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Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?

read my earlier posts........

it isnt a priority for Navy of Pakistan. Aamir Hussain Saab summed it up nicely.
After Vtols, no need of aircraft carrier. Well Pakistan don't need it anyway, because defence and offense area is not that big. Plus carrier need huge escorting and logistics.(fuel and menpower)
blue water navy is the purpose of acquiring AC......neither the topography of pakistan nor it serves the purpose.....it is also a costly affair and putting all that billions of dollars at risk..at this stage pakistan cannot afford at all...
After Vtols, no need of aircraft carrier. Well Pakistan don't need it anyway, because defence and offense area is not that big. Plus carrier need huge escorting and logistics.(fuel and menpower)

we just need an effective counter to hindustan soviet-made carrier, should they ever decide to deploy it near us.....
Does Pakistan need aircraft carrier

Simple Answer is NO.
It would be great as having an Aircraft carrier would allow us strategic help to our allies


Bangladesh , needs help vs Burma etc or lets say Egypt needs help down the road vs pirates or some disturbance

We could hold joint naval training with Turkey more cooperation

or lets say Srilanka needs help we can visit Srilanka and send our aircraft carrier to visit there to help out vs Terrorist

Air Craft carrier is a MUST , and if we order it now the Price would be cheap vs ordering in 4-7 years from know when the prices will obviously double or tripple

Or lets assume that China needs some help on east coast vs some operation we can help out with our 40 fighters so frankly speaking

a)We need aircraft carrier
b)We need lot of heavy transport planes like C130

We have man power we lack the ability to transport these man power and units to front line positions

May be some country like Sudan or Nigeria needs some help fighting rebels we can send in help under UN to help our forces with air support

a) More experience for our navy and flying units ...
It would be great as having an Aircraft carrier would allow us strategic help to our allies


Bangladesh , needs help vs Burma etc or lets say Egypt needs help down the road vs pirates or some disturbance

We could hold joint naval training with Turkey more cooperation

or lets say Srilanka needs help we can visit Srilanka and send our aircraft carrier to visit there to help out vs Terrorist

Air Craft carrier is a MUST , and if we order it now the Price would be cheap vs ordering in 4-7 years from know when the prices will obviously double or tripple

Or lets assume that China needs some help on east coast vs some operation we can help out with our 40 fighters so frankly speaking

a)We need aircraft carrier
b)We need lot of heavy transport planes like C130

We have man power we lack the ability to transport these man power and units to front line positions

May be some country like Sudan or Nigeria needs some help fighting rebels we can send in help under UN to help our forces with air support

a) More experience for our navy and flying units ...

Any particluar brand you prefer or you know of a sale going on where "All AC/C Must Go" sign is posted for the next couple of weeks or otherwise...

Just kidding -- you seem hell bent on getting us a carrier which we can't afford.:smitten::tup:
Any particluar brand you prefer or you know of a sale going on where "All AC/C Must Go" sign is posted for the next couple of weeks or otherwise...

Just kidding -- you seem hell bent on getting us a carrier which we can't afford.:smitten::tup:

Well looking at the market French have a fantastic new carrier we should put a down payment on really , installment purchase, may be 400-800 millions downpayment

New French DCNS company Aircraft carrier - same company that offered us Merlins and gave us Agosta

We must get a new carrier from France , I think the goal should be get something we can use for 25-30 years , when you divide the cost over that time , its really a GREAT bargin


I am sure we should be able to use some of our mirages to just get transfered over to the Carrier ? As we get the JF17 platform , the Mirages could just get stationed on the future french carrier


Pakistan has both the mirage & anti ship missile capabilities on mirages ...and Day/Night capabilities which is crucial on night sea missions

So likely the air defence and anti ship capability is already present - we just need to move he assets over to navy , but having an aircraft carrier would be perfect, I say 20 Mirages on Carrier and 10 JF17 Thunders, and 1 P3 orion hunte
all geared up with Excocet & harpoons

And lets not forget we could also carrier 20-30 Babur cruise missiles as well for strategic missions

We have solid partnership with France in our weapons so I am sure it would be a great business partnership

Instead of just retiring mirrages we can move them over to navy and use them on carrier untill J11 Arrive but the cost is the thing

Prices will go up so if we book 1 now , we will save in long run and these things stay for 25-30 years.

Also think about if , if the fleet is at sea, and war happens , you need your aircrafts providing air support to the P3 orions and frigates , ships can't wait for air support to arrive from Land in 30-40 minutes

Somtimes having , support with in 5 min is crucial to saving and dettering agression.

Also lets not forget that From the Aircraft carrier we can launch

a) Anti Sub helicopters
b) UAV
c) Fighters
d) And also its a independent coomand center
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bhai, we cant just be paying big money for such expensive things when we have no real practical use for them

we dont need to send carriers to Egypt or other countries for power projection. If we bought carriers, they would serve Pakistan in Pakistani territory/waters.

there's only 1 major enemy we have, and to take care of that enemy we dont need a carrier; we have other resources at our disposal
I think pakistan should have a sea carrier. it would increase its defence.
we just need an effective counter to hindustan soviet-made carrier, should they ever decide to deploy it near us.....

If you go over Pak-India war history, India always try to keep AC away from danger zone. In other words AC is more symbolic for India rather then face the combat zone. So, effectiveness is zero. Future navel combat will based on fixed wings, medium missile boats, Submarine and best intelligence.
If you go over Pak-India war history, India always try to keep AC away from danger zone. In other words AC is more symbolic for India rather then face the combat zone. So, effectiveness is zero. Future navel combat will based on fixed wings, medium missile boats, Submarine and best intelligence.

If so then why are all the developed nations building carriers :P

Aircraft carrier is a must for Pakistan , its first line of defence from any sea based agression from enemies

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