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Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?

Niaz Sahib has aptly closed this thread for all practical purposes by his argument on the possible strategic threats and its responses.

No need for an aircraft carrier!!!!! Concentrate on land based recon and attack a/c and submairnes. If we have ample quantities of all three -- we can negate almost all carrier related threats to our major ports and shipping lanes.

If we can not wait for the French and the Germans to decide than we can start producing more A90B's with AIP and updated sensor/command suit as a stop gap!!! Just a thought.

An air craft career for PN will now only offer a very large target as PN does not have any off shore operation far from home base. However, it would have been useful during the 1971 war when Indian air space became a no fly zone and there was still a wider Area of Interests (AI).
yes yes wed go bankrupt alread and zardari put all money in his pocket on the name of FRIENDS OF PAKISTAN lol how did we get ship or even a attack helicopter when zardari continue playing his ludo game


yaar, now since 18 amendment is passed, u mite change ur views !;)
every country want at least more than 5 AC ,but money restrict them to buy it....
An aircraft carrier is an offense weapon.Considering that Pakistan military is groomed to fight a bigger opponent its important that yu develop defence capabilities.For example f 16 acquired by your air force.It will never truly last if an all out air war breaks out but on the other hand if you had invested in an integrated air defence system it will make your adversary think twice before attacking

the situation your facing is much similar to what Germany faced in world war 2 , she had to go up against the royal navy the most powerful one then.Germany invested heavily in u boats which helped her to stand on her feet.A similar approach is what you should be thinking
Our naval strategy is always going to be defensive and an aircraft carrier is an offensive platform . However we might need a helicopter carrier to improve our special operations, logistics, martime patrol , submarine hunting and rescue and relief rolls .
Irrelevant tiopc. Pakistan need not ACC (aircraft carrier) & pakistan also can not afford it.
ACC are meant for off shore operations and not for floating around the maritime boundaries. Thailand also have an ACC which has now become a white elephant while sitting idle.
there is no matter that PN need AC or not...it's all about money...if they have money than they can buy at least 3 AC to competite india. but bad luck they can't afford $12 billion for an AC.....

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