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Documentary on Indian Navy's Killer Squadron that lit up Karachi in '71


Nothing has changed- the Pakistani top brass are still drunken cowards- be it Navy- Army or Air force-
So if the war happens- we will die our own death-


and our political class is pimmp

Nothing has changed- the Pakistani top brass are still drunken cowards- be it Navy- Army or Air force-
So if the war happens- we will die our own death-


We don't want war, we never wished for one... and we wish there will be no war among us...
Lets arrange fight between our politicians in mountains of Himalayas in thar desert ... then ppl from both side will pray to lose it....

only if the politicians are made to fight in every war they create- the world would be a peaceful and boring place- :angel:-
People need to put the gun on the head of our politicians to find out the solution then only we can live peacefully
I can also keep crying woe with me like you guys wish us to do all the time.
But I appreciate those who did fight with valor..
why dont you wholesale ridicule your troops in the 62 fiasco if you have the guts to do so to mine?

Its called appreciation.. if I am to accept it as escapist mentality then you must also accept that Indian troops got their behind thrashed by the CHinese and went whining home in 62. I dont think they did.. they were led badly.
Well, I would rather accept the fact we were defeated in 62 because of some specific reason, than give crappy excuses like these. Leadership failure was one of the reason in 62, but not the main reason(or only reason) for failure.

Somebody who has intrest in military history(but not much knowledge), I dont like "bravery", "cowerdice" etc while analysing the result of a war.(good for explaining to layman though) In a non-conscript army, bravery usually a given, and hardly decisive factor in end result.
The reason for defeat could be as simple as lack of sanitation(happened in some wars), lack of supply, or strategic blunder among many.
Leadership failure is indeed reason in many cases.

In this case mostly because PN was out numbered by IN. Even that does not explain why a destroyer could not intercept a missile boat.

If you know any unclassified info( or any review comitee report) which pins on some technical/strategic/coincidental reason, please do share.
There are enough people in this forum to provide layman's point of view(some of them are quite complex religious/racial/supernatural theories), I personally was not looking for that.
1. Its not a religions sermon and as per rules its not allowed.

2. WE HAVE ACHIEVED NUKES???????? When did Bangladesh gets one?? false flag???

what are you like 4 ? when did i give a religious sermon ? all i said was (by the grace of Allah the Merciful ) means by God's Grace & what with this false flag ? ever heard of Urdu speaking stranded Pakistanis ( biharis) those who immigrated to former east Pakistan present day Bangladesh from India during partition where are they in Timbuktu ?

& hello do you know me ? do you know that i am a Canadian of stranded Pakistani ( bihari) origin before calling me a false flag ? ever heard of rabita council jeddah ? i grew up there
Anything concrete to prove it?? Must say a revelation of its kind if true...

What you are saying is a myth.

What was the actual happening was the PAF chief telling the PN Chief the limitations of air power..
After which a F-86 det was asked to assist.. and on the directions of the PN.. ended up attacking a PN vessel.

---------- Post added at 02:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ----------

Funny how such revelations happen on the other side of the border..
As fanboys like to say.. a grey matter flatulence.

has it ever occured that someone else may know more than you?

anyway, here is a source i mustered in 5 minutes

Immediately after the attack, when it was calculated that the retreating missile boats would take around 6 hours to reach their nearest sanctuary, the PAF commanding officer was approached to order an attack them. However, no air strike could be made available and the PAF in Karachi did not react to the Navy's request. Therefore, the C-in-C of the Pakistani navy rang up the C-in-C PAF at 0400 hours and woke him up. After all sorts of begging and pleading, the answer he obtained was "Well old boy, this happens in war. I am sorry your ships have been sunk. We shall try to do something in the future!”.

http://books.google.co.in/books?id=....I am sorry your ships have been sunk&f=false

Nothing has changed- the Pakistani top brass are still drunken cowards- be it Navy- Army or Air force-
So if the war happens- we will die our own death-


I still believe the Army isnt that bad and the SSG are very professional,I remember reading it in a book by Syed Saleem Shahzad where he mentions about Major Haroon Ashiq who was with the SSG and then post 9/11 left to join the Jihadis tell him that he was dissapointed the way the regular Army fought in the Kargil Conflict.

Another thing I have seen is the PA is always in the news but never ever is the PN,PAF in the news,I can bet 60%(with a little optimism) of educated Pakistanis wont even know who the PN,PAF Chief is.
has it ever occured that someone else may know more than you?

anyway, here is a source i mustered in 5 minutes

Has it occurred to you.. that the source you quote is fairly biased and fictional in its premise.
And that they COULD NOT know more than me... having a grandfather in the top echelon of the PN during 71?
Has it occurred to you.. that the source you quote is fairly biased and fictional in its premise.
And that they COULD NOT know more than me... having a grandfather in the top echelon of the PN during 71?

:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:
Impressive videos really, but lets hope there will be no more wars between both nations. All these talk of 'India can repeat this victory again' or 'Pakistan can hold her own against Indian navy' etc etc, simply means more and more good people in the military on both sides are going to die...lives that needn't be lost. Hope both nations can co-operate with each other as friends and usher in a new era of prosperity this century. :kiss3:

---------- Post added at 09:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------

btw, completely off-topic here, but can someone tell me the name of the music used for the background score at the start of the video? :offtopic:

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