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Donkey bomber kills 3 Nato soldiers in Afghanistan

I understand what you are saying, but I was pointing out that the fairness in applying the rules here is as fair and balanced a Fox News in reverse, so lets drop all pretense from all sides. Get it?

BTW did you ever buy that bike?

Its been ages since I watched Fox News but I am a member of this forum - There is the difference. Nope - got my license but things have been hectic at work with travel and all. Will do it in Aug.
Its been ages since I watched Fox News but I am a member of this forum - There is the difference. Nope - got my license but things have been hectic at work with travel and all. Will do it in Aug.

Buy a donkey instead....lol!
@Topic RIP to the dead!
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If it happened in Wardak Province, they're either Turks (it's confirmed, it's not we), US or the Czechs. It says Western soldiers. So I'm guessing that they're Czech soldiers.

My condolances to the fallens loved ones. Rest in peace...i hope they'll find the penetrators and bring them to justice. Whenever I hear Afghanistan, it reminds me our Weapons instructor who was killed in Kabul due to a heli crash among with 12 other Turkish marines. a UH-60M. I do understand well losing a loved one thousands of miles away. RIP


it's so sad to see some disrespectful idiots here.
@Zakii @Oscar @ANTIBODY @WebMaster and other mods - what is the rule in PDF about the death of a combat soldier? Is ridiculing allowed?

The policy is clear, Unless the men killed were extremists and/or their nation at explicit war with Pakistan.. there is no insult to the troops/operatives/civilians allowed for any nation in any section or any thread. Violation of this rule seen from now in this or any thread will result in infractions for flamebaiting.
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Nah, that's not the reason at all. I've known US way before all of this started... way way way before..... when we were best of buddssss...... they were always discriminatory by nature...... has got nothing to do with what is going on.

Another thing for you and @Netptune. Dear friends, this is not your backyard (IRAQ) etc etc, this is OUR backyard and US/NATO forces are considered as hostile enemy forces, occupying free land, everyone and everything is a fair target.

So, kindly, do understand the above very well before getting emotional.

Btw, as an individual, RIP to the soldier(s), they didn't deserve to die at the hands of their own respective governments, who had NO right to deploy them in such a treacherous land, far far away from where they should be.

No more righteous crap from anyone, kindly.

@Argus Panoptes - Looks like you got your answer on why Pakistani students are discriminated and denied visa to U.S - The answer lies in this thread. Sorry - Can't help pointing out.
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Nah, that's not the reason at all. I've known US way before all of this started... way way way before..... when we were best of buddssss...... they were always discriminatory by nature...... has got nothing to do with what is going on.

Another thing for you and @Netptune. Dear friends, this is not your backyard (IRAQ) etc etc, this is OUR backyard and US/NATO forces are considered as hostile enemy forces, occupying free land, everyone and everything is a fair target.

So, kindly, do understand the above very well before getting emotional.

Btw, as an individual, RIP to the soldier(s), they didn't deserve to die at the hands of their own respective governments, who had NO right to deploy them in such a treacherous land, far far away from where they should be.

No more righteous crap from anyone, kindly.

Mate - I may not agree to your interpretation here but lets not get hung up on things.
I know that you won't agree, it's only natural. That was precisely my point, there is no absolute wrong or absolute right in this world, it's all about "national" interests. We all play the game..... I'll go with "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"

Therefore, no hard feelings + all tactics and methods are a go. No one should feel hurt about it.

Mate - I may not agree to your interpretation here but lets not get hung up on things.
Another thing for you and @Netptune. Dear friends, this is not your backyard (IRAQ) etc etc, this is OUR backyard and US/NATO forces are considered as hostile enemy forces, occupying free land, everyone and everything is a fair target.


So we have taken it upon ourselves to control Afghanistan as "our backyard"? By what right? Is it not a separate and sovereign nation? By a similar token, Iraq is not anybody's backyard either. It is a sovereign country in its own right.
Not yours.... but mine yes...... my extended family roams the wilderness there....... :D

So we have taken it upon ourselves to control Afghanistan as "our backyard"? By what right? Is it not a separate and sovereign nation? By a similar token, Iraq is not anybody's backyard either. It is a sovereign country in its own right.
Well one has to Agree that U.S troops Invasion brought chaos ,misery and Instability to the region and People's hatred is understandable for we lost more than 60,000 of our dear ones in Pak including more than 15000 soldiers and officers of Armed force because of U.S intervention in the Region but We shouldn't be celebrating deaths of any soldiers for they are following their orders from their leaders....so RIP to the Dead...
Hahahaha even their animals help them to end the colonization.
Dear Neptune
There is no evidence that proves Turk hostile-casualties in Afghanistan since 2001 , I follow Turkish mission from the nearest prospective in Wardak province. Turkish soldiers usually join Charitable missions in Afghanistan, during last 12 years none of the civil or armed afghan is killed by Turkish troops so Afghans don't need to fight with friends like Turk troops. The photo you shared belongs to Black-hawk crashed in Bagrami District that martyred our 12 Turk brothers and was due to some technical problems. On that day I was present in the area of the accident and spend Tragic moment with our people. Every one present there had Eyes filled with tears and prayed for the holy soul of killed soldiers.
If it comes to three crusaders killed by suicide attack, it means that we never forget and forgive our enemies and we will continue such attacks. The killed soldiers belong to Special Operation Command(green berets) operated by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the Vampire Intelligence organization in the world. US special force kidnapped and slaughtered 15 Afghans during last winter in wardak province, They were students, formers, teachers shopkeepers engineers and doctors.
Non of them belong to Taliban, meanwhile they(CIA) know the exact bases of Taliban in Wardak but they take no action against them. Every logic human will call it war against Islam, humanity and Afghanistan.
RIP to the soldiers and the Afghan interpreter.

Also, a though for the poor animal, what was its fault?
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