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Does Pakistan need whole Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir region?

This thread is itself stating the defeated mindset of Pakistani people. Sooner an another thread will be made like "does Pakistan need gilgit or does people of Gwadar want to join Pakistan or not"
So plz tell me when and what will be the next thing we asking to give up.
Total collapse of mind and attitude of Pakistan.
But islam will stay and hinduism will be wiped out
What kind of jihadi mentality is that? No wonder suicide attacks happen a lot in Pakistan. Distruction of India is so much important for you that you don't give a damn about your people. What is the point of Islam if you are dead anyways?
Kashmir is the land of the Sufis and the Pandits it has some of the holiest sites of Hinduism which does not belong to Pakistan


Pakistanis must be smoking good ganja if they think Indians will hand over our holy sites to them lol they got more chance of getting f-35 from USA
This thread is itself stating the defeated mindset of Pakistani people. Sooner an another thread will be made like "does Pakistan need gilgit or does people of Gwadar want to join Pakistan or not"
So plz tell me when and what will be the next thing we asking to give up.
Total collapse of mind and attitude of Pakistan.

Pakistanis are a very pessimistic and overly self critical race of people. Generally speaking, Pakistanis always like to focus on negative things. Pakistanis only praise foreigners. Nothing new here. Reality however is that Pakistan is a very powerful nation with a lot of potential.

Those Muslims spit on you.

Really??????......Not here in London, UK. Nowadays, Pakistanis, Iranians, Turks and Arabs are inter-marrying eachother in ever increasing numbers. There is a unity amongst Muslims that has never been seen before. But I don't expect an indian based in india to know this.
Really??????......Not here in London, UK. Nowadays, Pakistanis, Iranians, Turks and Arabs are inter-marrying eachother in ever increasing numbers.

Its very common. In UK and US, the Indians of different identity/ethnicity are also inter-marrying each other.
Kashmir is the land of the Sufis and the Pandits it has some of the holiest sites of Hinduism which does not belong to Pakistan


Pakistanis must be smoking good ganja if they think Indians will hand over our holy sites to them lol they got more chance of getting f-35 from USA
There is no way india will handover kashmir to Pakistan and likes of those who thinks and debating that india will handover something to Pakistan are living in fools paradise and foolishly keep adding to that by saying Pakistan may withdraw from ladakh and jammu and only claim kashmir valley is just showing of how much mental weakness they have in their thought process. But India must accept the reality that kashmir will definitely, positively, realistically, argumentally and strategically will flare wars in future and if one wants to avoid it then should solve it. If india thinks through economically and progressively india will achieve it in kashmir will not be a good strategy because it will not fruitful to the region and india because no way it can solve like that, i know you can quote many examples of it but they dont have any weaklinks and threats and regional players just like india and pakistan have.
There is no doubt india will handover kashmir to Pakistan and likes of those who thinks and debating that india will handover something to Pakistan are living in fools paradise and foolishly keep adding to that by saying Pakistan may withdraw from ladakh and jammu and only claim kashmir valley is just showing of how much mental weakness they have in their thought process. But India must accept the reality that kashmir will definitely, positively, realistically, argumentally and strategically will flare wars in future and if one wants to avoid it then should solve it. If india thinks through economically and progressively india will achieve it in kashmir will not be a good strategy because it will not fruitful to the region and india, i know you can quote many examples of it but they dont have any weaklinks and threats and regional players just like india and pakistan have.

No sorry our holy sites to not belong to Pakistanis you have no right over them
Its very common. In UK and US, the Indians of different identity/ethnicity are also inter-marrying each other.

It's only natural to do so. Pakistanis share FAR MORE in common with Muslims of other nationalities then they do with any other non-Muslim peoples and indians share far more in common with eachother than with any other non-indians.

Anyone going Kashmir for the yatra this year? message me please I wish to attend

It's only natural to do so. Pakistanis share FAR MORE in common with Muslims of other nationalities then they do with any other non-Muslim peoples and indians share far more in common with eachother than with any other non-indians.

Considering many of my friends are Gujarati Muslim, Turkish and Iranian that differs and I live in the UK.
No sorry our holy sites to not belong to Pakistanis you have no right over them

Don't know what you are alluding too. Some of Kashmir belongs to Pakistan and some to india. If indian Kashmir has hindu holy sites then you have what you want so what are you really suggesting?
Don't know what you are alluding too. Some of Kashmir belongs to Pakistan and some to india. If indian Kashmir has hindu holy sites then you have what you want so what are you really suggesting?

Yes but that guy was saying we will hand over our part of Kashmir to Pakistanis, I think he does not know history or being logical as there will be no change in the LOC. Plus Kashmir is the water lifeline of India it is very important to keep that as it is.


When Jammu-Kashmir tunnel is complete it will bring the valley closer and make it much easier to travel and trade will boom.
No sorry our holy sites to not belong to Pakistanis you have no right over them
You also dont have any right to claim kashmir too. Anyway then it will be remain the same as it is today now which is a conflict and will be a conflict until one gets eliminate which is not possible and only possibility is the total elimination of india and pakistan which will be a factual reality.
You also dont have any right to claim kashmir too. Anyway then it will be remain the same as it is today now which is a conflict and will be a conflict until one gets eliminate which is not possible and only possibility is the total elimination of india and pakistan which will be a factual reality.

Nobody is claiming your side of Kashmir we know it is lost but neither does our side belong to you

Anyone going Kashmir for the yatra this year? message me please I wish to attend

Considering many of my friends are Gujarati Muslim, Turkish and Iranian that differs and I live in the UK.

Sorry forgot to add, indian Muslims and bengalis are out of the loop with mainstream Muslims. Although on a social level there is a lot of mixing and intermarrying between Pakistanis, Iranians, Turks and Arabs in the uk particularly in London, indian Muslims and bengalis don't really mix or share anything in common with other Muslims groups and tend to keep themselves to themselves. It has always been like this. They are just as indian and seem to have far more in common with indian hindus then anybody else. It has always been like this. On a physical level, Pakistanis can easily blend in and assimiliate with Middle Eastern Muslims wheras indian Muslims and bengalis can't. That is a big barrier.
Sorry forgot to add, indian Muslims and bengalis are out of the loop with mainstream Muslims. Although on a social level there is a lot of mixing and intermarrying between Pakistanis, Iranians, Turks and Arabs in the uk particularly in London, indian Muslims and bengalis don't really mix or share anything in common with other Muslims groups and tend to keep themselves to themselves. It has always been like this. They are just as indian and seem to have far more in common with indian hindus then anybody else. It has always been like this. On a physical level, Pakistanis can easily blend in and assimiliate with Middle Eastern Muslims wheras indian Muslims and bengalis can't. That is a big barrier.

Utter crap as 2 of my Gujarati Muslim friends married to Bangladeshi girls and I attended their wedding in East London.
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