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Do you still support Musharraf?

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Big Swiss Bank Receives a Warning Notice From the S.E.C.

ONDON, Dec. 21 - Switzerland's largest bank, UBS, said Tuesday that it might face legal action from the Securities and Exchange Commission over work it did for HealthSouth, the hospital operator accused of nearly $3 billion in accounting fraud.

UBS said that it had received a Wells notice - a letter warning that an individual or company will probably face a civil complaint from the commission - from the S.E.C., and that it was continuing to cooperate with the regulator.

A UBS spokesman, Mark Arena, said the S.E.C. notice did not mention any bank employees by name. UBS now has the opportunity to present its position before the S.E.C. makes any formal recommendation.

The S.E.C.'s stepped-up involvement is the latest move in a several-year investigation into HealthSouth. The company's founder, Richard M. Scrushy, was indicted last year for inflating profits by $2.74 billion from 1996 to 2001. This fall, new charges of perjury and obstruction of justice were brought against him, and he faces a trial in January.

From 1998 to 2002, UBS and other banks underwrote and sold more than $4 billion in securities. UBS has said that it had no knowledge of accounting fraud at HealthSouth. Mr. Arena said Tuesday that the bank had no further comment.

The bank's stock traded down slightly on the European exchanges on the news, and closed down 0.84 percent in London, at £4.27 ($8.31).

"It's not a new issue" for UBS, but it is still embarrassing, said Ricardo Kleinbaum, a BNP Paribas analyst who rates European bank debt.

Any fines that the S.E.C. may dole out are expected to be small, compared with UBS's total capital, Mr. Kleinbaum said. But, he added, UBS would have a hard time making an acquisition in the United States right now, because the Federal Reserve would balk at approving the transaction while the S.E.C. is considering civil action.

Regulators, the Department of Justice, shareholders' lawyers and HealthSouth executives have been trying to reconstruct how the fraud was carried out. Congressional investigators have also been looking into UBS's involvement in HealthSouth's accounting. UBS executives testified in Congress last year that they had no knowledge of the fraud.

An investors' suit filed this January contends that UBS and the accounting firm Ernst & Young were aware of the fraud before HealthSouth's financial problems came to light last year. The suit, filed by Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann in New York, cited conversations with an unnamed senior executive at HealthSouth who has since been identified as the chief financial officer, Michael D. Martin.

In June, Mr. Martin was fined and received probation, rather than jail time, because of his cooperation with prosecutors and current HealthSouth executives in unraveling the fraud.

Ernst & Young has not received a Wells notice, an executive close to the accounting firm said on Tuesday.


No body trusts the Swiss Bank
You moron, it was the Swiss bank who filed the case.

Alright, you're obviously a lunatic with no idea of the difference between the prosecution and the judge/jury. No wonder you support Bhutto who believes she runs all 3!

Just for your info..The Swiss Bank filing a case against Bhutto does not mean the Swiss judge is part of the prosecution! duhh :crazy:

The Swiss jury assessed the evidence and came to an independent conclusion that Bhutto was guilty of fraud/corruption. The Swiss judge then announced and sentenced her. The Swiss banks have nothing to do with the case, except to pay for the prosecution. Get a clue about how judiciaries work. This isn't Justice Choudry's law system y'know!!

Feel free to read it again. Where does it say the Swiss Banks had any influence on the case?

"An investigation found several numbered accounts in Switzerland in which more than $11m had been deposited"

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Swiss judge convicts Bhutto

A Swiss magistrate last week found Bhutto, Zardari and their Swiss intermediary guilty of money laundering and handed them a six-month suspended jail sentence, ordering them to return nearly $ 12 million plus a diamond necklace to Pakistan.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - World

Diamond necklaces too bought with illegal, unearned money that could have fed hundreds of people. Great leader indeed!!
Alright, you're obviously a lunatic with no idea of the difference between the prosecution and the judge/jury. No wonder you support Bhutto who believes she runs all 3!

Just for your info..The Swiss Bank filing a case against Bhutto does not mean the Swiss judge is part of the prosecution! duhh :crazy:

The Swiss jury assessed the evidence and came to an independent conclusion that Bhutto was guilty of fraud/corruption. The Swiss judge then announced and sentenced her. The Swiss banks have nothing to do with the case, except to pay for the prosecution. Get a clue about how judiciaries work. This isn't Justice Choudry's law system y'know!!

Feel free to read it again. Where does it say the Swiss Banks had any influence on the case?

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Swiss judge convicts Bhutto

Really where do you get these conclusions from, if the evidance can be made by the Swiss bank I cant see why they wont rule for the Swiss Bank, you bearly no any legal system, and why would you even talk about it when you support a dictatorship.
Really where do you get these conclusions from, if the evidance can be made by the Swiss bank I cant see why they wont rule for the Swiss Bank, you bearly no any legal system, and why would you even talk about it when you support a dictatorship.

The evidence has not been "made" by the Swiss Banks. The prosecution was not the Swiss Banks..it was the Pakistani government. That's why the Swiss were worried about the Pakistani government withdrawing its allegations. But under Swiss law, this doesnt matter. Other questions.

1) Why did the Swiss government freeze Bhutto's accounts?
2) Why is she facing an even more serious corruption charge in Switzerland now on her appeal?
3) Did the Polish government also invent the documents given to courts as part of the case against Bhutto too?

Since Zardari has admitted Rockwood House (8 million dollars) is his, doesnt this kind of suggest Benazir has been lying? Or is this too part of some international conspiracy against poor Bhutto too?

