against you : They did an expose on Kasab's background
Indian Govt is against you : They gathered undeniable proof against 26/11 attackers
Pakistani Govt is against you : They admitted the proof of Kasab being a Pakistani
US Govt is against you : They helped India on gatheric forensics and voice sample analysis
CIA / MOSSAD / MI6 is against you : As part of an international conspiracy to malign Pakistan.

Wow , you , a seemingly nobody , seem to be very important.....

People like you don't understand that a person's locations can be pinpointed when they use Sat phones to communicate : the caller as well as the called person .... dig you heads into the sand ...the more the better ... remain ignorant , oblivious ,in denial-mode , don't use your brain to comprehend , analyse , understand bare facts ...

Don't go and lecture me on your conspiracy theories .... pick them up and shove it up !


Mate! you're trying handover one more dossier to Mr Rohail? But still he's looking for sufficient and hard proofs .

OBL was never in Pakistan and he was not killed or sumthing here ,IF he was there and Americans knew it Y dont they celebrate it like when they captured Saddam .

Conspiracy , right ?

Do you even have an iota of a brain ?

You are becoming the laughing stock of PDF ...keep it going !! :pakistan:
Okay , so let me get this straight :

Indian media is against you : As usual
Pakistani media is against you : They did an expose on Kasab's background
Indian Govt is against you : They gathered undeniable proof against 26/11 attackers
Pakistani Govt is against you : They admitted the proof of Kasab being a Pakistani
US Govt is against you : They helped India on gatheric forensics and voice sample analysis
CIA / MOSSAD / MI6 is against you : As part of an international conspiracy to malign Pakistan.

Wow , you , a seemingly nobody , seem to be very important.....

People like you don't understand that a person's locations can be pinpointed when they use Sat phones to communicate : the caller as well as the called person .... dig you heads into the sand ...the more the better ... remain ignorant , oblivious ,in denial-mode , don't use your brain to comprehend , analyse , understand bare facts ...

Don't go and lecture me on your conspiracy theories .... pick them up and shove it up !

I dont want to answer your post.

Yes i know you like to shove up things up urs when they are way above ur little brain's understanding.

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------


Mate! you're trying handover one more dossier to Mr Rohail? But still he's looking for sufficient and hard proofs .


Do me a favour make ur dosier public let us see what credible proof u got.
Why are we entertaining some idiots in this thread, the best way to make fun of the Pakistani Citizens who say that Kasab is a Indian is not to reply to their pathetic posts.
The world knows that this Guys is from Pakistan and yet some members still live in denial, thinking that they can uphold their dignity.
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