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Do you support the ban on Zoos?


May 9, 2013
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Our holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had a friend called Abu Huraira. Literally means father of the kitten. He had a cat named Mueza. This cat was also favorite animal of the prophet. He loved the the cat so much that one day whn the cat was seeping on Prophet's cloths. Prophet was going to wear the cloth but when he saw the cat was sleeping over it he decided not to disturb the cat. So he wore another cloth. Its written in Hadith.

A donkey was caged. Prophet said Allah's curse is on the person who is hurting the animal.

So now the question is if Prophet didn't like animal to be under cage then why are we keeping animals in cage for our pleasure? Isn't it haram?

I think zoos all over the world should be banned. Safari Parks are the ideal place for animals if you want to spend time with animals.

Here in BD, a new Safari Park is going to be inaugurated next month. Its one of the biggest Safari Park in the region made over 4000 acres of land.
Our holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had a friend called Huraira. Literally means father of the kitten. He had a cat named Mueza. This cat was also favorite anima of the prophet. He loved the the cat so much that one day whn the cat was seeping on Prophet's cloths. Prophet was going to wear the cloth but when he saw the cat was sleeping over it he decided no to disturb the cat. So he wore another cloth. Its written in Hadith.

One day a donkey was caged. Prophet said Allah's curse is on the person who is hurting the animal.

So now the question is if Prophet didn't like animal to be under cage then why are we keeping animals in cage for our pleasure? Isn't it haram?

I think zoos all over the world shoud be banned. Safari Parks are the ideal place for animals if you want to spent time with animals.

Here in BD, a new Safari Park is going to be inaugurated next month. Its one of the biggest Safari Park in the region made over 4000 acres of land.

There's a difference b/w wildlife sanctuary and a zoo.
Ex-situ and In-situ conservation!:blah:
Is it advertisement of Bangladesh's Safari Park?
Anyway - I don't like animals in cages IMO they should be freed but you don't have any authority to ban zoos all over the world because you found a Hadith.
Some zoo's also play an important role in conservation and not every country/city can afford proper "safari" parks.

BTW if you want to see large "safari" parks come to Africa or even closer to where I am one example is Kruger with a size of around 20,000 square Km's :)
Is it advertisement of Bangladesh's Safari Park?
Anyway - I don't like animals in cages IMO they should be freed but you don't have any authority to ban zoos all over the world because you found a Hadith.

Its inhumane to put animals in jail. :hitwall: This practice should be banned. :pissed:
many animals are in the brink of extinction in the wild and there are cases where they have been introduced back to wild after breeding in zoos.
Some zoo's also play an important role in conservation and not every country/city can afford proper "safari" parks.

BTW if you want to see large "safari" parks come to Africa or even closer to where I am one example is Kruger with a size of around 20,000 square Km's :)

But for recreational purpose we are putting them in cage. If the motive is to conserve then it can also be done in open environment.

I have never ever gone to any Safari Park. There are Safari Parks in Cox's Bazar and other places but I am very excited to visit the new largest Safari Park in BD. Its nearby Dhaka. :bounce:

Africa has Safari on 20 k acres ? Holy COW ! :what:

Is it nearby African Jungle?
Zoo are necessity too in some cases like orphaned animals are often not able to live independently in wild and for breeding some endangered species too
But for recreational purpose we are putting them in cage. If the motive is to conserve then it can also be done in open environment.

I have never ever gone to any Safari Park. There are Safari Parks in Cox's Bazar and other places but I am very excited to visit the new largest Safari Park in BD. Its nearby Dhaka. :bounce:

Africa has Safari on 20 k acres ? Holy COW ! :what:

Is it nearby African Jungle?

Most of the zoo's here are heavily involved in conservation. Unfortunately poaching is a HUGE problem all over the world and in particular in Africa. These days the Rhino is being driven to extinction by poachers. The demand for their horns comes from the Far East :(

I agree with you about not wanting to cage animals. I personally would not do it for like keeping caged birds at home. I live next to a nature area so I see more than my share of birds :) but there is also a good reason to cage animals. For example Cheetahs were nearly extinct here some years back due to hunting but then came a slew of Cheetah research institutes which not only looked after Cheetahs but studied their behaviors and also bred them in captivity. After this many of them were released in the wild. These places rely on grants and also from the support of visitors who come to view the Cheetahs and to learn more about them.

So IMHO there are sometimes good reasons to cage animals provided its done in a humane way and for some good reason :)

About Kruger, you can read more here Kruger National Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is so wrong as far as Lahore Zoo is concern, cause its on Mall road, and its land probably worth billions of dollar. so hope no one from the stupid authorities see your Hadith...
Start by being vegetarian !!:cheesy: Killing animal is worse than confining them in cages....
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