A second international case involving Ms Bhutto is under way in England.

In this case, the government of Pakistan alleged that Ms Bhutto and her husband bought Rockwood, a $3.4m country estate in Surrey, using money from kickbacks.

Ms Bhutto and Mr Zardari denied owning the estate for eight years. But in 2004, Mr Zardari suddenly admitted that it was his.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Foreign cases that could haunt Bhutto
:lol: Interceptor is desperately slinging mud in order to show that his precious PPP leader is not dirty .....It's kind of pathetic....
The Bank that not even the Nazi's nor the Jews nor the Europeans trust and because of this Swiss Bank, Switzerland is not part of Europe, ask any jew ask any German and they never trust the swiss when it comes to money, the BB case of Swiss Bank is just to hide the many cases the Swiss covering up.

wow where did u get this that the world don't trust the swiss banks.you got to be kidding me.

they also became part of UN in 2002.

1960 Switzerland helped to form the European Free Trade Association.

1963 Switzerland joined the Council of Europe.

Germans and Jews don't like swiss for a reason and this isn't the topic to discuss it.
Sorry mate you have not even a leg to stand on when it comes to defending a Politician.
Hello folks and a good morning,
I was one of the biggest supporters of PA after the bloodless coup in the late nintees but watching the aftermath and what mushy did to the already rusty political system and inducted the same corrupt greedy politicians, NAB that was only to blackmail the corrupt politicians, army retired and active officers and Hippocrates, i am no more a supporter even i am a strong opposer of him, May Allah save us from this mushy menace, corruption of all kiind and may peace prevail in our country,


People need to understand.

Benazir -- More corrupt than Musharraf (how much she have looted is beyond imagination!)

Sharif - We all know how much "shareef" he is.

Imran Khan - Probably a better choice, but might lack leadership.

Musharraf - Probably the only person who can do the job... given that power hungry politicians dont interfere.

I respect all of your opinions.

Really where do you get these conclusions from, if the evidance can be made by the Swiss bank I cant see why they wont rule for the Swiss Bank, you bearly no any legal system, and why would you even talk about it when you support a dictatorship.

Ok Interceptro bro,

Tell me about the Palace in surrey county, Both BB and zardari denied of it and finally admitted in 2002 that it is in their posession, where the money is coming from, wake up bro, i admit that Mr ZA Bhutto was the greatest leader Pak had, but BB is not like her father, My dad was a Bhutto admirer but when he saw what BB did to the country, he stopped supporting her, NMuclear programme freezed and rolled back in BB regime, Khalsa movement died because of her, Indian sikhs will never forget that, and there are many more i dont about them, hope you will understand what i am talking about


People need to understand.

Benazir -- More corrupt than Musharraf (how much she have looted is beyond imagination!)

Sharif - We all know how much "shareef" he is.

Imran Khan - Probably a better choice, but might lack leadership.

Musharraf - Probably the only person who can do the job... given that power hungry politicians dont interfere.

I respect all of your opinions.


You keep saying this evry now and then, but u hardly present ant logical reason that why mushy is the "only person who can do the job". Thats probably what mushy and his lota gang thinks, if you are so convinced about this dact then please care to present some ligics here while keeping in vies that it was the Mush who started all this turmoil by removing Chief Justice pf Pakistan. Like many on htis forum i was also a big time supporter of mush when he ousted NS. But his hunger and greed of power while claimimg he is the only person who can save this nation, will only leasd to the emarrassment of the nation, collapse of economy and a total destruction pf our armed forces' moral. I hope this time yu will reply by stating why u think he is the ONLY person who can do the job and not others excluding BB and NS.
Though I don't doubt Musharraf's intentions, I don't have much faith in his administration model.
He's promised that public faith will be restored in the judiciary and police force....lets see how that works out, given the current shambles the system is in.
Ok Interceptro bro,

Tell me about the Palace in surrey county, Both BB and zardari denied of it and finally admitted in 2002 that it is in their posession, where the money is coming from, wake up bro, i admit that Mr ZA Bhutto was the greatest leader Pak had, but BB is not like her father, My dad was a Bhutto admirer but when he saw what BB did to the country, he stopped supporting her, NMuclear programme freezed and rolled back in BB regime, Khalsa movement died because of her, Indian sikhs will never forget that, and there are many more i dont about them, hope you will understand what i am talking about



Let me add one more thing about BB mush. Please all remember that it is this MUSHY who started this process of inviting BB back in Pakistan. Not man ywanted this to happen as many sane persons know what BB did to this nation. So another stab in the hearyt of our lovely country that mushy has brought back a devil. Who s respocsible for this. MUSHY
Well there are of course other candidates, but the realistic option relies on Musharraf himself.

Aitizaz Ahsan
Air Marshal Asghar Khan

etc.. Whatever Musharraf has done has reasons. If you want to discuss those certain issues without engaging in childish remarks like "lota gang", your welcome to do so. I will see your thread, just PM me the link.
Lets hope it will be an emergency of not more than 2-months. I think elections will held during emergency.

over n out.
Corruption can never be a criteria to judge a polticians utlity! Poltics is a risky game, millions take that up as a career but only a handfull has the chance to make the cut, higher the risk higher the reward, ethical or not thats a sad fact.

As far as im concerned i always vote for politicians for what they do the country or constitueny, i dont care about the corruption charges against him. Rajiv gandhi was corrupt but as far as i am concerned he was a good leader, he introduced computers at a time when he was accused of working for the MNC's to steal Indian jobs!!!
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