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Don’t be taken in by Pak’s peace moves

For MMS has to go to Pakistan, Pakistan would take action against Lakvi.
There is a reason for that. Although both India and Pakistan have not had good leaders, India's leaders are still bit patriotic whereas Pakistan's leaders would sell anyone for few $s. Now you tell me that why shouldn't Army and ISI should do another coup and not take control of the nation from these Zardaris and Gilanis?? Plus, Army has been successful in coup is because they enjoyed strong support from the masses. No regime can survive without local support.

Look here is the problem. If any peace move by a democratically elected govt. is made by giving a microscopic leeway also, that would be interpreted as unpatriotic or seditious to say the least... proving that PA is the defacto holder of power.. But that's not the problem.

The problem is there are two virtual heads of a country... and anyone can go berserk at anytime scuttling any peace move by other..
Why we always try to be nice to India but when we do Indians see it as a conspiracy theorie?
ISI phobia....

Most of the world got this 'ISI phobia', they fear ISI as much as LeT, JuD, HUJI, AQ, Taliban etc. Above all even people in Pakistan are not safe from them. Example: Shahzad murder.
And then Indians say Pakistanis are fed false-propagandas.

Isn't there a consensus in India that 'ISI is this big evil organisation who enjoys ultra-authority in Pakistan, above civilian government and judiciary?'

ISI is just an intelligence agency trying to save Pakistan from all the problems it is facing right now and probably the only and most patriotic organisation in Pakistan left.

Right...and never has it happened that Pakistani Military and ISI by extension have enjoyed extra constitutional powers, never has a coup been committed, it is definitely false that foreign policy of Pak vis-a-vis some countries is run from GHQ, there has also never even been a hint of ISI paying off and manipulating Pakistani politicians, etc, etc. I think THAT consensus in India is totally based on lies!

On Topic:
The crux of the article is that Pakistan is offering nothing in exchange for the apparent 'peace'. It is pretending the Siachen unilateral withdrawal of India to be 'mutual demilitarization' as PA is not even present on the glacier. It is not opening up its trade - despite repeated assurances that it will happen in the future, amongst other things.

Its asking and giving nothing in return.
Why we always try to be nice to India but when we do Indians see it as a conspiracy theorie?

So far your 'always try to be nice' attempts were 'always not nice to us', like Lahore Declaration followed by Kargil, Agra summit followed by Parliament attacks, recent peace process followed by 26/11 etc.

ISI is rated best spy agecy in the world!! Only you Indians are afraid of it, Pakistanis see ISI as best organization.! ISI doesn't need to take orders from the govt unlike ur RAW meat!!!

ISI is rated best spy agecy in the world!! Only you Indians are afraid of it, Pakistanis see ISI as best organization.! ISI doesn't need to take orders from the govt unlike ur RAW meat!!!

Yes, but rated by themselves!!! Some people are good at rating themselves, none like ISI. They ranked themselves as the best, while people from all over the world want it as role model how an intelligence agency should not run. Even Afghan intelligence agency is under govt control forget all other countries. :rolleyes:

ISI is rated best spy agecy in the world!! Only you Indians are afraid of it, Pakistanis see ISI as best organization.! ISI doesn't need to take orders from the govt unlike ur RAW meat!!!

That is the problem.
@Kinetic and joekrish

All best spy agencies don't need to take orders from the govt, Mossad, MI6, CIA, ISI etc don't need to take orders thats why they are so effcent in their work unlike R&AW who is a govt WING that only does ops when govt needs to
@Kinetic and joekrish

All best spy agencies don't need to take orders from the govt, Mossad, MI6, CIA, ISI etc don't need to take orders thats why they are so effcent in their work unlike R&AW who is a govt WING that only does ops when govt needs to

I don't disagree with you at all and also agree that they are good, the only problem with them is they get in to the bad books of a lot of other countries and have caused more damage to your country compared to the other establishments.
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