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Does India Still Need a Hindu Nationalist Party?

With all of India's pursuit of being tagged as a beacon of secularism, its still very much in danger of falling back into a theocratic style of governance under the BJP.

What can be those danger which may become a prime reason for the dawnfall of secularist India and BJP as its worst foundation?, common on, they are the one who really shown the way as how to preserve secularist value by bringing the views of each and every community at center stage.
With all of India's pursuit of being tagged as a beacon of secularism, its still very much in danger of falling back into a theocratic style of governance under the BJP.

Hmm...? India was very much Secular even when BJP was in Power.
A look at the future prospects of India's controversial right-wing politicians.

Just what will it take for you to stop worrying about India and minding you own business? You do have the knack of posting utter rubbish on this forum.

Next get something on Islamic nationalist parties in Bangladesh or Christian nationalist parties in the US. Maybe more interesting reading.
A hindu nationalist party should be there,but they shoul not be anti muslim or anti any other minority....still I feel under BJP's rule the strength of India had increased...
every party want their own good they just doing politics ,
i dont think they want harm of others . its all pure politics:lazy:
Does India Still Need a Hindu Nationalist Party?


We are secular in nature. Parties like BJP has to shed it pro Hindutva image.

We don't need religion based party to represent or fight for the majority.
Regional religious, caste based minority parties like IUML ( Indian Union Muslim league, dalit panthers etc are okay for an extend if they integrate well with the national politics and not on extremist views and concentrate in the welfare of its men without disturbing the interests of the country.
Taking into account your proposed scenario, are you suggesting that an economically weakened India would serve Pakistan's benefit?

I never mentioned economics.....politically the BJP would divide india along faith-caste lines which in the long run will weaken her.
If the "islamic" parties took power in pakistan it would have the same effect.

If so, take into account the possible factor that India is unable to feed her billion strong population and a large number of them swell to the borders with Bangladesh and Pakistan. Unless you are suggesting that Pakistani and Bangladeshi troops open fire on the refugees then I would suggest that it is in Pakistan's better interests that India grow economically and vice versa between Pakistan and India.

I dont want anybody to starve or turn into refugees am just saying that right wing parties in any country make it weak.
My take is yes India does need Hindu Nationalist Parties just as much as it needs the Communists , Dalit predominant or any other variety of parties.

The reason is that there is room & necessity of all types and the voter must have the option to discern.

What the nation does not need are parties that propagate regionalism & I would club the Shiv Sena in this category. Any activity at the national level is acceptable but no propagation of regionalism.

If the nationalists win ( though most unlikely any more) so be it. There should not be curbs on any variety. A nation that can tolerate Communism can surely tolerate a lesser evil.
The question is not about whether India still needs a Hindu Nationalist Party? The question rather should be can India afford not having a Hindu Nationalist Party? I say no we cannot. A Congress with unbridled power will expose India to all that is wrong with the Congress, and has always been. For perpetuity. The BJP has an important role to play and it is in our National interest to see the party get back its bearings on the national stage. As a people we vote for characters within our ideological comfort level and the BJP right now is sorely lacking one with national appeal and credibility. If as a democracy based on majority, we call ourselves secular and accept all religions with open arms, it would be the biggest hypocrisy to say a party has no place in the future of our country just because it is aligned by progeniture to the identity of the largest religion of our country. How does that become wrong if it does not do so to the detriment of any other Indian religion? For me it is a whole sight better than the shady divisive minority appeasement practiced by the Congress. It would be a sad day indeed when we Hindus would be expected to live in peace and equality with our brothers from other minorities, yet not enjoy the same benefits as them just to prove a facile holier than the pope point. ALL Indians need to think about it.
My take is yes India does need Hindu Nationalist Parties just as much as it needs the Communists , Dalit predominant or any other variety of parties.

The reason is that there is room & necessity of all types and the voter must have the option to discern.

What the nation does not need are parties that propagate regionalism & I would club the Shiv Sena in this category. Any activity at the national level is acceptable but no propagation of regionalism.

If the nationalists win ( though most unlikely any more) so be it. There should not be curbs on any variety. A nation that can tolerate Communism can surely tolerate a lesser evil.

Is there islamic party of india?......if not dont you guys think there should be one, if the hindus can have a party based on hinduisim then surley an islamic party based on the ideals of islam also has a place.
Is there islamic party of india?......if not dont you guys think there should be one, if the hindus can have a party based on hinduisim then surley an islamic party based on the ideals of islam also has a place.

Definitely. I guess we do have a Muslim League. And we do have Akali Dal, which is a pro-Sikh party.
Is there islamic party of india?......if not dont you guys think there should be one, if the hindus can have a party based on hinduisim then surley an islamic party based on the ideals of islam also has a place.

Correction. Bharatiya Janta Party is not a Hindu party. It loosely translates into Indian People's Party. Please do not confuse the sociocultural tenets of Hindutva to a Hindu religious identity. There are MANY Muslims in the BJP ranks. Post Godhra. Post Ayodhya. They would not have been there if it was a rabid Hindu party as some would make it out to be. Finally, the Indian constitution does not stop anyone from setting up an Islamic Party of India within the fabric of Indian society. It would be great if our Muslim brothers get good strong leadership and a national political identity, rather than being used as vote bank pawns as they so often sadly are.
Correction. Bharatiya Janta Party is not a Hindu party. It loosely translates into Indian People's Party. Please do not confuse the sociocultural tenets of Hindutva to a Hindu religious identity. There are MANY Muslims in the BJP ranks. Post Godhra. Post Ayodhya. They would not have been there if it was a rabid Hindu party as some would make it out to be. Finally, the Indian constitution does not stop anyone from setting up an Islamic Party of India within the fabric of Indian society. It would be great if our Muslim brothers get good strong leadership and a national political identity, rather than being used as vote bank pawns as they so often sadly are.

We all can safely say if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck !

Its good to see that not many people in India are buying this type of politics.
I said "in the long run" india will be strong if they have congress in govt.

Amazingly we all know which party was in power most of the time. Government do loose due to anti-incumbency factor. Only good parties survive but I dislike congress many times because it not always secular.
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