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do you think it is a good idea to integrate Pakistan and China

sorry we have stupid people out of our 1.3 billion brains. Pakistan and China should always be independent nations. of course, I 100% support more economic/military/scientific/political cooperations.
Yes you are right, Just resently Pakistan needed 6 billion dollar loan, and Mr. Zandari went to China to see if they can help with the loan, the Chinese really did help by sending him back with flowers.

The reality is that China has a complet different goal then Pakistan. So, the merger of these nations could never be possible.

In my opinion this only proves that the Chinese are smart people and care about the Pakistani public. No one except the IMF with their "conditions" was going to loan Zardari led Pakistan any money.
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I'm currently in U.S. and I got to say the Chinese friends I have are very loyal, my best friend is Chinese. Pakistanis always get a long very well with the Chinese, I dont know what it is I guess we feel comfortable around each other and we trust each other.
My uncle used to be in the Pakistani government in the 90s and I remember him frequently visiting China. He loved going to China, he said the people are very kind and friendly and he always would bring us gifts from China and of course show us pictures of his friends he made when visiting China.

I'm glad that China and Pakistan are best friends. I dont think both countries should merge as a single country but they should continue to be very close, be best friends, closest allys. My dream is for both countries to prosper and be the most successful countries in the world.
Just wondering: would China "love" Pakistan so much were it not for India? After all, China is only looking out for her interests. You guys can thank us later :D
Just wondering: would China "love" Pakistan so much were it not for India? After all, China is only looking out for her interests. You guys can thank us later :D

You indians have always been jealous of Pakistan-China friendship.
India doesnt matter in this friendship, Pakistan shares a border with China and Pakistan is friends with two of its neighbors, China and Iran, but China has done a lot for Pakistan more than any other country in the world.

Pakistanis trust China more than any country in the world.

Long Live Pakistan-China friendship :pakistan::china:
You indians have always been jealous of Pakistan-China friendship. India doesnt matter in this friendship, Pakistan shares a border with China and Pakistan is friends with two of its neighbors, China and Iran, but China has done a lot for Pakistan more than any other country in the world. Pakistanis trust China more than any country in the world. Long Live Pakistan-China friendship :pakistan::china:

We are not jealous Omar. In the past India-Pakistan were same countries. British played the cards (wat ever) and finally country divided based on religion. See the enimity never ended. We become most rival countries in the world today. Histry has seen more divisions than merger. Pakistan lost bangladesh bcoz pakistan refused to share power (india might have used this situation..but i dont know much..). at least this is the triggering point. Now if pakistan becomes china compare the population and their economy dominence. Think of the after maths
1) Pakistan army loose its power. No decisions in his hand except talking care of pak borders and maintain law and order.
2) Pakistan central govt doesnt exist and i dont think pakistan muslim can ever become china head or even minister
3) Pakistan can never project as islam country anymore. Complete secular state
4) No more tribal leaders. No more islamic rules like schools; exply birth control. Do you agree if China says not more than one kid.

I too have many china frens..they are really cool ppl. If you think pak-china can control Inida the answer is YES-NO. Today even china cant just come to war without reason.

It will become another mistake in the histry and again if u devide from china then there is no way pak can survive easily. Think about it
i think Pakistan and China has so much common interests, it is a good a idea to integrate these two as United States of China and Pakistan.:yahoo:

No I don't think so, good friends is a better idea
I think pakistanis are overly obessessed with china..!! I guess they are going out of the way showing their love to china..!! :lol: They attacked india and suddenly declare ceasefire in 1962 they attacked vietnam and suddenly withdrew their troops.!! I mean they are really some mysterious kinda people..and its really hard to understand what these guys are thinking and their motive....!!!! It was india china bhai bhai. earlier.. and now its pakistan china bhai bhai..:lol:!! I hope china will not have any ulterior motives against Pakistan.. as long as the country LOVES them unconditionaly....!!!:lol:
We are not jealous Omar. In the past India-Pakistan were same countries. British played the cards (wat ever) and finally country divided based on religion. See the enimity never ended. We become most rival countries in the world today. Histry has seen more divisions than merger. Pakistan lost bangladesh bcoz pakistan refused to share power (india might have used this situation..but i dont know much..). at least this is the triggering point. Now if pakistan becomes china compare the population and their economy dominence. Think of the after maths
1) Pakistan army loose its power. No decisions in his hand except talking care of pak borders and maintain law and order.
2) Pakistan central govt doesnt exist and i dont think pakistan muslim can ever become china head or even minister
3) Pakistan can never project as islam country anymore. Complete secular state
4) No more tribal leaders. No more islamic rules like schools; exply birth control. Do you agree if China says not more than one kid.

I too have many china frens..they are really cool ppl. If you think pak-china can control Inida the answer is YES-NO. Today even china cant just come to war without reason.

It will become another mistake in the histry and again if u devide from china then there is no way pak can survive easily. Think about it

This is just one person's opinion, who started this thread. I donk think any Pakistani or Chinese politician is even thinking about Pakistan and China merging as a single country.

