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'Donate with open heart': Muslim woman raises funds for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya

Your reply makes no sense.

What is your objection to eating lab-grown meat, which is real meat ? I am not talking about a plant-based substitute but real meat which is grown from real animal cells extracted possibly by a ( painless ) syringe ?
Again going by your logic...Dolls are great...no chik chik.....anytime anywhere...lols

Idiots have their own paradise...
This woman is more Loyal to the King than the king himself. Really screwed up priorities.
Again going by your logic...Dolls are great...no chik chik.....anytime anywhere...lols

Idiots have their own paradise...

Remember my statement to you yesterday that you present an aggressive personality ?

So you don't want lab-grown meat, which is real meat, but want to continue slaughtering animals for meat ? What for ? What will you do if you were to go to Mars in the mid 2030s or so ? Take a 100 cows along ?
Only if Pakistanis had any shame, they wiped out Hindus and Sikhs in 1947.

Why are Indian sikhs coming in droves to Pakistan if they were butchered and wiped out?

How are Pakistani sikhs facilitating the Indian yatris, If they were wiped out?

If you had any shame you would answer these questions without displaying your inherent indian intellectual dishonesty.
Jai Sri Ram is a greeting used by millions of Indians.

Its as or as not religious as say Allah hu Akbar or Salam Walekum.

Cheers, Doc
Maananaa padega jamahir ke acting ko. Mujhe toh maloom hi nahi tha uske dimag mein kya hai. But I haven't read even 2% of his posts.

Why are Indian sikhs coming in droves to Pakistan if they were butchered and wiped out?

How are Pakistani sikhs facilitating the Indian yatris, If they were wiped out?

If you had any shame you would answer these questions without displaying your inherent indian intellectual dishonesty.

Suddenly I'm noticing a lot of Razi love for Indian Punjabis and Surds.

Must be the growing up and becoming a dad process.

Cheers, Doc
Maananaa padega jamahir ke acting ko. Mujhe toh maloom hi nahi tha uske dimag mein kya hai. But I haven't read even 2% of his posts.


You know Parsis are known to have big noses.

But if you see Iranis of today, their noses are not so big.

Its an evolutionary change that we went through in the past 1000 years to help us smell out kattarpanti even in the most outwardly innocuous.

Our survival depended on it.

Depends on it.

Cheers, Doc
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Suddenly I'm noticing a lot of Razi love for Indian Punjabis and Surds.

Must be the growing up and becoming a dad process.

Cheers, Doc

You know Parsis are known to have big noses.

But if you see Iranis of today, their noses are not so big.

Its an evolutionary change that we went through in the past 1000 years to help us smell out kattarpanti even in the most outwardly innocuous.

Our survival depended on it.

Depends on it.

Cheers, Doc

There’a no love involved. It’s just common sense which bhartis seem to lack.

That level of cowswami propaganda might be enough to fool indians(low iq), but to the rest of the world is akin to a toddler having a temper tantrum when faced with logic.
There’a no love involved. It’s just common sense which bhartis seem to lack.

That level of cowswami propaganda might be enough to fool indians(low iq), but to the rest of the world is akin to a toddler having a temper tantrum when faced with logic.

Come on man.

I've read what you've said in the past to surds about their women.

But its good. Blood is always thicker. I've always said that.

You are having your Irani moment.

Cheers, Doc
Zahara said, “We are blessed to be in a country where Lord Ram was born. We are fortunate that the temple is going to be built during our time. Lord Ram has taught Dharma as a way of life and stands as an exemplar for the entire world.”

“Let us come together and participate in this divine activity and help in the construction of a great Ram temple at Ayodhya with an open heart,” she adde
No way a Muslim lol these Hindus don’t have a idea meaning of islaaam

my backside:crazy:
Remember my statement to you yesterday that you present an aggressive personality ?

So you don't want lab-grown meat, which is real meat, but want to continue slaughtering animals for meat ? What for ? What will you do if you were to go to Mars in the mid 2030s or so ? Take a 100 cows along ?
Buy doll/s.....
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