Pakistan should be friends with all its neighbors, including India, and it'll be in India's interst to be friends with its neighbors, Pakistan and China, too, but everytime theres progress in Pakistan-India ties something happens that ruins the friendship. India and Pakistan cant keep on doing that over and over again, both countries should settle their disputes and be peaceful and friendly nations, its in both Pakistan's and India's interst.

Going back to China, they have done a lot for Pakistan...no Pakistani will ever forget what China has done for Pakistan in the past and they continue to support Pakistan. We Pakistanis know we can always trust China, history has proven a lot in this great friendship.

I hope Pakistan, China, and India all can be peaceful and friendly neighbors one day.
China and Pakistan should not be a single country because of their different ideologies, but we can be very close allies and cooperate in every field nonetheless. Nowadays, I've heard many things about how China's alliance with Pakistan is weakening because of economic cooperation with India, etc, but this is complete nonsense.

Pakistan was one of the first countries (and first Muslim country) to recognize the People's Republic of China, and we've had a deep and strategic relationship with them since then. Solid proof of this deep friendship is found in China's heavy investment into Pakistan's infrastructure and economy, specially in the Gwadar port which is meant to be a lasting decades-long strategic investment allowing China access to the much coveted Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf. Further proof can be found in military cooperation, that China and Pakistan have collaborated on and shared highly sensitive information and projects, ranging from nuclear technology, to fighter jets, to the navy, and space technology. No other country besides Pakistan has had this much access into China's military top-secret programs, and Pakistan has also never let any other country have this much access into its military programs.

Other Muslim countries are becoming increasingly friendlier towards China, and this bodes well for Pakistan which is an Islamic state. Pakistan needs to strengthen its ties with Muslim countries in the region as well, like the Gulf countries, and Iran and Bangladesh, and play an active role in shaping a stable future Afghanistan. As far as India goes, we have to live in peace with them and need to increase economic cooperation, but not at the cost of our own security. Pakistan wants peace and cooperation with India. We realize it is in our own best interest to be peaceful with India. India needs to want peace and cooperation too, unlike what they are doing right now, and they need to stop acting like Israel when it comes to Kashmir and listen to the UN.

Pak-Cheen Dosti Zindabad!
Long Live Pak-China Friendship!
You indians have always been jealous of Pakistan-China friendship.
India doesnt matter in this friendship, Pakistan shares a border with China and Pakistan is friends with two of its neighbors, China and Iran, but China has done a lot for Pakistan more than any other country in the world.

Pakistanis trust China more than any country in the world.

Long Live Pakistan-China friendship :pakistan::china:

You trusted US "more than any country in the world". See where that got you? Pakistan should adopt a neutral, non-sycophantic foreign policy.
I dont want to suspect the 'sacred' friendship, but cant believe that china is emotionally so attached to pakistan. I think china is too smart to let their foreign policy be governed by 'friendship'. it looks out for its interests just as US does or anyother country for that matter. it would be foolish for us(india and pak) to blindly believe these
superpower(wannabe) countries.
just a caution, no offence meant.
This is just one person's opinion, who started this thread. I donk think any Pakistani or Chinese politician is even thinking about Pakistan and China merging as a single country.

i tried so hard to find out if there is place named "Guanzhou"on the Chinese map.......glad to see he changed his location back to right place "Guangzhou":rofl:and he still didn't reply my chinese private message .....
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I dont want to suspect the 'sacred' friendship, but cant believe that china is emotionally so attached to pakistan. I think china is too smart to let their foreign policy be governed by 'friendship'. it looks out for its interests just as US does or anyother country for that matter. it would be foolish for us(india and pak) to blindly believe these
superpower(wannabe) countries.
just a caution, no offence meant.

I just came by the site and saw this--lets say-- 'eyeball droping' thread. Then I decided to reg and post my thought.

In compliance with the latest poster, I have to admit that China's foreign policy, from 2000 year ago, have always been Sino-centric. By trading economical and culture aid for legal and moral submission, we successfully build a vessel system covered half of the Aisa. That is to say, just like other power, china will always put her national interests above anything else and the only deference is: Unlike Brit and American, we have beening tending to use soft measure to ensure our superiority.
Pakistan and China shares a very special relationship , and in some extent formed an alliance. For china, one reason is that because pekistan hold the key of our energy security, the other reason is pakistan ensure the containment of india. By supporting pakistan, we would secure our energy security and political interests in Mid-east and South-aisa, while at the same time india would never have the chance to Challenge our superiority in Aisa affairs.
On pakistan's side. The main reason is of course about india. It would not be difficult to figure that US has already choose india over pakistan in light of the N deal. Hence china would remain as the only one who can provide all-whether aid to Pakistan to counter the influence of India.
So, my point is the close relationship between pakistan would last long and remain strong. But instread of emotionally treat each other as lovers, we should instead consider each other as friends. For we still do not share the blood bond as germany-states once shared and we still have not yet form a formal allience because both of us need freedom to act. For the reason that your interests is not in Taiwan strait while our interests is not a in a Sino-india nuclear war, both of us cannot easily give the commitment.
Therefore in conclusion, Pekistan, as a proud nation and people, and the becon for muslim culture, should never surrander his sovereignty infront of whatever friendship and alliance. And the over-heated expectancy from both side may actually hurt our relationship if we let emotino usurp our reasoning.
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